| 31 January 2015 (USA)
Uncanny Trailers

For ten years, inventor David Kressen has lived in seclusion with his inventions, including Adam, a robot with incredible lifelike human qualities. When reporter Joy Andrews is given access to their unconventional facility, she is alternately repelled and attracted to the scientist and his creation. But as Adam exhibits emergent behavior of anger and jealousy towards her, she finds herself increasingly entangled in a web of deception where no one’s motives are easily decipherable.

Stometer Save your money for something good and enjoyable
BallWubba Wow! What a bizarre film! Unfortunately the few funny moments there were were quite overshadowed by it's completely weird and random vibe throughout.
Hayden Kane There is, somehow, an interesting story here, as well as some good acting. There are also some good scenes
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
jimbo-53-186511 Joy Andrews (Lucy Griffiths) is a reporter who is given the opportunity to spend 7 days with a robotics expert David Kressan (Mark Webber) and his creation Adam (David Clayton Rogers) whom is the most believable and realistic AI that has ever been created - he's an AI that David has lived in isolation with for the last 7 years. Things start to take a turn for the worse when Adam starts to exhibit abnormal and disturbing behaviour towards Joy when it seems that both the AI and its creator begin to develop feelings for the same woman...There are two words that sprung to mind when I was watching this film 'EX MACHINA' and it seems fairly obvious that ANDROID borrows quite heavily from this film. Both films cover the same theme of developing an AI that is capable of fooling humans and with an AI that is more self-aware than its creator imagines or believes.The problems with Android begin at a very early stage with the initial story set-up; the dialogue that is exchanged between the characters is mind-boggling and contains words that only scientists or members of MENSA are likely to be able to understand. I got the feeling that this was included at the start of the film to try and make it seem clever (which in retrospect becomes laughable when you learn of the simplistic plotting). The poor dialogue and lack of much happening in the first half makes for a fairly slow opener (although those for a penchant for Chess will be well catered for here).The second half is better if only because it has some life to it and has more going for it; there is a battle between the AI and its creator and the power struggle between the two is interesting, but whilst it is interesting it's never really a story that grips or involves (mainly because it offers nothing that we haven't seen before). It's difficult to critique performances in a film focusing on AI as naturally some performers are going to be 'cough cough' slightly robotic; this is the case for Webber and Rogers for the most part although Rogers fares best out of the two men (but in fairness this is because he is given more to work with). Griffiths is given the role of the most 'normal' person, but she works the role well giving a rather natural performance, but she's able to flex her acting chops later in the film.The end result of all this is a rather poor film with little in the way of originality or surprises and with its rather dull and dialogue-heavy first half it makes for an uneven film which sadly, for the most part, is fairly uninvolving. It's very similar to Ex Machina and even though I thought that film was overrated and had its fair share of problems I would still pick that film over this one.
petercafe For such a modest budget in comparison to The later Alex Garland movie 'Ex Machina', I found it to be a fantastically, realistic interpretation of how a scientist who has been isolated from society with such a "single purpose" focus on such a daunting and complex task, may be in actuality. Sure, no "society destroying, death to humans" Skynet, and nowhere near the cinematic beauty or romance of 'Blade Runner'... Instead, a bare bolts, the "real life" way it would more than likely undergo introduction to outside human interaction and testing, vision of the creation of such an amazing level of A.I. And a great credit to both Matthew Leutwyler and Shahin Chandrasoma.
Reno Rangan Probably this is the breakthrough the director was looking for. A limited cast low budget science fiction drama. All the faces were fresh, I liked them, but should have been a little better. I won't deny that I enjoyed watching it, but I can't say it is a very clever screenplay. Because it was slightly comparable to 'Ex Machina', though the story derives when we had a conception like 'what if'. Just like 'Big Stan' and 'Get Hard', though this film was planned before 'Ex Machina' and sadly released after it.The story of a journalist who interviews a scientist who developed an advanced AI. A week long interaction and when the final day arrives something terrible happens, that's going to flip the story you had seen so far. The whole film was shot inside a large house, there is no outside world, except in one scene which takes us to the terrace. I did not figure it out the secret, but I kind thought of it, so when it happened at the end I was not surprised.For a B movie, it is a great quality. If you want to check it out a second string films, this is not a bad one to consider. There is no major, any impactable graphics to the narration, but in most of the crucial section was managed well. So the production quality is much better than I expected and so the overall film. Nowadays it is a very common for filmmakers to choose the robot theme in drama, but how good their film would be is our question and this one passed the test.6/10
Karmen11 Make sure you watch with attention, and to the very end, and oh, do you make it a habit of watching through the credits? This film will leave you speechless! If you love SF and want to see something new, something not done quite like this before, you're at the right place! The actors did an amazing job as well, very very convincing. ;) For example, I didn't like the way one of the characters treated the AI. So what if he was a robot, wouldn't he have benefited more if she didn't treat him like one? Like with children with disabilities, I always treat them as I treat the children without. As much as possible. They benefit from this approach way more and it just feels better! So I would treat an AI like this one as a human too. I liked him more than the inventor from the start. I was fascinated imagining he was real (like in real life lol). He was handsomer too. :D If you watch attentively, you will notice some hints that will lave you wondering. But I have to admit, I totally fell a victim to the illusion. Until that one revealing scene at the end, I just couldn't believe it! :D And then that final, very last scene, like how!!?? That is just not possible lol. But it is. B-) What a brilliant movie! If you search the film later you might find some possible explanations on things you missed noticing. Or visit the film's social media page. I read an interview where the director says its more a movie for the tech-savvy, but Im not and didn't feel like it was. But it felt real and the fact that those are facts (lol) made it even more real I guess. This film is a true refreshment in the world of SF and it's a 10/10 from me!!! And th eEx-Machina everyone keeps blabbing about? Pffft, this movie is far better!