| 27 July 2006 (USA)
Solo Trailers

Jack Barrett is the type of guy no one calls Jack. He works for a group of businessmen known as "The Gentlemen" who operate within the fertile realm of the Sydney Underworld. Standover tactics, prostitution, illegal gambling, creative importation - you name it, "The Gentlemen" are into it. And Barrett enforces it for them. Old school muscle for hire. Now 53 years old, he's tired of having to throw away perfectly good suits because you can't dry-clean the blood off. He needs to get out of Sydney. Out of the game. Which is, of course, easier said than done.

GamerTab That was an excellent one.
Matialth Good concept, poorly executed.
FuzzyTagz If the ambition is to provide two hours of instantly forgettable, popcorn-munching escapism, it succeeds.
Chirphymium It's entirely possible that sending the audience out feeling lousy was intentional
BOUF Hey, I've got a good idea: let's make a hit-man movie just like all those other ones. We'll start with a scene of our world-weary, gravel-voiced, chain-smoking, smart-talking hero (who you will recognise from countless similar film and TV appearances) disposing of a sawn up body (actually a nice little scene), then we'll have him visit yet another chirpy cockney psychopath (except this actor can't do a cockney accent, but hey, he's stocky and bald and he's been in 3 other movies lately so he must be good.) Then we'll have our hero, (who's trying to turn his back on the mob!) meet a lovely, fresh-faced young girl in a very macho environment (irony). Of course, she's extremely intelligent, and doing a Phd, and is naturally attracted to a hit-man. Who isn't? Then let's introduce the next ham, (playing the central cop) by having him snorting coke from his desk in the office, at police HQ - wow! I hope these comments haven't depressed you too much. Unfortunately Solo depressed the hell out of me - and that was just the first 10 minutes.
Theramon K I was out in Sydney during their Film Festival and just happened to see "Solo" being advertised at this cool little cinema down by the Opera House called the Dendy. I went and checked it out and have to say enjoyed myself thoroughly right the way through with some turns in the Movie that caught me off guard.The Aussie humour I dig so much and this movie captured it in spades. Found out later that the dude who made this film had won project greenlight and it was his first feature. This guy will go places and I'm looking forward to the next flick he brings out as I love that edge he created in Solo and I love a movie that I walk away thinking I should've seen it coming but I just got blindsided.Top Marks from me! Well done.
ben-zadrine84 This is a pretty cool Aussie crime flick in the style of Two Hands, Chopper, Dirty DEeds, Getting Square, etc. More serious and less comedic than some of those films but with a style of it's own.The actors are all very good as is the directing and the camera-work. Morgan O Neill the director spoke after the screens and shared some interesting tit bits about the production of the film.... it cost only one million and a bit to make and was shot in only 21 days. COlin Friels is especially good as the main character who is a hit-man.All in all well worth watching especially if your a fan of movies like lock stock or Pulp fiction.
ChrisThurston Despite the excitement I had watching the build up to this movie on FOXTEL after seeing Morgan O'Neill win the project greenlight Australia competition, even my expectations were surpassed. O'Neill has crafted an authentic Australian crime movie that fulfills its promise to entertain.We are introduced to Barrett in the movie, sublimely played by Colin Friels, and I would challenge any viewer to feel a pathos for this heartless dealer in death. However O'Neill achieves what every director aims for: to make us care for the characters he has created. To be perfectly honest I thoroughly enjoyed all the performances and thought the casting was top notch.The camera work also deserves a mention as there are some wonderful lighting effects . The jazz soundtrack is sensual and matches the side of Sydney O'Neill is exhibiting. There is also some Australian hip-hop in a scene set in Sydney's seedy King's Cross whose only criticism I have is that it isn't long enough.As a Sydney-sider this is the first time since watching "Two Hands" that I have felt a movie has captured the texture of one of the world's great cities.Another special mention must go to Vince Colossimo whose performance I thoroughly enjoyed and I felt to be the best of the movie, perhaps this is down to the fact that I like seeing this type of a character in the movie.O'Neill has also mastered the use of Australian humor in his work as the lines feel natural to the characters and reminded me of the Lock, Stock type of delivery. Kudos O'Neill, Kudos