I Hate Valentine's Day
I Hate Valentine's Day
PG-13 | 27 June 2009 (USA)
I Hate Valentine's Day Trailers

A love story set in Manhattan, where a florist who abides by a strict five-date-limit with any man finds herself wanting more with the new restaurateur in town.

Hellen I like the storyline of this show,it attract me so much
Mjeteconer Just perfect...
Taraparain Tells a fascinating and unsettling true story, and does so well, without pretending to have all the answers.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Erika Branch You've got the typical plot line of "I don't want a relationship...oh wait no, I like you". Except the lead role is a woman who has a face that is stuck on a clown smile and she awkwardly loves everything. Every character is a stereotype that was poorly portrayed. You have the douchebag friend who only wants to bang every woman mentioned and the two gay guys who are the back up friends. The whole movie is a big pile of cliché'. It's a little painful to watch. I wouldn't waste any money on it.
westerfield I admit it. I'm a hopeless romantic. I proposed to my wife within a month of meeting her and we were married within 4 months. After 42 years of marriage we still hold hands over the dinner table, say "I love you" dozens of times a day and still weep tears of joy when we look into each others eyes. If you do the same, this film is for you.I Hate Valentine's Day is formulaic, predictable and lacks truly original characters. But what it lacks in these areas it makes up for in schmaltz. If you weep at silly love stories you'll weep for this one. If you smile when true love blossoms you'll smile here. On the other hand if you sneer at Capracorn like the second male lead, you'll sneer here. Personally, I wouldn't care to know the reviewers who give this film 1 or 2 stars.
DiamondGirl427 When I saw this film advertised, I thought it would be fun to see sometime...but it disappeared from theaters near me quickly. Now I see why...after watching some of it on Showtime. What a YAWN fest. I kept waiting for it to get better..but it never did. I like John Corbett..but he seems to play the same guy character in every film he is in. Here..he often looks bored or uninterested in many of his scenes. Nia was wonderful in My Big Fst Greek Wedding...but here she is annoying with her sweet as syrup smile being way over done. It reminded me of a high school coming of age movie...only with over 30 year olds playing the main parts. They just cannot just date...they have to analyze every moment after it has happened..why? They go out..they have fun and laugh a lot at silly(and stupid..)stuff that happens to and around them. Isn't that enough? Then add 2 over the top gay guys who work in her florist shop...how original there..and it gets even more lame. They obviously enjoyed having sex...why act so weird afterwards? But..no..he doesn't call her..and she gets mad even though she has a no more than 5 dates rule. Whatever..it is slow moving and tiring to watch. I would have expected better from both stars in this thing.
KineticSeoul This really isn't terrible as some people are claiming it to be, yeah it isn't a great romantic comedy but it isn't a boring one either. So it's basically about a girl named Genevieve Gernier who has this philosophy of never dating more than five times and never keeping a long term relationship until she meets a guy named Greg Gatlin who owns a restaurant near her flower shop. And yes these 40 yr old protagonists who acts immature and stupid at times, but it didn't get to the point of it getting so very annoying. I personally think it's cause of the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" which is probably a better romantic comedy that Genevieve Gernier is in is why this film is probably taking a lot of bashing for. Anyways yeah it's silly, it's stupid, and it's unrealistic, but I personally didn't think it was terrible and it did have it's moments. I mean I was entertained for most of it, despite it's flaws.5.8/10