Why Stop Now?
Why Stop Now?
R | 17 August 2012 (USA)
Why Stop Now? Trailers

When a college piano prodigy tries to check his mother into rehab, he is taken hostage by her drug dealer and swept along on a wild adventure.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
Odelecol Pretty good movie overall. First half was nothing special but it got better as it went along.
Luecarou What begins as a feel-good-human-interest story turns into a mystery, then a tragedy, and ultimately an outrage.
Isbel A terrific literary drama and character piece that shows how the process of creating art can be seen differently by those doing it and those looking at it from the outside.
Morad Elshehabi This is just bad! acting, script, directing the movie .. you name it .. it's all bad. There is a scene while the mother is driving the car and talking to her son in the back seat after they leave the restaurant. This scene drew the line! Check the gross income of the movie it's around $2000 . This just tells you how bad it is. There is nothing here that you may be looking for. Not the comedy, not the little "crazy" moments when everything gets messed up and hilarious and definitely not the drama. I don't know what else to say but you seriously wasting time if you are planning to watch this thing. And I honestly don't know how it got some positive reviews cuz this is beyond disagreeing in opinions this is a movie that you don't expect anyone to rate 8!!! or even 6!!! I enjoy movie like pineapple express .. comedy based on circumstances and main characters getting themselves in trouble but this is awful. Just don't watch... or watch and come back telling me "you were right"
thismenu SPOILER: IT SUCKED.I wanted to stop watching this movie when the mother was driving and not paying attention to the road for what I guess was supposed to be comedy... but I really wanted to write a review so I kept on watching. Please do not let my sacrifice be in vein and - do NOT see this movie.The writers must have thought "What would a stupid person do in this situation? OK.. How can we make it worse?"The main character keeps telling his mother to "Shut up! - Just shut up!" throughout the entire movie. It made me hate him right from the start. The best actor in the movie was a sock puppet who's story must have been half edited out. Ever seen Jesse Eisenberg act? Neither have I. When he is in any movie, he plays "Jesse Eisenberg repeats lines from the script." He's exactly the same in every movie. He's like the Kevin Costner of neuritic Jews, only not as good an actor.If you do decide to see this movie, you may want to keep sharp objects like pencils out of reach because you may want to puncture your ear drums and stab your eyes out.I would rather get tied down and get Ludovicoed into watching the Fox News Channel for 10 hours than to have to watch this turd again.
mek8630 I thought the movie was horrible. I thought it would be funny, but actually it wasn't funny at all. They were trying hard to be funny, but just wasn't happening. One of the other reviewers thought that maybe the rating would start going up, but if anything I would say it will either stay the same or go down. I couldn't even hardly finish the movie, I was so bored and annoyed. I hadn't liked it thru it's entirety. That Jesse whatever his last name is, isn't funny, and actually I get pretty irritated just listening to him. He acts the same in every movie he is in. The mother in the movie is annoying; actually I could just sum this up by saying all of the actors in the movie are annoying. Honestly I wish I would have picked a different movie, so anyone that's thinking about watching this movie, I'd pass, go on to something else.
TheRCA88 This was one of those little gems that come around every now and then. Why Stop Now tells the story of a young man auditioning for a music conservatory, but before that he has to check his mother into rehab. In order for that to happen, though, she needs dirty urine. When the two have a run in with his mother's drug dealer, he kidnaps them for the day so he can obtain drugs from a Spanish speaking supplier (the son speaks fluent Spanish). Everything that ensues afterwords leads the group down a hilarious and sometimes dramatic road. The writing in this film is very sharp and original. The characters are written beautifully, and The actors really go to different places with them. This film is fresh, original, and carries a heavy heart. Tracy Morgan gives his best performance yet as Sprinkles, an ex high school runner who got injured, so he entered The drug dealing world with his business partner, Black. This is a must see, everyone check it out. Perfect dramedy.