The Next Karate Kid
The Next Karate Kid
PG | 12 August 1994 (USA)
The Next Karate Kid Trailers

Mr. Miyagi decides to take Julie, a troubled teenager, under his wing after he learns that she blames herself for her parents' demise and struggles to adjust with her grandmother and fellow pupils.

Jeanskynebu the audience applauded
Greenes Please don't spend money on this.
Reptileenbu Did you people see the same film I saw?
Derry Herrera Not sure how, but this is easily one of the best movies all summer. Multiple levels of funny, never takes itself seriously, super colorful, and creative.
Anthony Wyatt Originally, it did not do great, but with time it has become a favorite amongst young woman, the story of julie yet not origanal to a movie buff yet inspiring to first time viewer, It has taught young girls to be strong. as to join karate. Hillary Swank Has had a long career but for her first movie it is not that bad.
leplatypus For me, this is a perfect movie: a neat story, inspired by true and strong values and told by a cool and talented cast! I have always like stories about teens / young adults seeking for themselves as I never reach the next level too: so with this kind of story, you can find direction and that's better than nothing… To get to the point, Hillary was just excellent because she seems to be born to become an actress so she is already believable when she played the teen-girl! In addition, she is fit and agile enough to do the kick and for sure she is charming and polite… To work, the team needs also a sincere mentor and Pat Morita is just perfect: always simple, straight… The zen Japanese session they took in the country may be unlikely like all the story with the always bad and grumpy Ironside but I don't care as you can find breath and wisdom. In fact, it's almost a zen movie: just a simple story with little things and that's what life is about… For sure those who seek violent bloody fight are surely disappointed but I think that the final confrontation was indeed perfectly done: it's about focus and will and not about bruises… I expect to find bad reviews about it but I don't care: in a medium filled with stupid violence, a movie like this one can't be welcomed and it's a real pity!
John Reid I wanted to watch this movie with an open mind but with so many parallels made to the first, i couldn't help but quietly laugh at this poor attempt of a new spin on the franchise, i loathe to say this but even the poor remake of karate kid (so bad) topped this.It was a joke and i felt embarrassed for everyone involved, everything as so flat even the action was bad. Can we just rewind time and pretend this movie was never made please ? This was indeed a poor assembled car that should never have made it to the factory let alone be released out to general population.1/10 - and the one is for the guts hillary swank had in order to commit to this comical farce.
Robert When the third came out, I knew they would soon run out of steam. But then I saw the fourth and changed my mind just a little. The Karate Kid 2 managed to entertain me enough without making it seem like the fourth attempt to keep milking the original.In this fourth installment, the boy has left and in place is a girl. She's a teenager and has lost her parents so her attitude and mood are affected by that. However, when the great karate master in the past three films comes to "babysit" for a while, things get tense.At first the girl is annoyed by him as she was her aunt (I believe), however after much time and a trip to see Monks, the girl soon becomes happy. Soon she gets a date to prom and then of course, things get crazy! But that's for you to find out!Anyway, I rate this 7/10.
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