Stone Cold
Stone Cold
R | 17 May 1991 (USA)
Stone Cold Trailers

Joe Huff is a tough, loner cop with a flair for infiltrating dangerous biker gangs. The FBI blackmail Huff into an undercover operation that entails infiltrating The Brotherhood – a powerful Mississippi biker gang linked in the murder of government officials as well as dealing drugs with the mafia.

Brightlyme i know i wasted 90 mins of my life.
MonsterPerfect Good idea lost in the noise
2freensel I saw this movie before reading any reviews, and I thought it was very funny. I was very surprised to see the overwhelmingly negative reviews this film received from critics.
Ketrivie It isn't all that great, actually. Really cheesy and very predicable of how certain scenes are gonna turn play out. However, I guess that's the charm of it all, because I would consider this one of my guilty pleasures.
PeterMitchell-506-564364 There are similarities to this and Harley Davidson and The Marlboro Man, which I won't go into. Suffice to say, I'd option for this instead. Stone Cold is a new wave action thriller that rides high on violence and action, that bikie fans will love. Although it didn't get a cinema release in Adelaide (I wish to hell it had) this action extravaganza has a good story too would you believe. Certain political figures and agents are getting bumped off, by a vicious bikie gang called The Brotherhood, led by the sadistic and always good Henrickson. The opening scene, just a set up of character, that has no bearing on the story, has agent Bosworth, chewing on a cookie as if it was the best one he ever had, when he's rudely interrupted by some two bid robbers. This readily confirms that our action fans are not gonna be disappointed by this one. Blackmailed by these agents into infiltrating the Brotherhood, he plays the part, going undercover, and of course falling in love with Henrickson's girl. And how could you not have the great character actor, the wild and unruly William Forsythe as one of the rowdy gang. This movies got everything, babes, explosions, gunfights, chases, and of course humor. Though the end, I hated. Why? Cause, it contradicts itself, with a couple of good people, intended victims, die, where Bosworth fails. Here, his retribution goes into overdrive, where on the other side of that coin, our audience who love craving revenge, this unpredictable mishap does deliver a more explosive, but stupid and forgettable ending. In the acting stakes, Bosworth, not the worst actor I've seen, is surpassed by his supporting players, one of course being Henricksen. But we're not really here to watch Bosworth's acting, though there is room for some bloody improvement.
daviddaveinternational I have a non-fiction book titled, "Under and Alone" by William Queen. It's about a ATF Agent infiltrating and becoming a full patch-holding, and officer, member of a 1% Outlaw Motorcycle Club (not "gang" but club) This movie seems almost based on it. The first time I watched this movie, I was not impressed. I have watched it 2 more times and it actually is more like what the lifestyle of (violent) 1% M/C clubs are about. The bikes were authentic (no Hondas w/Harley primary covers wired on) the "Bros" have tattoos and dress/act the part. Bosworth's performance is actually okay. He comes across as semi-convincing. His lack of any tattoos really makes him look like an "overgrown Bamm Bamm" but it's his movie, so... The extremely violent ending in the courthouse is rather over the top, though. Dozens upon dozens of people killed and injured and only TWO stretchers are seen entering the building. Then Bosworth walks away. That's not how it works, but, it's his movie, so... If you want to see what Outlaw Brotherhood is (sort of) about, it's all here, in "black and white". (true outlaws know what I mean by that) Worth viewing, for sure. "Under and Alone" is recommended to read, too. Great book.
FlashCallahan Joe Huff is a tough, go-it-alone cop with a flair for infiltrating dangerous biker gangs.The FBI blackmail Joe into an undercover operation to convict some extremely violent bikers, who are angry at the capture of their leader.....A brilliant early nineties action film, full of what you would expect. An ex football star who was given a chance at being a box office draw, but never hit the big screen again, Henriksen in probably one of his best bad guy roles, naked women, a maniacal Forsythe coming straight from out for justice.And of course, silly explosions, stick in the ass partners, punch ups for no reason, and rock music playing whenever Bosworth mounts a bike.It's not plausible, the story is rotten, but does it give you a lot of bang for your buck. Bosworth can't act for toffee, but his mullet speaks in volumes, stumbling from one set piece to the next, he tries his hardest, but Baxley more than makes up for the leads acting with great set pieces.The film is short, and there is little character study, but this leaves room for more explosions and an ending so over the top, it turns a bad movie into an instant cult.It's a bad movie, but for sheer fun, you can't beat this.
Aaron1375 My summary is not really a compliment at all. Brian Bosworth was not a horrible actor, but was a horrible professional football player. I am surprised that he was not able to get many roles after this one, unless he declined to play villains and secondary characters. He is not star material, he reminds me of Dolph Lundgren, but whereas Dolph seems to recognize that the only roles he is going to get in more big time fare is by not being the lead, my guess is the Boz felt he should be the big cheese in any film he participated in. Still, all the negative stuff aside this movie was not exactly bad. It was enjoyable in places and did provide entertainment as it was very violent and had nudity and all that stuff that were the stuff back in the 80's and early 90's. Brian plays a guy who goes undercover or something to stop these biker dudes who are linked to crimes or something to that effect. The plot is not really important in a film such as this, you watch these films for the action and shoot outs and the boobs and this movie offers plenty. Still, it may have been better had they put someone bigger in the starring role and perhaps even got someone better for the villain role too. Lance Henrickson is a good actor, just did not have the look of a biker leader that he played here.