A Ghost Story
A Ghost Story
R | 07 July 2017 (USA)
A Ghost Story Trailers

Recently deceased, a white-sheeted ghost returns to his suburban home to console his bereft wife, only to find that in his spectral state he has become unstuck in time, forced to watch passively as the life he knew and the woman he loves slowly slip away.

Lucybespro It is a performances centric movie
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
Kaelan Mccaffrey Like the great film, it's made with a great deal of visible affection both in front of and behind the camera.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
cjfraser-41223 I can see an incredible amount of people calling this film slow and pretentious. And while I'd definitely agree with the former, I found the film far to simple and mesmerising to be considered pretentious.The movies first 30 minutes or so is definitely slow with extremely long takes with nothing noticeably important happening. And while watching each of these long takes you will definitely find yourself, as I did, wondering what the point of it is. But the film won me over one shot at a time, for example the scene starts, it's slow moving and honestly boring to Begin with, but by the end of it you see the purpose in the way it makes you feel and that's really what the movies about.Anytime I found myself becoming bored I grew to trust the film to win me back and show me that there was a purpose to what I just watched, and without fail the film always kept me interested in where it was going and I new it would find an interesting way to take me there.I often find that I can be a bit nihilistic in life in general and I definitely see (at least in my interpretation anyway) there's a theme of nihilism throughout the movie which honestly is probably why I enjoyed it so much and why I found it so entertaining. After the first 30 to 40 minutes the film does know that if it wants to keep your attention it's going to have to do something different, and it does. The shots gradually get shorter, there is eventually changes in setting and people start to come and go and things that are set up earlier get to show there purpose and give context to earlier scenes that at first may of seemed pretentious.This is a really hard movie to know who to recommend to so all I can say is give it a shot. Sit down, turn off your phone and the lights, and form your own opinion on it.
mlconde-18208 Do not spend your entertainment dollar here. Insufferable, self-indulgent crap. Recommend to someone you don't like but be prepared, you will here about it. Rented with several persons. Unanimous decision to turn it off and make another purchase after 15 minutes. I watched the next day out of curiosity to see if we were missing something. Nope. Just more of the same. 90 minutes watching a ghost (literally a person with a sheet over his head) watch the mundane day to day life of the occupants of a particular area. Yawn. Almost no dialogue. No interaction. Nothing. Yes, very sad, man dies, wife misses man. Ghost of man doesn't move on. Interesting for 5 minutes. How did this movie make it into release? And the positive reviews from actual critics!?! Should put questions in your minds when regarding their motives in making their reviews. But don't take my word for it. Have a party. Start the film. Let the wise cracks and laughter commence.
sear_linda I found this movie on Netflix, thinking, 'ooooh, good, a recent movie out about ghosts, something I have a keen interest in. But GOD, it's slow to start, almost every scene there's either no dialogue at all, or very little-there is very little action to keep your interest. I was hoping for a modern day 'Ghost' (Patrick Swayze and Demi Moore) movie with a main character who suddenly dies fairly young, and how the woman he leaves behind deals with her grief, while eventually realizing that his spirit is still with her. Nope...this movie doesn't go into that kind of plot line. You will be struggling to continue watching, because it's one big dull bore! I found that the pie eating scene where it shows his widow stressfully eating a pie for 6-7 minutes ridiculously long. The sequence of scenes like this takes more than twice as long as a scene in normal movie scenes does. And once he 'rises from the dead' on the hospital gurney and after his widow leaves, he continues to wear the death sheet that had covered him, all throughout the rest of the movie. It's rather reminiscent of when Charlie Brown goes out on Halloween night in a ghost sheet, complete with circles cut out for the eyes. Ridiculous! It even stands looking out the window, sees a ghost also draped in a white sheet also looking out through it's house's window nearby, and they 'communicate' via sub titles.Other scenes are rather strange and completely disconnected from the storyline. Like when he's STILL in the house, STILL wearing the bed sheet, while a bull dozer is crashing into his house, long vacant and in major disrepair after he made the previous owners, a Spanish family leave after he did the usual freaky ghost stuff- hurling their dishes and cups towards them while they're eating their dinner. Then a minute later, the house is gone and there's a giant highrise that's built there where the house was.A minute or two later, he appears to go back in time and it shows a country scene that dates back more than a 100 years, and we see a pioneer family dressed in Little House type clothing. He just sits around in the ghost sheet observing them until the scene where they're all lying around dead with arrows in them, obviously massacred by Indians. Rather disturbing. And then fast forward to him sitting on the floor in his empty house. Like, HUH??!I think I could have written a much better ghost movie than this giant bore. Don't bother renting it, buying the DVD, or watching it on Netflix.
robdot1964 8 stars, probably 4 more than I would have given it right after watching this. Slow burn in more ways than just the unfolding of the narrative. It took time for what I viewed to sink in. My instant gratification brain resisted right till the end. When is the big twist or reveal or anything like an explosion or sudden plot resolution. Nothing, at least nothing like I was accustomed to. A simple story of loss and the cyclical nature of life. What is important to us? It's to know the truest of thoughts of those we love and lose.