This Means War
This Means War
PG-13 | 17 February 2012 (USA)
This Means War Trailers

Two top CIA operatives wage an epic battle against one another after they discover they are dating the same woman.

Lovesusti The Worst Film Ever
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
buonoj A workaholic woman and 2 bored CIA operatives. What could go wrong. A fun movie not to be taken seriously. Good popcorn movie.
Troy Putland Male viewers want to watch the latest action movie. Female audiences would rather see a romantic comedy (as the stereotypes go). How do you keep both genders happily entertained with one film? By mixing the genres together, and with This Means war, it pays off. Reese Witherspoon's Lauren is the centre of attention. She's blissfully unaware that the two men she's dating happen to be best friends. She carefully juggles woman down-on-her-luck with the strong woman to aspire to (for the women, only). Pals and partners FDR (Chris Pine) and Tuck (Tom Hardy) bring the action, but their initial mission takes a back seat as they wage war against each other for her affection. FDR is the confident, often cocky type and Tuck is the silent, kind hearted British type. They eavesdrop on Lauren's conversations to win her over. This opens up an intelligent scene that sees Witherspoon dancing around her apartment making popcorn whilst Pine and Hardy expertly place cameras when she's not looking. As highly entertaining as their squabble is, it's foolish that they're allowed to use the CIA's resources to spy on each other. Blah blah's villain is wasted, Chelsea Handler is hilarious as Witherspoon's mad friend and potential competition between the agents could be used elsewhere, but This Means War is still an entertaining, funny watch thanks to its dogmatic love triangle.Check out my other reviews on
Terryfan I'm just one of those fans of movies who try to look past the junk and see the treasure while I didn't find any with This Mean Wars.I actually found This Means War quite entertaining. The plot centers around Foster (Played by Chris Pine) and Tuck (Played by Tom Hardy) who are best friends while working for the CIA however they begin dating the same girl Lauren (Played by Reese Witherspoon).Which leads us to a series of events where both men try to get the girl.Now the plot is not something we haven't seen before but it is worth while to watch. Chris and Tom and Reese play off well with their characters that they play and given us quite some comedy moments which when I watch I got some good kicks out of it. So yeah I went into this film without knowing or even seen a trailer for it Sure the film isn't perfect but considering what I have seen in the last few years this one is actually worth my time because I found it funny and entertaining. Plus I like Reese, Tom and Chris' performances in the film.Overall if you're looking for a film that is a comedy and something different then could be your film.I give This Mean Wars an 7 out of 10Of Course You Know This Means War!
Adam Peters (9%) Three big name stars take more than a couple of steps back in terms of respect as human beings to earn their pay-cheques in this lousy, everything wrong with mainstream Hollywood garbage. I remember this being out in cinemas at a time when my local multiplex had a hugely discounted offer meaning it was actually cheaper to see a new film such as this on the big screen than it was to rent a 4-9 month old one for the small screen at home. And to be honest I'm glad I paid a visit to Blockbuster (R.I.P) and walked out with less change in my pocket than pay a little less to sit through this trash. Chris Pine's character could have been played by almost anyone, Tom Hardy has the look of a man who knows without doubt that he's wasting his time, and Reese Witherspoon's lines largely amount to "oh my god!" over and over again. It's all a bit like watching clearly talented people all huddled around a dirty side-street giggling to themselves as they poke at road kill with a stick, only McG's there too dribbling onto himself while standing next to a sack of rotting dog corpses with his penis hanging out. This is a terrible, head thumpingly bad movie, with an awful half-arsed script, phoned-in performances, overblown and very fake looking action, and one of the worst unfunny bum note endings ever to land on a movie producer's desk.