R | 29 July 2005 (USA)
Edison Trailers

In the troubled city of Edison, a young journalist, his jaded editor, and an honest investigator from the district attorney's office join forces to gather evidence against corrupt members of an elite police unit.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Dotbankey A lot of fun.
SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Loui Blair It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
ohiohoney-1 i read the previous review - and don't understand why they said it was so bad and a waste of time....this movie is full of suspense and graft and corruption....love it. From the beginning to the end - you'll - at first be on the middle of your seat - then the edge of your seat - you'll see.... Dylan McDermott, well i won't tell you - but he's up to his old tricks again but i bet you knew that when you read who was going to be in this movie... lol. Not sure if this means a spoiler or not, but put that in just in case.... :-) Even though this movie was made in 2005, it could have been made this year. I think Justin Timberlake did a great job in the movie - others mentioned he should have stayed with music - when you see the movie, you'll have to agree he did a super job. Well, that's about it...hope you enjoy this as much as i did. Great movie and certainly NOT a waste of time!! Please pass the popcorn!!
GManfred I rented this picture from the local library before reading the website reviews, and I liked it. I don't understand all the venomous comments; this picture breaks no new ground and is a good action picture wherein people get beaten up, killed, and objects blow up. What were they expecting, Shakespeare? And someone mentioned the 'suspension of disbelief'... do they understand the term 'escapist entertainment'?The story has been done before. Organization of cops turns into a vigilante outfit of bad/crooked cops, and a newsman decides to become a crusader to uncover the group. He meets with a great deal of hostility and resistance, including "important people in high places". This is new?The picture gains immeasurable stature from Morgan Freeman and Kevin Spacey (as noted, sporting a very stylish wig) and has some good supporting performances from LL Cool J and, especially, Dylan McDermott, who has the role of the Psycho Cop (seems like someone always has to, and he did it very well). And I didn't think Justin Timberlake was as bad as advertised. And as I expected, things blew up, people got killed and beaten up and the movie ended just about the way I expected. That's the way action pictures go; as noted,I wasn't expecting Shakespeare.
Comeuppance Reviews "Edison Force" is the biggest direct-to-video release of the year. It definitely had some competition which includes "End Game" (With Cuba Gooding Jr. and James Woods), "The Big White" (With Robin Williams and Holly Hunter) and "Grilled". (With Ray Romano, Burt Reynolds, and Juilette Lewis) "Edison Force" is about Joshua (Timberlake) who is a journalist. He uncovers corruption in the police force. One of the most evil cops is Lazerov (McDermott). He tells his boss Moses (Freeman) and they team up with Wallace (Spacey) and Reigert, the D.A. (Cary Elwes) to blow the whistle. But Lazerov doesn't want the secret to come out and he tries to kill Joshua.What saves this movie is the acting. Timberlake is OK. Some of his line readings are terrible though. Freeman and Spacey put in their usual professional performances. Dylan McDermott is the standout. You wish he had more screen time. John Heard drops by and gives a boring role as the chief of police some energy. The action scenes are fun and exciting also. I almost forgot that LL Cool J was in it. He's so wooden and aloof, you forget he's in the movie.If you don't take it seriously, you'll have a good time with it.For more insanity, please visit: comeuppancereviews.com
elshikh4 In 2005, I remember seeing its trailer. Morgan Freeman was dancing, Kevin Spacey looking sullen, while there were bullets flying everywhere. I even remember that I passed by the movies, gazing at the poster and promising myself that I would attend it soon. Now, I thank god that I didn't! You've got to love the movie's idea. The search for the truth, challenging the putrid giants because of love, and the war between fat evil corporations and a few good men. That look good, unlike the movie itself ! Actually, the things seemed so forced, or being done in unquestioned way. Timberlake hates burying his story (Why? What's his motive there, before the tragedy of his love?). Freeman turns suddenly from a rusty drunken version of James Brawn into Kevin Costner in JFK??. And Kevin Spacey ?? Really, I'm speechless when it comes to his role !!And the provocation continues : one police officer is killed right in the police station and by the hands of another higher police officer while no interrogation happens later at all ?! Spacey's character buries the whole story at the end suddenly and unjustifiably while nobody objects ?!! Timberlake's girl goes to the hospital, near to dead, then disappears from the picture for good ??!! Though Naaa. Don't bother yourself asking. Maybe this movie's main purpose was the action. But even if, that came too late and too fabricated as well (why all the delaying from the bad guys to shoot up the 2 leads earlier; that should've been soothing for us !).The performance was between vexatious and laughable, mainly because this script gave everyone nothing. Even as stereotypes they weren't amusing or interesting. Therefore Spacey was a bad joke, being in a mute cameo (I bet he selected the horrible wig himself, maybe to express his hatred for such a role and movie!). Timberlake was like a panic-stricken mouse, I can't forget his voice squeaking every now and then while shaking his head in surprise: "What?.. What ?". Cary Elwes was delivering the lamest lines ever given to an evil man in the history of bad movies !And now ladies and gentlemen, we come to the course in this crapfest: Mr. LL Cool J. Well, his performance - in not a leading role - back in (Deep Blue See) sounds iconic compared to this one. He nearly assured here that he can't be the lead of anything. Believe me, big part of being unsatisfied while the watching comes from Mr. Cool. Simply, the feel of boredom in movies may come from many sources; this time, LL Cool J's face was undoubtedly a glaring one. The man did nothing but polishing his bald head by his hand, looking meanly to others, and walking while swaying his shoulders! His voice was boring, his motionless features seemed dumb (namely boring also!), and he seemed tired of this movie at places, maybe more than me ! So the movie's good intentions were ruined by this script, and the script's good points were ruined by this performance, and the movie's good performance was.. No.. There wasn't a good performance in the first place !This direction was a killer.. for its movie. The cadres are die-hard TV-ish. All the characters move non-meaningfully. It's tasteless without one scene that I can call very good, or even good. Did I say that the movie's scriptwriter WAS the movie's very director ?! Sometimes that could be subversive. Watch (Edison) to see a fair example !In the same week, I watched a movie named (Bordertown - 2006). Surely it made up for the agony of (Edison). And when it comes to gathering the personal case with the public case while being a hot thriller as well, (Bordertown) is a master. So to all the makers of (Edison) : watch and learn everybody !Originally, (Edison)'s 2 leads are pop singers. Truly LL Cool J and Justin Timberlake used to delight us with many songs and countless voluptuous girls dancing naked in their music videos (well, Justin's girls weren't that voluptuous but whatever!). In this movie they did it Bad. Too bad is the word. The scenes with them partaking the screen together were too unbearable to be seen. Please, go back to the music and keep up the good work, and the good girls, as you can.Finally, if someone ask me "What was good about it ?" I'll tell him : There was Morgan Freeman dancing randomly with a glass of wine, and.. and.. That's all I think. So, to everyone who didn't watch this movie, my advice is "Watch it if only you want to see Morgan Freeman dance". But Hey, it's in the movie's trailer! So, watch the trailer instead; it's more merciful this way !