Tank Girl
Tank Girl
R | 31 March 1995 (USA)
Tank Girl Trailers

After a comet disrupts the rain cycle of Earth, the planet has become a desolate, barren desert by the year 2033. With resources scarce, Kesslee — head of the powerful and evil Water & Power Corporation, the de facto government — has taken control of the water supply. Unwilling to cower under Kesslee's tyrannical rule, a pair of outlaws known as Tank Girl and Jet Girl rise up, joining the mysterious rebel Rippers to destroy the corrupt system.

Unlimitedia Sick Product of a Sick System
Lawbolisted Powerful
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
Listonixio Fresh and Exciting
Jakemcclake It was a Sunday in April 1995, and that I would find this Tank Girl Movie I saw advertised. I though Tank Girl being a bad ass woman would also be sexy, as I was into that sort of thing. I had to drive about 30 miles to find a theatre that still had it, and finally I found one in another State. Obviously this being a couple weeks after Tank Girl came out, this meant the movie did not do well. I watch Tank Girl and did not realize I was watching the same Lori Petty who played "Kit" the sister of the Baseball Star in "A League Of Our Own". Despite being a badass chick who always rode a Tank, Tank Girl herself was far from sexy. The hair the, tattoos, and the way she dressed, and other things about her were just too manly to be sexy,to me. The movie also interjected Cartoons of Tank Girl throughout, that at times were sexy, but most of the time were not.The movie was really not very entertaining either and featured the typical cliché bad guys, who were, about as predictable as watching clock movement. This movie did not feature any deep thinking, or any original ideas, and was simply meant to entertain us with snappy and sometimes "Off The Wall" one liners from the Tank Girl throughout, which gets old after a while. There is also interspecies issues in the movie, and the less I think about those...the better. I was kind of falling asleep in the theatre. when I noticed that one of women in the movie was changing, that being Jet Girl played by Naomi Watts (with dark hair). At that point without giving too much away, Jet Girl goes from a mumbling, mousy under-confident, and quite unattractive, glasses wearing woman to extremely sweet looking and pretty and at that very same moment...shockingly sadistic and brutal. This contrasting change-over that indicates the prettier, the more brutal, was very shocking and for me super sexy!Jet Girl's changeover is the one thing, I will always remember about this movie.
fredward-22987 Does not have the same edge as the comic books, but with half of the movie being cartoon sequences it still tries. I often wish they would remake this thing. Maybee if they did what they did with Judge Dredd. If they would get it closer to the comics. With the Dredd movie they still got a lot wrong, but it was better than the Stallone Movie. This movie is much like Stallone's movie in the way that it's limited. I think it was harder to recreate a comic book story in 1995 then now. The movie is a trip though and definitely entertaining. and Yes Ice-T is a giant kangaroo .
josephcoldwell This movie has every opportunity in the world to be horrible and manages to be amazing. I don't know how the director, cast, and crew took something so absolutely ridiculous and make it into something so fun. It is a movie full of serious undertones and suffering, but manages not to take itself seriously at all and find the fun in all the pain. It is sassy and full of personality. If you want to watch something fun and full of attitude, something campy and endearing, this is for you. Though there are many sociological parallels to times of unrest and change, and a lot of interesting social and political undertones (like feminism, corporate greed, etc), if you're looking for something serious or something without plot holes, inconsistencies, and makes sense, give this a pass. This movie doesn't care to maintain the 4th wall and it doesn't care to follow logic, science, or even to make sense in all its details, but it is full of humor, great campy acting, and an "I don't give a damn" attitude that tugs at my rebellious heart strings. If I could give it 6 stars, I would.And for the Tank Girl Comic Book Purists out there. This movie isn't the comic book on screen. Like any good comic movie, it uses the comic book for inspiration and finds it's own way. If it took itself seriously enough to hold hard to comic book canon, the movie would have been absolutely horrible. This is Tank Girl for Christ's sake! A girl with a pet tank and a hippie kangaroo-man lover. Don't take it so seriously.
TheMarwood Very much a product of the 90s that encapsulates an aggressive hip style, this ridiculous comic book adaptation has no discipline, is mostly incoherent and ends with a quick animation instead of an actual ending. All its stupidity aside, there's nothing quite like Tank Girl. It's a mostly terrible film that I inexplicably enjoy and I couldn't in good faith recommend it. Director Rachel Talalay seems to be as disappointed with the film as most viewers are and I could only imagine how nightmarish the shoot was, that full scenes were 'forgotten' to be filmed and in two cases, animation was added to clear that up. Tank Girl does have a go for broke attitude that never relents. Lori Petty plays the role with boundless energy and she's fine, even though a stronger editor would trim her manic behavior into a more shaped performance. It's a bizarre film that really never works, but it's plenty of fun.