Man on a Ledge
Man on a Ledge
PG-13 | 27 January 2012 (USA)
Man on a Ledge Trailers

An ex-cop turned con threatens to jump to his death from a Manhattan hotel rooftop. The NYPD dispatch a female police psychologist to talk him down. However, unbeknownst to the police on the scene, the suicide attempt is a cover for the biggest diamond heist ever pulled.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
CrawlerChunky In truth, there is barely enough story here to make a film.
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Tkbn3812 Man On A Ledge may not have gotten stellar reviews from critics, and it may not be perfect, but it's an adequate enough action-thriller film that should keep viewers entertained for two hours. The premise of the movie seems simple enough at first. An escaped fugitive threatens to jump off a building in New York, capturing the attention of everyone beneath him on the streets and all the police. He's doing this so that no one notices a robbery he has cooked up being undertaken just across the street.Of course, the plot is a fair deal more complicated than that. The man has conspired to steal a jewel from the building across the road to prove that he didn't steal the jewel two years earlier...yes, it's a very confusing plot premise. It's one of the main reasons that many found these film unappealing; its unbelievable plot.But the film is more enjoyable if you try ignore the unbelievable plot. The premise of a man threatening to jump off a building is played with well, keeping us engaged in the film. Sure, it is stretched out quite a bit, but it's played with just well enough that the audience doesn't get bored. We are reminded of his presence just enough that we don't forget about him and not so much that it feels forced.The acting isn't exactly stellar, with Sam Worthington, playing the main character, feeling a little dull at times. Regardless, his character is engaging enough, his character's raw desperation coming across clearly in the way Worthington acts. Despite the confusion it's hard not to feel even a bit of sympathy for his character, for reasons divulged as the movie progresses.The action scenes are what give the film its edge. The man on the ledge is juggled cleverly with the heist going on in the building across the street. Action throughout the film is slow at first, but the scenes gradually speed up, becoming more enjoyable and gripping as the film climaxes, until the satisfying ending.Honestly, the film isn't flawless, but it's a fun enough watch. If you aren't one to overlook plot holes, not-so- stellar acting and an unbelievable story, then this isn't the film for you. But casual viewers and action-lovers will be entertained. It has engaging action scenes and an interesting heist that no doubt should keep the most action- thirsty among us satisfied for two hours.
Corey James This movie is epic I was on the edge of my seat while watching this. Sam Worthington plays Nick Cassidy in this crime thriller. I was speechless I had my my hands on my chin wondering what will happen next. This is one of my favourite movies. I recommend anyone to watch it.I watched it from start to finish without pausing because I wanted to see what will happen next. When it ended I thought to my self "Is that it?" Watch this film the end it will leave you wanting more.the end.
Nicole C At first, I was not engaged in the start of the film at all. It felt like it took a bit too long to get started and I almost turned it off. But I guess the beginning was a much needed exposition for the story to carry on. The story got much more interesting after Cassidy got onto the ledge and we realize that something else is happening and that he is just the diversion.The acting was pretty good, I believed that they were their characters. I would have like a bit more background on Mercer to get a more in depth picture of her character, and is she a detective or a police psychologist? The dialogue between Cassidy and Mercer was good though and clearly showed how they bonded quickly.It was also pretty exciting and a little thrilling watching the brother and his girlfriend break into the vault. The juxtaposition of Cassidy on the ledge and the other Cassidy breaking into the building across the street created this rising sense of suspense. The effects were on point too. Not too much but enough to be believable.I did not really like the ending. But the closure scene surprised me and that was a good addition.Read more movie reviews at
Sandcooler "Man On A Ledge" is one of those movies that uses up all its ammo in the first fifteen minutes. The opening is really quite good. We immediately get to the ledge, which saves on boring exposition and makes for a very atmospheric first couple of scenes. Why is the guy on the ledge there, why does he specifically want the one negotiator that keeps messing up? Do they have a history, did she drive him to the ledge? But then they just flick the switch and you get a by the numbers heist movie. The brother character adds very little, and his whole storyline would have worked better as an ending twist than as the plot's motor. There's just no surprise anymore after the first fifteen minutes, you know exactly what's going to happen and when. When we FINALLY get to the grand finale, things really get downright kooky. This "average everyday guy" suddenly goes Schwarzie on us and casually jumps from ledge to ledge, it could be so bad it's funny but the action set pieces are so stale that you just feel tired while watching them. The only thing that keeps you watching is Ed Harris' fantastic performance as the baddie, he's way underused but he steals every scene. Apart from that, this is as average as they come.