PG | 17 October 1968 (USA)
Bullitt Trailers

Senator Walter Chalmers is aiming to take down mob boss Pete Ross with the help of testimony from the criminal's hothead brother Johnny, who is in protective custody in San Francisco under the watch of police lieutenant Frank Bullitt. When a pair of mob hitmen enter the scene, Bullitt follows their trail through a maze of complications and double-crosses. This thriller includes one of the most famous car chases ever filmed.

Executscan Expected more
Sexyloutak Absolutely the worst movie.
PiraBit if their story seems completely bonkers, almost like a feverish work of fiction, you ain't heard nothing yet.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
evanston_dad Congratulations, it's a boy! And so we have "Bullitt," the grumpy film from 1968 that gave birth to the anti-hero and ushered in an era of scowling detectives and the women who sit around dutifully waiting for them to come home.Actually, anti-heroes existed well before "Bullitt," but Steve McQueen did manage to turn the anti-hero into a household commodity, and everything from "The French Connection" (which was produced by the same man who produced "Bullitt" by the way) to the "Dirty Harry" movies owes a debt of gratitude to this movie.The funniest thing about "Bullitt" is that Steve McQueen actually isn't even a very good detective. He's constantly one-upped and outsmarted by the men he's supposed to be keeping an eye on. But he looks awfully good being a bad cop, except for those moments when he parades around in god-awful pajamas. He's a helluva driver though, as the film's most famous set piece, an endlessly parodied car chase through the streets of San Francisco, makes plain.The film also stars Jacqueline Bissett as a nominal love interest, though good luck distinguishing her from the wall paper for all the film gives her to do."Bullitt" won the 1968 Oscar for film editing (see "car chase" above), and nabbed another nomination for its sound.Grade: B
JohnHowardReid What should have been – and often is – a good action thriller, is somewhat vitiated by a script that is meandering, muddled and confused. It wasn't until I read the synopsis that I found out who the Robert Vaughn character was supposed to be. And what place Jacqueline Bissett has in the film (save to introduce periodic doses of phony philosophy) is as mysterious as the opening credits. Generally speaking, the acting of all concerned is no more than competent. If anything, Steve McQueen is even more surly than usual. The movie's chief assets are William Fraker's fine color photography, some terrific action scenes, and the director's extensive use of intriguing San Francisco locations. To my surprise, the film's editor, Frank P. Keller, won an Academy Award for his work on this film. This was obviously no fluke, because Keller also received the annual award for Best Editing from his peers in the American Cinema Editors. When I get an opportunity, this is a movie I want to see again!
mspilman-81505 I will begin with the films faults number 1 Steve McQueen's performance it's not one of his best he's dull but still rather good. number 2 the plot it's too complicated. Now for the positive's number one Robert Vaughan's performance captivating. number 2 the music cool and thrilling .Number 3 peter Yates's direction tense gripping and exiting. Number 4 the action scenes heart pounding. This is a not starsky and hutch type frill fest but a gritty down to earth realistic study of police and hospital practices and procedure's which still manages to entertain and excite. A thriller that you'll thrill to. A flawed but great movie. The car chase will leave you breathless .But then so will the whole film.
natekowalskitattoo This movie had all the elements involved in any great film, although nothing quite fit properly for the entire run time. It is comparable to a head chef buying all the top ingredients to make an amazing dish, then he calls in sick and someone has to fill in for him who doesn't know how to cook and ruins everything.That is what I thought of through the last half of Bullitt. The acting is great, the cops do not show many emotions but that is fine, that is how a cop should be. The bad guys are mysterious and violent. Tthe female love interest is believable. Tthe story is moving along nicely...then the movie drags out another hour, without anything happening and then without anything resolved...it ends.You do not find out who the bad guys were, you do not know why they were after the key witness, you do not know enough about the main characters love interest or what part she plays in the movie, the Senator character is not really explained. The crime organization is not explained at all. It is perhaps the most open ended movie I have ever seen.No part of the story is resolved or even concludes, and then when the main character finally finds this important key witness character, he shoots him to death and then the credits roll. What the hell happened????