The Truth About Charlie
The Truth About Charlie
PG-13 | 25 October 2002 (USA)
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Regina meets charming Joshua while vacationing in Martinique, as she contemplates ending her whirlwind marriage to enigmatic Charlie. Upon her return to Paris, she finds that both her apartment and her bank account have been emptied, and her husband has been murdered. The more Reggie learns, the more she realizes the scope of the puzzle which she must solve to protect herself from ever-increasing danger.

AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
VividSimon Simply Perfect
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Zlatica One of the worst ways to make a cult movie is to set out to make a cult movie.
Robert J. Maxwell A remake of "Charade" which starred Cary Grant, Audrey Hepburn, and a host of reasonably well-known character actors.This isn't bad as remakes go. It substitutes drama for charm so in some ways its not quite the same story.The original had some tourist spots of Paris in the summer and made one long for a baguette to toast over his bidet. (Joke.) This one is Paris in the winter when it's cold and wet.Wahlberg does his best to appear whimsical and innocent but Thandie Newton with her crisp British diction and nicely configured configurations does a better job in the role of the puzzled center of attention.It's a rather dark movie but worth watching.
SnoopyStyle Regina Lambert (Tandie Newton) returns home to Paris to be told by the police that her new husband Charlie has been killed. She was about to divorce him anyways but discovers that Charlie is not who she thought he was. He had cleaned out everything including the furniture and the $1.8 million proceeds have disappeared. Then she runs into Lewis Bartholamew (Mark Wahlberg) again who she met on her vacation. Commandant Dominique is investigating the case.It's almost a joke to have Mark Wahlberg and Thandie Newton in the roles once played by Cary Grant and Audrey Hepburn. I like Newton but she's no Hepburn. Don't even try to justify Wahlberg for Grant. I'm not a great fan of the original but that leading duo can sell me anything. This leading duo is a poor substitute. No matter how hard director Jonathan Demme tries, I cringe every time Wahlberg shows up.
smokehill retrievers Other reviewers have explained just why this is a ghastly embarrassment, so I won't belabor the point.I would like, however, to nominate this as possibly the worst remake in history.Its only real competition, perhaps, is the little-known (thankfully) musical version of Lost Horizons.The Lost Horizons remake had the advantage, however, of being hilarious to watch if you had a few drinks and some popcorn, and needed a really good laugh.This dreadful thing, though, is just tedious and embarrassing to everyone who was roped into participating.
ccthemovieman-1 This was strange. I had no idea what this film was about as it was a free loan and I just put in the machine, not even reading the back of the box. Well, obviously it didn't take long to figure out this was a re-make of the famous 1963 film "Charade."It's not really bad on it's own but if you've watched and admired Charade a half dozen times as I have, this film isn't even close measuring up. Mark Wahlberg is no Cary Grant; Thandie Newton is no Audry Hepburn and Tim Robbins in no Walter Matthau.Why settle for second-rate after having first-rate? I mean, why even bother? It's not like you are updating some old black-and-white movie to accommodate today's crowd which won't look at B&W. The original still looks good (on the Criterion DVD).
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