R | 09 September 2005 (USA)
Keane Trailers

A mentally ill man searches New York for his missing eight year old daughter. He recreates her steps each day hoping for some clue to her disappearance, until he meets and befriend a woman with a daughter the same age. Could she help him with the missing piece of the puzzle?

Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Donald Seymour This is one of the best movies I’ve seen in a very long time. You have to go and see this on the big screen.
Taha Avalos The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Ginger Very good movie overall, highly recommended. Most of the negative reviews don't have any merit and are all pollitically based. Give this movie a chance at least, and it might give you a different perspective.
david-1281 keane has a nice atmosphere and cinematography that really keeps you on the edge of your seat. the acting of lewis is very absorbing through the constant close-ups. however, although i was very interested in what was going to happen, in the end this film disappointed me. there are so many story lines implied but none goes through till the end. the storyline happening in the film can be told in a 15 minute short max. everything besides is just a very slow paced characterization. there is no real development in the characters. and i really don't have the time to take a 50 minute intro until the first happens to take the story further. Introductions that long might work with films like BOBBY G CAN'T SWIM because after the introduction, at least a real good story develops. In this case, there is no story. Just observing a situation.if you are into film-making, watch this. It's a good example for keeping the audience interested by making them wait for something to happen (and then disappointing them by never giving anything) and has a good and absorbing cinematography. it's a superficial psychoanalysis.but if you want to see a good story, keep your hand of this. only thing good you will find is that they didn't stretch the film for longer than 90 minutes. you'll just wait for something to happen until, when the credits finally come in, you realize that you were waiting on the wrong bus stop.
Patricia Looweedjiccabumpski You could roll in a field of poison ivy and possibly have more fun than you will seeing this picture. Or you might try taking your video cam on a city stroll and pairing up with somebody who's agitated and talking to himself. This should give you a fair idea of "Keane" in a NUTshell. Damian Lewis, the star, does a creditable job portraying a churning, distracted mind; he'd be admitted to any psych ward in record time. But what I rent films for, ordinarily, is satisfaction and entertainment, so this did not serve my particular purpose. If you enjoy watching a guy rocking with what may be tardive dyskinesia and trying to drown out auditory hallucinations with loud music, this will be your cuppa. I would like to see this rather fine actor in something more appealing, as someone other than the heavy or a person of questionable mental or moral faculties.
Argemaluco I do not trust too much on movies in which some actor or actress tries to win awards interpreting a character with mental or emotional problems.In the best of the cases(like A Beautiful Mind),the result is a good performance in a mediocre movie;and,on the worst of the cases(like Radio or I Am Sam),the result is a crap which produces unintentional laughs.But Keane is an amazing film about a man with mental problems.Here,the perfect performance of the main actor is endorsed with an excellent script which does not have dramatical excesses but it shows a credible,intense and realistic vision of a victim of his own mental problems.Damian Lewis has a brilliant performance on this movie.He has a realistic performance with a lot of emotion and humanity.Abigail Breslin shows her wonderful performance in Little Miss Sunshine was not a causality.Her performance on this movie is totally great.Lodge Kerrigan also made an excellent work as a director.Keane gets enormous levels of suspense.It has scenes of a lot of tension and also,I felt nervous for the destiny of some characters because of the reactions the main character had.Keane is not a movie for everyone but there's no doubt the film is a fascinating experience with a lot of impact which stayed in my mind for a long time.A truly amazing film.
ThurstonHunger Despite the abundance of positive ratings for this film, I cannot come to endorse it. Ultimately I felt the film had a muddled message at best, which could be fine, but it seems content just to prod at the provocative and ride on the tempestuous energy of Damian Lewis. I'd say skip it unless you have the opportunity to see it with the director speaking afterwards, or perhaps in ten years as part of a Damian Lewis retrospective??Spoilers follow...So the film lurches into the madness of Keane's life...and we are seen with him questioning some transit workers about Keane buying some tickets weeks/months ago for his missing daughter. This just seemed implausible to me, already this ground would have been covered by Keane and the police and others...So right off the bat, I'm thinking that Keane is an untrustworthy guide for the story, but then he has some sort of news clipping he presses out. The film is confused, the main character moreso.His confusion however just seems to deepen, further alienating the audience from connecting with him. Thus his demons never become our own, we are shown no snapshots of him and his daughter (or estranged wife?) beforehand...his demons just serve as a barrier between us and him.And really he is all we've got in this film. So while others have praised the portrayal of madness/anguish/illness, for me it was shown as something so separate, so removed that it kept me at a distance from the film. I tend to think most mental illness, from Tourettes to schizophrenia is something that resides in us all in trace amounts, but in some unfortunate souls gets amplified out of control. Even then, there are likely good and bad days...and the illness has its phases.I guess we get a touch of that here, but really it seemed like just one eye in the hurricane...with the introduction of the doppledaughter as portrayed by the rather busy as of late, young miss Abigail Breslin. Even then, there is a strong undercurrent of tension as she is entrusted to our untrusty guide for a day and more some. You know shower scenes and movies have a bit of a charged path. ;>Anyways, I can guess that the statement here is that kids are abandoned or at risk more often than we know? But that kind of pandering to fear I find more deceptive than disturbing; but definitely guilty on both counts.The only other thing that drew me into the film was the coke-and-poke in a restroom with Tina Holmes (who added an interesting wrinkle to the death rattle of Six Feet Under). Here she is not really used for much, well by the director; her character is used a vessel to perhaps re-create Keane's lost daughter. Or is he just a sex-driven guy with no control...our insight to his malady make this a somewhat interesting scene. But it ends up being a disposable one.Well I'm thinking more about this film after the fact, than I did during. I distinctly remember wondering while Lewis was acting up a storm...and honestly for me too histrionic by half as opposed to others who've championed his work here...but I remember thinking...who was the last major red-haired actor? I wondered if they are less likely to make it big as people are hair-color prejudiced?? I did admire the risk he took, and his effort to carry the film basically on his back.Ultimately for me, this was a less than riveting film...despite its topic and talent. "The Sweet Hereafter" and "The Woodsman" are much more artful and complete films dealing with difficult cases of children in peril.4/10