You May Not Kiss the Bride
You May Not Kiss the Bride
PG-13 | 05 April 2011 (USA)
You May Not Kiss the Bride Trailers

Bryan, an unassuming pet photographer has action and adventure thrust upon him when he is forced to wed Masha, a Croatian crime lord's daughter, and she is subsequently kidnapped while on their honeymoon in a tropical paradise.

SpuffyWeb Sadly Over-hyped
GazerRise Fantastic!
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
kandit1 This movie is very predictable and is so from early on. Versions of it have been done plenty of times before. Here is a quick summary: Photographer almost kills cat of Mafia boss's wife. Croatian mafia boss (more on that later) gives man choice to die or marry daughter (who speaks perfect English) to get her a green card. Man agrees to marriage. Woman kidnapped during honeymoon. Man saves woman. They fall in love with each other. The End.Now to the Croatian aspect of the movie. As a Croatian, I didn't have a problem with a mafia boss being from Croatia as their are bad people in all countries but at least the filmmakers could have made a real effort. The names were all wrong, the accents were all wrong, the music was all wrong, Croatians don't make borscht and the coffee is actually very good. Half of Europe could tell you the above.If you think of calling your mom first after a legitimate death threat is something you would do and she would suggest you get married because she wants grandchildren would be her answer, then this is the movie for you. It was not for me.
terrsgc I am glad to see they are still making decent movies in this genre (Romantic Comedy Blended with Action/Adventure). One Sunday I noticed this movie was airing on MoviePlex, and even though it was already a few minutes into the movie I gave it a watch. (I came in at the wedding.) I'd never heard of this movie or the two lead actors, and I expected it to be pretty bad. I was mistaken. The story was a bit silly, but nonetheless allowed for suspension of disbelief. Once the key event occurred and the action commenced, the pace was maintained pretty well with just enough laughs mixed in with the action to keep me on the couch and pleasantly entertained until it was over. It wouldn't (and didn't) win any Oscars, but it was far from a waste of two hours.ACTING I had never heard of their names, but I quickly recognized the lead actress and actor from their TV work. They both did well as movie leads. I was surprised to see the two of them backed up by bigger names like Tia Carrere and Rob Schneider, along with Mena Suvari and Vinnie Jones. Everyone performed their roles well. I like Rob Schneider, but I usually don't like his movies. That's because a little Rob Schneider goes a long way and you usually get way too much. We got just the right amount of Rob Schneider in this one.OTHER This was not a low-budget movie. It was filmed in a gorgeous Tahitian setting, and the cinematography, chase sequences, and helicopter effects were outstanding.FOR PARENTS There is nothing in this movie that should keep most parents from letting their kids see it. While there are SOME amorous antics, they are extremely tame. The language is G rated as well. The main protagonists have decent morals, and one of their allies' lesser morals are depicted as silly. Vet the show if you feel you are a little stricter than mainstream.
daysky This movie had one of the most unrealistic plots I have ever seen... such as a very conveniently located canoe. That said, I watched the whole thing...So basically it is watchable: even cute at moments, incredibly dumb at othersA high point is the island... it is gorgeousIt actually made me consider a career in scriptwriting... I know I can write at this level for sure!Keep your expectations low, and you won't be disappointed Actually, if you watch it with your boyfriend, he will probably enjoy it if he likes action scenes and crude humor (just a few things, but for me they detracted from the already flimsy story in my opinion)
Hanish Sharma I was randomly searching movies in comedy genre when a found this one ... i liked the title ... so decided to see it ... I had very few expectations from it ... but as the movie progressed i fell in love with the characters ... Both the lead actors r very cute and fit perfectly in their role ... the location chosen for the shooting is out of this world ... its not a brilliant movie , i should tell u ... but u can have a good time watching it in your free time ... it'll lighten u up ... i found it much better than movies which uses vulgar words or situations to bring out the humor ...Don't think too much about the research work , the plot and the reasoning ... production team has not put much effort on that ... but come on , after all its a movie NOT a science project ... So just sit back and relax ... Have a good time .... after all thats what movies r made for :)