Sydney White
Sydney White
PG-13 | 21 September 2007 (USA)
Sydney White Trailers

College freshman Sydney White arrives at Southern Atlantic University, determined to pledge her late mother's sorority. Unfortunately, she finds that the sisterhood has changed since her parent's day. Banished to a condemned house, Sydney joins forces with seven outcasts to take over the student government and win equal rights for nerd and noted alike.

Smartorhypo Highly Overrated But Still Good
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Merolliv I really wanted to like this movie. I feel terribly cynical trashing it, and that's why I'm giving it a middling 5. Actually, I'm giving it a 5 because there were some superb performances.
Paynbob It’s fine. It's literally the definition of a fine movie. You’ve seen it before, you know every beat and outcome before the characters even do. Only question is how much escapism you’re looking for.
ComedyFan2010 The movie isn't original. We all have seen many revenge of the nerds/dorks/good guys movies. So you know how it ends before it starts. The bad characters are also so one sided and boring. Nothing special about them, they are just overdone bad.But I still like the movie. I give it above average rating because I liked all the Snow White references. Mainly the poisoned apple and the seven dwarfs. They make the movie especially funny with their charming characters and personalities. So it is a pretty good movie when one doesn't expect much and just wants a few laughs.
herbqedi Amanda Bynes and John Schneider (her Dad) try really hard to make their characters believable and understandable. Nearly everyone else, and most especially Sara Paxton as Rachel, is a one-dimensional cliché. The Magic Mirror (antecedent to Facebook) was a wonderful touch. But it always involved Rachel - and she was always so relentlessly over-the-top, only a nine year-old could enjoy the mannerisms and "subtleties" of her performance. The entire college set-up and production values looked like it was done on a sound stage. As for the nerds/dorks/outcasts, the dwarfs (the original one-adjective characters) had more dimensionality. There are a few cute lines and cute scenes, but it is just way too over-the-top. I'd be embarrassed to show it to my 12-year old grandson.
bayan-rafeh92 Don't get me wrong, this movie is enjoyable. I really like AB; she's rather talented and enjoyed her performance in She's the Man. This movie is a clean comedy that is actually enjoyable by all ages. The acting was great, the plot, not so much.The plot is extremely predictable. The geek stereotypes are insulting, I really doubt any girl can be as shallow as the sorority and the Snow White references weren't really subtle. They make her work on a Mac just so the hacker can feed her a "Poisoned Apple"(yes he says that). I mean come on, the idea of a movie reference is that it's SUBTLE. You don't explain it, people figure it out. But regardless the actors did make the best of a bad situation and did make it enjoyable but the plot itself really annoyed me. 4/10
shondaranson I rated this one better than awful because I liked seeing Jonathon from Buffy in something again -- even if it was the same role.First, the concept is kind of cute for a short, but not an entire movie. The writing was forced and contrived. I have the feeling that the movie suffered the most during editing.Second, Amanda Bynes always looks like her eyes are crossed -- even when she's not trying to do it. She's just not funny. She always plays some sort of misfit girl who triumphs by being herself -- ironic, considering Amanda seems to always be a caricature. I would actually like to see her in something serious. I really want to give her a chance, but she is always cast in these trite roles where she wiggles and makes faces and somehow that's a good thing?Finally, the whole "I'm a Dork" segment was ripped off from Revenge of the Nerds. There was nothing in this movie that was unpredictable.Shame, shame, shame.