Life Partners
Life Partners
R | 05 December 2014 (USA)
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A 29-year-old lawyer and her lesbian best friend experience a dramatic shift in their longtime bond after one enters a serious relationship.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
ThrillMessage There are better movies of two hours length. I loved the actress'performance.
bettycjung 3/23/18. Sasha (gay) and Paige (straight) are best buds and roommates. Paige meets Tim and they get serious. Sasha feels left out. Will they be able to stay best buds? This basic premise works well and the movie is enjoyable to watch.
shannernanner If it weren't for the biphobia in the film (the one bi/sexually fluid character is portrayed as unstable and "not gay enough" to be with), I probably would've given it a six or seven. This is far too common in media, and the stereotype is damaging.As it was the film did portray well some of the issues of growing up and how it affects one's friendships. I did relate to some of the issues the women went through.It doesn't really reach very deeply though, and the ending is rather lackluster. There was some good humor in the film, but the writing really needed polishing.It was nice to see a mainstream film portray a non-straight main character. Gabourey Sidibe was sorely underused as a minor supporting character.
myriajmartin Life Partners can be viewed as a feminist version of the typical boy meets girl trope, but this film focuses more heavily on the friendship between two women. Paige, played by Gillian Jacobs is an uptight lawyer who is complemented by Sasha's care-free attitude. Paige hopes to meet a man that she likes as much as Sasha but believes it is impossible until she meets Tim. Sasha seems to be free falling through life as she blazes through relationships with various women and jobs she doesn't like while she attempts to become a musician. The movie opens with the quirky friendship between Paige and Sasha as they attend a local Pride Parade and they watch America's Next Top Model. The plot lures you in with the typical romantic comedy and chick flick aspects but you soon realize that this film has more than its face value. Life Partners quickly becomes a film that delves into real life problems, such as settling down in life and holding onto the friends you have because they seem to be the only ones that can keep you afloat. The plot, although mostly female driven, can easily resonate with people of all genders. It does not have the perfect ending for every character and thus seems more realistic than any film like it.Involving almost a full cast of female characters, Life Partners easily passes the Bechdel test that seems to be a challenge for most films. With the help of their other friends, all the females in this movie truly grow at their own pace and staggered to seem more natural than other romantic comedies illustrate. Susanna Fogel did an amazing job of writing and directing a film that achieves a perfect a quirky comedy that balances humor with drama and normalizes the LGBT culture, which most other films find hard to achieve. Fogel also successfully avoided the cliché of "best friends being in love" that completely elevated the story line. The chemistry between the characters leads you to believe that the actresses posses the same chemistry in everyday life.
tieman64 An adorable film by writer-director Susanna Fogel, "Life Partners" stars Leighton Meester and Gillian Jacobs as Sasha and Paige, a pair of best friends. This friendship is tested by the duo's increasingly diverging personalities; Paige is a hard-working conformist, Sasha is a lackadaisical lesbian and artist. Sasha accuses Pagie of changing, of betraying who she is, of becoming just another staid automaton, whilst Paige accuses Sasha of being directionless, lazy and afraid of growing up.At first glance, "Life Partners" resembles Terry Zwigoff's "Ghost World". In that film, two best friends slowly drift apart, one becoming an artist who refuses to abide by the ways of the world, the other becoming a more traditional housewife, mother and wage-earner. A covertly political film, "Ghost World" ended with a gentle condemnation of late-capitalism's various social pressures.In "Life Partners", though, both the artist (Sasha) and the conformist (Paige) learn to get with the programme. Here, "maturation" and "adulthood" are seen to be something to aspire to, and these aspirations are intimately bound to "work", nine-to-fives and the imposition of certain identities in order to maximise efficiency. Aware of this, director Susanna Fogel attempts to make her cast somewhat edgy, Paige an environmentalist and Sasha a musician. But like most modern films about non-heteronormatives ("The Kids are all Right", "Transamerica", "Dallas Buyer's Club" etc), diversity is still ultimately doublespeak for ideological conformity.As a film about friendship, ageing and the anxieties of the young, "Life Partners" is mostly excellent. Fogel's dialogue zips by, and Meester and Jacobs, with their expressive faces, are mesmerising, cute and convey well the joys of friendship and the insecurities of being a young adult. By treating Sasha's homosexuality as no big deal, the film normalises homosexuality far better than most other films which try to ennoble the LGBT community.8.5/10 - Worth two viewings. See "The Children's Hour" and "Running on Empty" (1988).