The Hero
The Hero
R | 09 June 2017 (USA)
The Hero Trailers

Lee, a former Western film icon, is living a comfortable existence lending his golden voice to advertisements and smoking weed. After receiving a lifetime achievement award and unexpected news, Lee reexamines his past, while a chance meeting with a sardonic comic has him looking to the future.

Moustroll Good movie but grossly overrated
Dynamixor The performances transcend the film's tropes, grounding it in characters that feel more complete than this subgenre often produces.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
SnoopyStyle Faded Hollywood western star Lee Hayden (Sam Elliott) is sick and getting by with commercial voice-over work. His weed friend Jeremy Frost (Nick Offerman) introduces him to aspiring comedian Charlotte Dylan (Laura Prepon). He is being honored at a banquet for his old movie, The Hero. He is estranged from his daughter Lucy (Krysten Ritter). With no one to invite, he brings along Charlotte. Despite their age difference, they start up a relationship.Gravitas. That's what Sam Elliott brings to this movie. The plot isn't anything new. It has some slower parts. It is Sam at the heart of this. Initially, I'm leery of this relationship but they do grow on me. That is the way of the moustache. This is not necessarily the best but the moustache love wins this.
adonis98-743-186503 An ailing movie star comes to terms with his past and mortality. Thanks to an amazing and inspiring perfomance from Sam Elliot (who is better than ever) The Hero provides a moving and intelligent love story about 2 people with a big age difference but also the meaning of life and true love and how one role can change one person's life forever and become an icon threw that. (9/10)
Jugu Abraham I do wish the guys who nominate films for the forthcoming Oscars don't miss out on this one. It is one of the best films from USA in a long while. Sam Elliot and Brett Haley deserve a thumbs up. Laura Prepon ought to get picked up for good roles in the future. Sad that TIFF failed to honor this work in the competition.A lovely script, a great lead performance and commendable direction. And good to see the return of Katherine Ross--only to team up with her real life husband.
Tweetienator A fine little movie with a great cast and a superb tone of melancholy. A little love story, aging, death, loneliness, reconciliation, and the trial about one's life's achievements - The Hero is a quiet movie with all the great themes of human existence. Sam Elliot plays the lead just exquisite and convincing, and the performances of his side-kicks Laura Prepon, Krysten Ritter and Nick Offerman give him a lot to work with and the right canvas for his play. The Hero is an emotional, sad and contemplative movie with some bright spots and fine humor refined with some poetic works by Edna St. Vincent Millay. Alone the reading of the poem Dirge Without Music by Laura Prepon at the end of the movie... A movie for a mature audience.