Van Wilder 2: The Rise of Taj
Van Wilder 2: The Rise of Taj
R | 01 December 2006 (USA)
Van Wilder 2: The Rise of Taj Trailers

Taj Mahal Badalandabad leaves Coolidge College behind for the halls of Camford University in England, where he looks to continue his education, and teach an uptight student how to make the most out of her academic career.

Rijndri Load of rubbish!!
Libramedi Intense, gripping, stylish and poignant
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Numerootno A story that's too fascinating to pass by...
Wizard-8 I really can't figure out why anyone figured that there would be an audience for a sequel to "Van Wilder", considering that the original movie didn't exactly set the box office on fire, and was simply a bad movie. Whatever the reasons might be, we have this sequel, and it is abysmal. To be fair, not everything about it is terrible. The main character of the movie, Taj, is portrayed as a warm and likable fellow, and this appealing character is complimented by a amiable performance by Kal Penn. Apart from Taj, however, the movie is terrible. The movie is extremely predictable - I successfully predicted numerous gags and plot twists before they were actually executed on screen. The script is also bad when it comes to fleshing out the supporting characters. Taj's mates are barely constructed, and the main villain of the movie is just a retread of the standard campus jerk you've seen in other college movies before. Worst of all is the fact the movie isn't the least bit funny. Before making this movie, the filmmakers should have taken a refresher course at film school.
vhs1999 Having just seen this movie i have to say that i liked it better than the original. What i liked about it was that the jokes may have been sex related but like the first one they were mild and didn't seem to have to go over the top like the first one did. As an example the dog in the first that joke about cutting of his parts below was disgusting and should not of been allowed on film. In this film there was none of that it was just a casual teen story and nothing over the top. I also loved that they set the location in england which was also good as there are to many teen flicks set in the USA.If you love films like American pie and accepted then you will enjoy this.
karansandeep I see there are few very bad reviews on this movie. I think most of these reviews have come from British viewers who did not like mockery of themselves. I understand it is hard sometime to see the mockery of yourself, specially if you the one who mocks others. Well this is 21st century and British are no more ruling the world. Face it man.Rise of the Taj is quite a fair reflection of a confident Indian facing the British with confidence and pride. It is also a reflection of the fact that Britain is still divided into two classes the cynical asshole snobs ( who wouldn't mind of conquer the world again) and the liberal class who accepts everyone one in the British Society with open arms.One bad thing I would like to say about this movie is the ending. The characters of Taj's parents were really not required. They were bit pushy with their comic. The ending could have been also a little sensible.All in all it is a good movie and I recommend people from both Britain and India to see the movie. For British viewers I would only like to say please enjoy the pun and don't draw conclusions.
hollymell Considering how funny Van Wilder's Party Liaison was and that the character of Taj was great in it you would expect more from this follow up. It's basically Americans having a laugh at the English the college is a mix of Oxford and Cambridge with toffy nosed types trying to dupe the American. He ends up with a cockney slag, a geek and a drunken Irishman and boosts their confidence. Taj falls for the toffy nosed boys girlfriend and inevitably she falls for him. Predictable, not funny...In fact Taj is the only good thing in the whole movie the rest of the the "never heard ofs" are dire. Not worth the movie cost to rent it. Believe me