The Transporter Refueled
The Transporter Refueled
PG-13 | 04 September 2015 (USA)
The Transporter Refueled Trailers

The fast-paced action movie is again set in the criminal underworld in France, where Frank Martin is known as The Transporter, because he is the best driver and mercenary money can buy. In this installment, he meets Anna and they attempt to take down a group of ruthless Russian human traffickers who also have kidnapped Frank’s father.

Inadvands Boring, over-political, tech fuzed mess
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Crwthod A lot more amusing than I thought it would be.
DipitySkillful an ambitious but ultimately ineffective debut endeavor.
metz123 Simply put - there was no reason for this movie ever to have been made. Therefore, there's no reason for anyone to ever watch it. That is all.The plot is non existent, the acting is wooden, the fight scenes are anything but. There's no chase scene, I'm shocked it cost $25 million to make this garbage, most of the budget must have been spent on travel to exotic locations, only to film the inside of warehouses. If the actors got more than guild minimum, they were over paid. They certainly couldn't have spent money in a script because there wasn't one. Maybe the entire budget went to wig rentals. They should have spent it on dental work for the lead.
michael-3204 This competent attempt to reboot (or refuel, as it were) the "Transporter" franchise finds Ed Skrein in the unenviable position of trying to replace Jason Statham, which is basically impossible. Still, Skrein does fine with the role and he's more than ably assisted by Ray Stevenson as Transporter Dad. In fact, the only real chemistry generated between any of the cast members is between Skrein and Stevenson, who have an easy, laconic rapport and manage to add sparkle to relatively mundane dialogue. They are a more engaging pair than, say, Harrison Ford and Shia Le Beouf in their Indiana Jones pairing. The rest of the cast is stuck playing cardboard femme fatales and generic bad guys, mainly of the Eastern European or Russian variety.This is produced and co-written by Luc Besson, who has this kind of film down to a science, for better and for worse. There isn't much that is new and exciting here -- director Camille Delamarre doesn't really add anything obvious to the mix, but certainly keeps things moving. There are a couple of good action set-pieces, in particular a car chase (one of many, of course) that involves a roundabout and fire hydrants, and a hallway fight (one of many, of course) between two rows of safety deposit boxes. There is not a lot else that made me sit up and take notice, but the nicely shot, pretty French Riviera scenery and twisty plot was engaging enough to make this a perfectly reasonable way to spend 90 minutes.
amesmonde Former special-operations mercenary Frank Martin assists a prostitute Anna and her accomplices Gina, Maria and Qiaobring take down a human trafficker in order to save his father, Frank Martin Senior.Director Camille Delamarre's The Transporter Refueled has a handful of decent stunts and action sequences, one of which involving a fight in a car park where Frank leaves his car in drive. But considering Delamarre is an acclimated editor there's lot of stand-out continuity errors and Frank's retrieving a key brawl scene would have been more effective if left on the cutting room floor as it diminishes the harder aforementioned punch up. A Good Day to Die Hard henchman Radivoje Bukvić as Arkady Karasov gives the film some weight. With one liners, tongue and cheek humour Ray Stevenson steals the show as Frank Martin Sr. from Ed Skrein's Frank Martin Jr. There's a good A-Team scene where Stevenson's using everyday items, including cobwebs and sugar tends to a gunshot wound. But you sense that there was a draft version of The Transporter Refueled where Jason Statham was on board. Notable is Tatiana Pajkovic as Maria who has exceptional screen presence, there's a fine set up where her and Stevenson's Martin Sr. hijack a plane which goes awry. Actresses Noémie Lenoir, Gabriella Wright and lead Loan Chabanol as Anna are all effective but there's no getting away from Delamarre's eye that appears to be more concerned with the flesh and skirt on display, amping up the music score and colour timing. It feels forced and staged rather than fluid as it goes from one set up to the next with little consequence or consideration not even for safe sex. That's one of the issues with Karasov's offering while has a South of France location and a beautiful looking cast its all superficial and the shadow of Statham hangs over it. Maybe The Transporter Refueled would have worked better tweaked as a generic father son action film rather than a reboot of a sleeper hit series.Overall, possibly worth watching for Stevenson elder Frank and Tatiana Pajkovic.
ceebee-19051 We enjoyed the first three movies, and were looking forward to see how the franchise reboot worked out.Deep meaningful characters? no. Completely unpredictable ending? no.Lots of car chases? yes. Cute girls? yes. A little tongue-in-cheek? yes. Would you go to the cinema to see it? no. Rent it? absolutely.Great for an evening where you want to relax and be entertained without too much (typical American movie) moral baggage and just enjoy some semi-violent fun.Great fun - will watch the next one if/when it comes out.