R | 07 February 1986 (USA)
F/X Trailers

A movies special effects man is hired by a government agency to help stage the assassination of a well known gangster. When the agency double cross him, he uses his special effects to trap the gangster and the corrupt agents.

Noutions Good movie, but best of all time? Hardly . . .
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
Fairaher The film makes a home in your brain and the only cure is to see it again.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Ian (Flash Review)This movie is like walking on early winter lake ice, don't jump too hard or you may fall through sketchy plot 'holes'. zing. This is one of those movies that is mildly entertaining yet if you try, you can get hung up on various odd plot points/holes. Overall, this has a rather unique and clever story approach wrapped in sub-standard 80's production quality which isn't typically a high bar. The protagonist, Rollie, is a top tier movie special effects artist and is recruited by the FBI to help stage an assassination to more easily place a person into witness protection. Rollie not only ends up in a leading role of his own real yet fake movie stunt but gets more than he bargained for. Will he be able to use his unique creativity to get himself out of a sticky situation? This movie was detective based with several twists and turns. Has some clever 80's effects scenes yet at times feels cheap with some questionable director decisions and ho-hum car chases. This also has one of the WORST acting efforts I've ever seen by the 2nd supporting female actress. She only says a few short lines but her delivery is simply laughable.
Fluke_Skywalker There's some great potential in the basic premise of this 80s cult hit conspiracy "thriller", but unfortunately its wasted by its rather shoddy execution. The first act is fairly intriguing, but things quickly begin to unravel after the plot has been hatched and by the end there are plot holes big enough to drive a semi-truck through.Bryan Brown never quite finds his footing as our supposed hero, and then suddenly the film shoves Brian Dennehy into the mix and Brown's character suddenly finds himself in a timeshare that serves to undermine not only his character, but the entire story.The final act fails to tie the whole conspiracy up in a satisfying way, and the end is flat-out ridiculous. All in all, 'F/X' is a big disappointment that doesn't live up to its hype.
Michael Neumann A clever idea becomes, under director Robert Mandel's pedestrian supervision, a mechanical thriller able to stay one short step ahead of the viewer. The best way to appreciate it (and this is obvious very early in the film) is to simply throw disbelief to the wind and settle back to enjoy watching movie special effects (F/X) wizard Bryan Brown use his trade to evade corrupt government agents who want him dead to remove all evidence of…but why go on? None of it makes any sense, least of all the incongruous aerial tour of the Swiss Alps over the end credits. But the film is quick, has an engaging protagonist, and features reliable scene-stealer Brian Dennehy in the requisite cop role. If it all seems a shade too conventional just remember the telltale exchange of dialogue in the opening scene, when Brown's actress girlfriend sighs, "No one wants to see movies about people anymore…" You don't say.
no-skyline Bryan Brown and Brian Dennehey star in this tale of an FX man hired to fake the death of a mob boss. But when the 'hit' is carried out was it really a fake? Our hero is left to find out using his FX skills to investigate.I hadn't seen this movie for a number of years but caught it on TV a few nights ago and the first thing that struck me was how dark and serious this movie is in places. I won't spoil it but there are some surprisingly violent scenes and there are a couple of fatalities you just don't expect. Its a gripping movie and the suspense keeps up through out Bryan Brown makes an engaging and down to earth hero the FX tricks are pretty cool if a little silly at times. Brian Denehhey is as ever reliable in the supporting role whats surprising is that I didn't realise how little time Brown and Denehhey appear together on screen in this film.The main cast returned for a sequel which was entertaining but not as good as the first.Definitely worth a watch 7.5/10