The Man Without a Face
The Man Without a Face
PG-13 | 25 August 1993 (USA)
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Justin McLeod is a former teacher who lives as a recluse on the edge of town after his face is disfigured from an automobile accident ten years earlier, in which a boy was incinerated--and for which he was convicted of involuntary manslaughter. Also suspected of being a paedophile, he is befriended by Chuck, causing the town's suspicions and hostility to be ignited.

Redwarmin This movie is the proof that the world is becoming a sick and dumb place
Kailansorac Clever, believable, and super fun to watch. It totally has replay value.
Borserie it is finally so absorbing because it plays like a lyrical road odyssey that’s also a detective story.
Tayyab Torres Strong acting helps the film overcome an uncertain premise and create characters that hold our attention absolutely.
Yusuf Piskin (yusufpiskin) The late lamented Spy magazine once ran a fine feature called Celebrity Refuseniks in which they examined the tendency of 90s stars to wish to be known for anything other than the talent that gained them their fame. Madonna wants to be an actress, Naomi Campbell wants to be a singer and Mel Gibson wants people to forget his outrageous good looks for a moment and take him seriously as an actor.Not that Gibson isn't already a perfectly acceptable, enormously engaging screen presence, but that's apparently not quite enough, for here, in his directing debut, he turns up as a reclusive polymath, scarred Nikki Lauda-style by a terrible accident. This handicap is presumably meant to introduce the degree of difficulty that makes his performance all the more impressive. Instead it merely leaves you wondering why he bothered.Had he not been both an A-list star and would-be director nobody would ever have suggested that this was a natural part for him to play. The Man Without A Face is essentially a rather dull two-hander, with Gibson's Justin McLeod acting as tutor to alienated 12-year-old Chuck (Stahl) during a summer vacation in the late 60s, offering lots of opportunities for those scenes of showy book learning so beloved of all those actors who wish they'd got Robin Williams' part in Dead Poets Society.
SnoopyStyle Chuck Norstadt (Nick Stahl) is the middle child of his widower mother. He is desperate to go to the military academy that his father attended after failing the entrance test. He spaces out from time to time and everybody looks at him as a little slow. He often fights with his half-sisters Gloria and Megan. Their mother has a new boyfriend in anti-war Prof. Carl Hartley. Justin McLeod (Mel Gibson) is the local bogeyman. All the kids are afraid of his half-burnt face and his dog. The adults gossip about the numerous rumors about the recluse. He's a former teacher and Chuck convinces him to prepare him for the exam.Chuck starts off as an unlikeable brat. Stabbing the tire is too much. On the other hand, it does give a connection between Chuck and McLeod. It bugged me for the first half of the movie that every other word coming out of Chuck is a lie. The mentor relationship does build into something interesting. This is Mel Gibson's directorial debut and he shows a nice confidence. The movie does threaten to be overwrought in the last act but he is able to rein it in just enough.
PALADIN12640 I've not seen more than a handful of Mel's movies. Certainly all the violent money makers, but last night, I watched "TMWaF". I am not a movie critic and don't know how to critique movies, but this movie, I loved from beginning to end. Every actor played their role (large or small) so well it was like I lived in the town and was watching everyday life. I won't go on and on. I recommend the movie to all, even those hooked on the latest zombie movies or those youngsters who crave violent action flicks. Take some time out, watch this one and prepare to see a movie that will keep you thinking. A movie that shows what MOVIES can be. BTW I was left with a question: did all the town shun and despise Justin McLeod? I would have thought at least some of the women would have felt sorry for him seeing the undamaged half of his face and seeing how he would have been the handsomest man any of them could have known and just wondering "ah, what could have been".
Jordan Abbey-Young This is one of my favourite films, Mel Gibson being my favourite actor has proved yet again what he can do with a role. Nick Stahl also does a brilliant job at playing Chuck Norstadt. Mel Gibson also made his Directing debut with this film and made it something special. A beautiful story about Chuck Norstadt (Stahl) who has an urge to get away from his family consisting of his mother (and her many husbands), his younger half sister & his older half sister who he has a bitter feud with. He is seen as a hard learner, this is where Justin McLeod (Gibson) comes in. Chuck in order to get away from his family must pass an exam to get into a Military Academy his father attended. Justin having been disfigured in a car accident is considered a 'Freak' by many including Chuck until they encounter each other. Chuck discovered Justin was a teacher and takes this opportunity to get him to tutor Chuck for the exam. Justin having lived alone for seven years is not interested in the idea until Chuck returns. Justin lives by the philosophy 'Learn or Leave' towards Chuck, until their friendship grows. Brilliant performances making a brilliant story that will tug at your emotions each time you watch this film makes it truly something special. This film is beauty in every sense of the word and brings new light to friendship & judging people under assumptions.
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