Boys and Girls
Boys and Girls
PG-13 | 16 June 2000 (USA)
Boys and Girls Trailers

Ryan and Jennifer are opposites who definitely do not attract. At least that's what they always believed. When they met as twelve-year-olds, they disliked one another. When they met again as teenagers, they loathed each other. But when they meet in college, the uptight Ryan and the free-spirited Jennifer find that their differences bind them together and a rare friendship develops.

Alicia I love this movie so much
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Aiden Melton The storyline feels a little thin and moth-eaten in parts but this sequel is plenty of fun.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
bjarias ..the only reason to watch begins at the thirty-six minute mark and lasts approximately three minutes. Otherwise the entire remainder of this movie is mindless banter between the two of spewing more absurd dialogue than the other. Without a doubt she is easy on the eyes, but when she opens her mouth that's when the trouble starts. Someday it might be nice to see her in a film where she is not acting and talking like a complete airhead. Box Office Mojo indicates this film unbelievably made twenty-five million dollars worldwide, be that the case, it just shows how much trouble the culture is in. Watch the three minutes (like watching a short music video).. and do yourself a big favor and take a pass on all the rest.
flannyman4u my cousin introduced me to the film after it hit video. since then it has been one of my favorites. OK, so it is basically a re-make of when harry met sally (also one of my favs) and initially i thought the editing could be better in the beginning. it seems hurried or forced unlike the seamless transition between periods of time in when harry met sally. despite it's flaws though i love this movie. maybe it's just a personal thing for me because i always found myself in Freddie Prinz Jr.'s situation. getting stuck in the friend zone, lol. and Claire Forlani's character is absolutely my kinda woman. i love her quirky, off-the-wall intellectual humor. that's the kind of girl i'm looking for. Jason Biggs also stands out in his few scenes, especially in the one as the credits roll about the Victoria's Secrets models. hilarious! whenever i get to feeling lonely i can always put this movie on and feel better. the music on the movie is really good too. the Jennifer, Jennifer song is really catchy. i highly recommend this movie. trying to grade it objectively i'd give it 8/10 but for me personally it's a 10 all the way.
insomniac_rod To be honest, I had very low expectations before watching this movie. But as I'm a die hard fan of Claire Forlani's sexiness , I decided to catch this on Cinemax.I ended up liking it a lot. It's a clever romantic story that deals with the burdens of growing on the sentimental aspects that deal with love relationships.The ending is very credible and I bought Prince Jr.'s final speech for convincing Forlani's character to "be with him". It ended up in a perfect way. I mean, they had a wild night of sex but it had positive consequences such as starting a sentimental relationship although it was very difficult at the beginning.A really worthy romantic comedy. Please give it a chance, you won't regret. I'm a huge fan of Mrs. Forlani but the movie is also worth your time.
srobi280 ... this was an awful movie! My friends talked me into seeing it, saying "Hey, the movie looks really good! We should go see it!" So I went to see in in the theaters with my girlfriend at the time and my two friends. I was disappointed 30 minutes into the movie already, and it didn't get any better. It simply was not funny! In any way! It had no laughs! On top of that, the three stupid teenagers in the row in front of us were annoying the hell out of me! The only thrill I got out of this movie was going outside afterwards and giving those stupid teenagers a piece of my mind about staying quiet during a movie. That's it. This movie is so unmemorable, that I don't even remember the plot. I only saw it once, and I will never watch it again, and if you want to save yourself from a headache, you shouldn't either.