Double Whammy
Double Whammy
R | 17 October 2001 (USA)
Double Whammy Trailers

Ray Pluto has many problems. He is satirized in the tabloids as the "loser cop." His partner is starting to seem suspiciously attracted to him. A pair of screenwriters across the hall keep bugging him for help. The superintendent of his building is stabbed by hoodlums hired by his own rebellious daughter. To top it off, a sexually aggressive chiropractor may just be Ray's undoing.

BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Murphy Howard I enjoyed watching this film and would recommend other to give it a try , (as I am) but this movie, although enjoyable to watch due to the better than average acting fails to add anything new to its storyline that is all too familiar to these types of movies.
Rexanne It’s sentimental, ridiculously long and only occasionally funny
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
Sintz49 I admit that rating this is a challenge but I'd go with 4 any day, over xshitz's 1 star. His review should not make you believe this is a movie you will not enjoy watching. We're all different.I found it fun to see that a cast of characters who were flaky outlandish and/or odd managed to be portrayed by this good cast, in a way that made them all seem to "fit" in the same film, and in the same fantasy version of New York. Denis (and, xshitz - his name is not spelled Dennis) does his pantomime of back pain well, especially on the chiropractor's exam table. He, Elizabeth, and also Melonie Diaz show nice use of their faces in close ups. Their characters only have little bits of time to lay down a moment of feeling in many scenes, but they do it well, and that's not easy. The story is kind of like a comic book. It's not polite, nor is it "politically correct" for every minute. But like a comic book, it's flying along through lots of little quirky sketches that may be comical, violent, romantic, sexy, or sad. Sometimes in a blended together way. It flows along well, and DOES tell the story of how one person's sense of guilt can get mixed up with other lives. It's not a film that needs to be neat, or correct, or even substantial. It's a playful shot at doing a little take on lots of things, and it's kind of fun to see it do its thing; even if it falls on its face -- Ha! ... Maybe we should consider even laughing AT a film now and then, instead of trashing it because it wasn't what we thought it was going to be, or should be.
SanteeFats I watched this movie because it was titled a comedy and Denis Leary had the lead. I really like Leary as an actor but not in all his roles and this is one of the don't likes. This film was not even close to being funny unless there was some black comedy aspect that I just missed. Leary is a detective who gets caught is a couple of bad press pieces because of a bad back. He goes to a chiropractor and gets it corrected. They end up hooking up of course. The supers daughter wants a tattoo (way under age). told no she goes to two local idiots. They misunderstand and think she wants them to off Papi. They knife him in the back. This leads to Leary finding the bad guys or they find him? Anyway Leary shoves one out a window and while fighting the other one the knife that is stuck in the ceiling falls and sticks in the bad guys back which kills him. I have a big problem with that . The knife blade is a very wide one and goes in perpendicular to the ribs. No way. The blade would have bounced off the ribs coming down like that. Oh well it fits with the rest of this not funny movie.
oldsenior The director/writer should of gotten a co-writer, because he trys to get to some-where in his film, but falls short, maybe someone elses imput would have made the difference between a lousy script and a funny movie. I've seen Leary on different talk shows and he always seems to be on the edge, ready to explode, an angry person, always having to put some one down to try to be funny and make a joke. Maybe if he smiled a bit in this movie it might have seemed like more of a comedy, (talk about a grim dude). The writing was just poor and the direction at least in the fast food place was missing something, clumsily staged. And what-about the young girl getting away with attempted murder (we're supposed to believe she's repented (she crys) and there-fore pays her dues to society). What's the title mean? What's the eyeball mean? Why is the hero? smoking dope (I guess the director does), is that cool? Hurley's secretary could have been a bit more animated, instead of being a zombie, and made a more interesting character. Dimitri the cop was a pretty sharp dresser, his clothes and Leary were by some big time designer, although you'd never know it by Leary's wardrobe. Hurley always looks great and Bucimmi's character could have been better realized, what he had was nothing. In fact the whole story could have been better realized, tighter and connected somehow. Maybe the next effort will be better and not cost me $5.00 for the DVD.
Earl Gately Just saw the film and I enjoyed how the layers were pulled back one at a time, until all the links were shown. I originally thought the unique characters of Cletis and Duke were there just to add flavor, but then they turned out to be more vital. And the understated approach of not stating outright that Jo Jo and Ping Pong were being hired to kill "Papi" left me feeling that the movie did not take our intelligence for granted, but assumed that the viewer is smart enough to figure it out. Denis Leary is funny, but I liked the supporting cast just as much. Without them, this funny comedy would have been pretty flat.Oh, and what is with Duke looking and sounding like Vanilla Ice?? Even to the shaved eyebrows and the slicked up hair :)