What Lies Beneath
What Lies Beneath
PG-13 | 21 July 2000 (USA)
What Lies Beneath Trailers

When Claire Spencer starts hearing ghostly voices and seeing spooky images, she wonders if an otherworldly spirit is trying to contact her. All the while, her husband tries to reassure her by telling her it's all in her head. But as Claire investigates, she discovers that the man she loves might know more than he's letting on.

Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
Solemplex To me, this movie is perfection.
VividSimon Simply Perfect
RipDelight This is a tender, generous movie that likes its characters and presents them as real people, full of flaws and strengths.
lewishamilton-35961 Harrison Ford and Michelle Pfieffer are a couple in a beautiful house haunted by a ghost. Bob Zemeckis is a great director but this is one of his lesser efforts. There is nothing really wrong with the film except looking at the marquee names one would have expected more. It has ghosts, jump scares and spooky music- even great locations but it is better suited as a film made by a first time director not the guy who made Back to the future or Contact. Harrison Ford and Michelle Pfieffer add allure to the star cast but you can clearly see by their motions they are pondering on when the cheque will clear.
ninjaalexs A glossy tense thriller that introduces some horror elements that were popular at the time with films like The Others and The Ring. Harrison Ford puts in a decent performance and looks the part, but he isn't quite menacing enough, maybe because he's too likeable. Pfeiffer a class act as always, although I get echoes of Sharon Stone in Basic Instinct in this one. Well worth a watch.
huggibear Who would have thought or suspected the killer? Certainly not me. I'm not going to spoil it for you because this movie is definitely worth a viewing. It was spooky, but not gruesome or horrific as a horror would normally be. It was pretty low key and untypical for a horror movie. I would have classified this more like a thriller though instead of a horror. However, it does have lots of suspenseful moments, which could be their reason for classifying this in the horror genre. It's still very good, believable for sure and it has unexpected twists and turns, which caused this movie to stand out as unique. Who doesn't like something different and non-cliché' or typical? I only wish the daughter that went off to college at the beginning had come back into the picture as a means of support and some family closure. But well worth my viewing time. Kudos to all the people who made this film! Very enjoyable indeed! And pieces of this were filmed in Vermont as well, where I currently live...very cool!
Dragoneyed363 WARNING: I advise anyone who has not seen the movie yet to not read the comment.I had been overly interested in seeing What Lies Beneath for some time now. Having no idea what it was about, only that it was a Horror movie that had Michelle Pfiefer and Harrison Ford, but with the title and cast like it has and remembering it being a pretty big movie, that was enough for me to be thoroughly piqued. This movie delivers. I watched this late at night in my new apartment, all the lights out and was creeped out and spooked, which is not any easy task to accomplish with myself. What Lies Beneath is incredibly eerie and does a damn well job at making the audience uncomfortable in their seat. Like most comments say, this movie relies on shear fear and not bloody gore and cheap gimmicks. It is a masterpiece Thriller, even if the ghost story has been done to death now. That is not what is important to remember when watching WLB. The acting, the sets, the realness and utter scare value; those are what make this movie great and re-watchable.One scene in particular, when Michelle Pfiefer is in the bathtub paralyzed, about to drown, I found myself gasping for breath. It made me feel like I was drowning as well. She definitely plays a wonderful and believable role and is the star while Harrison Ford sits back and waits for his climactic moment. The doors opening and closing, faces in the mist with little to no background music to cause excellent build up. This is what makes movies scary and real. A fine tribute to slashers long before it like Halloween, WLB deserves more credit than it gets. Even if it is a ghost story, it is done just fine. The movie flows well. I never hear anyone talking about it anymore, and it is great! Don't know what more I could say about it. Give it another try if you found thyself hating it at first glance.