K-19: The Widowmaker
K-19: The Widowmaker
PG-13 | 19 July 2002 (USA)
K-19: The Widowmaker Trailers

When Russia's first nuclear submarine malfunctions on its maiden voyage, the crew must race to save the ship and prevent a nuclear disaster.

Gutsycurene Fanciful, disturbing, and wildly original, it announces the arrival of a fresh, bold voice in American cinema.
BeSummers Funny, strange, confrontational and subversive, this is one of the most interesting experiences you'll have at the cinema this year.
Deanna There are moments in this movie where the great movie it could've been peek out... They're fleeting, here, but they're worth savoring, and they happen often enough to make it worth your while.
Janis One of the most extraordinary films you will see this year. Take that as you want.
SnoopyStyle It's 1961 at the height of the Cold War. The Soviets launches one of its first ballistic missile nuclear-powered submarine K-19 to test launch a missile from under the Arctic ice cap. Executive officer Mikhail Polenin (Liam Neeson) is concerned about the many problems with the new boat. Alexei Vostrikov (Harrison Ford) is the hard-charging new Commander. After finding the Reactor Officer drunk, Vostrikov replaces him with new graduate Vadim Radtchenko (Peter Sarsgaard). It's a series of mishaps and dangerous malfunctions that threatens the safety of the crew.With a Soviet crew, it's a little harder to find the rooting interest. I never quite get to a point where I care about the outcome. It seems Neeson's character is too whiny. The accents get a bit annoying after awhile. Nevertheless, the story is quite fascinating. It's just not completely compelling to me.
oragex This movie is dramatic, hard to watch, because what you see in the movie is what happened in realty. If you browse Wikipedia about the K-19 submarine, you notice that every detail in the movie is described in Wikipedia. It is troubling seeing the sacrifices.I am not a fan of Harrison Ford outside the Jones character, but if you look to the picture of the real Russian commander, he looks like Harrison Ford! The movie is good because it relates what happened, and it does it so well. Very good filming, acting is not the best because there are several known American actors and it's not easy to imagine them as Russian people. Moreover the main cast in their characters look like too many known American movies.What's not pleasant in this movie, it's the constant melodramatic soundtrack. Someone in Hollywood doesn't understand how art works, it doesn't need to look pitiful to have the spectators emotionally involved. On the other hand it's what made the movie popular for the masses. Would be good to have such movies with a soundtrack OFF option on a DVD edition.
venkatb83 its superb....fabtastic.. splendid..breathtaking, what else i can say.... what an film ...!!acting wise competition between Harrison ford and Liam Neeson...starting to finish breathtaking ....put you on edge of seat...go and watch it else you'll regret later....lifetime acting by both of actors and the crew.... its setting is superb.....i wanna watch it again and again again........ again....10/10 for movie.. it worth more than that...
Celine Boyer This one is worth picking up.Going to get something out of the way that for some reason people are saying: Nuclear weapons don't accidentally go off, HOWEVER, those are weaponized, not a nuclear core in the first Russian nuclear submarine that no one truly knew how to run (hence the drama). They didn't know how things would react and the project was rushed, enough said.That out of the way, this movie is slow but fast enough for you to not be bored. Camera work and acting is above normal and there is enough drama that you wont want to turn the movie off. I'm not going to go into a great deal of detail because it is a classic sub story that just so happens to be inspired by real events. Aside from that, there is nothing new, exciting, out of this world thing that has never been done before.My one major complaint, while nitpicking and not really impacting the review rating is that the cast could have spent more time practicing their accents. Neeson might as well have been American to be honest.7/10