Coast to Coast
Coast to Coast
R | 03 April 2004 (USA)
Coast to Coast Trailers

Barnaby and Maxine Pierce, an embattled married couple in Connecticut, are on the verge of divorce. Their son is getting married in California and they decide to drive across the country to attend. Along the way, as they visit family and friends, they reflect on their tattered relationship and the events that transpired to create the estrangement.

Micitype Pretty Good
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Bea Swanson This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Rosie Searle It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Jake ThePeg This is certainly an enjoyable movie with some very sharp witty remarks scattered throughout the dialogue.The main criticisms I have are:1. The awful music score. It sounds as though it was put together on a cheap and nasty electronic keyboard. It grated on me throughout the film.2. Some of the longer scenes of two people talking to each other were just too long. A cut-away or two would have relieved the tedium. Yes, the 'conversations' were, in the main, very relevant to the plot, but were just too long. A few more snips with the scissors in the editing room would not have gone amiss.3. Those infernal maps! Ugh! They lent a real 'cheap and nasty' air to the movie, which was a pity.As far as I'm concerned, the 'test' for a good movie is whether I will watch it again or not. This one scores scores a definite 'maybe'.
Piafredux Two splendid actors - Davis and Dreyfuss - doing nothing splendid or special with a predictable, trendiness-laden, and artificial Portentous-Moments-of-Life-Changing-Profundity script. I kept waiting for something to develop or to appear that wasn't bathetic, but no such luck. The scene in which Paul Mazurksy does an insipid and completely off-the-mark impression of Jerry Lewis is actually irrelevant and rather creepy...and not (warning: Spoiler) because Mazurksy's character dies with the Jerry Lewis fake Nutty Professor teeth in his mouth. Also, whoever styled (here I use that word advisedly) and colored Judy Davis's rat's nest hair ought to lose his or her beautician's credentials: not only was her coif awful, it's also just not the sort of hairdo worn by a very affluent, post-middle-aged Connecticut housewife - even is she is wed to a fast-becoming-a-has-been sit-com writer.
jimpa-5 This is a funny movie with some smart dialog and a couple adults in adult situations for a change. Thoroughly enjoyable. Dryfus is in control and not doing his "cute" routine. Davis is believable and always nice to see an old vet like Fred Ward. Sometimes you just have to sit back and enjoy a movie and be entertained.In an era of movies pandering to functional illiterates with the attention span of a bi-polar humming bird on crank, it's enjoyable to see a movie with people actually speaking to each other in complete sentences. Or if it isn't your style, there is always the latest Ben Stiller movie. I understand there is a hum dinger staring a blind ferret.
George Parker "Coast to Coast" sticks Dreyfuss and Davis front and center as a middle-aged couple on the verge of divorce who take a road trip from East to West coasts to attend their son's marriage while waxing nostalgic, visiting quirky friends, and sorting through old regrets along the way. Supposedly a poignant dramedy about reconciliation, this lame dose of couch potato fodder from Showtime has Toronto standing in for the US and a big hole where the entertainment should be. One can only speculate that budgetary constraints got between the cast and crew and a quality film product result. Coulda-shoulda been better, "Coast to Coast" is an uneven, uninspired nice-try-but-no-cigar near miss. (C)
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