The Greatest Game Ever Played
The Greatest Game Ever Played
PG | 30 September 2005 (USA)
The Greatest Game Ever Played Trailers

A biopic of 20-year-old Francis Ouimet who defeated his golfing idol and 1900 US Open Champion, Harry Vardon.

HeadlinesExotic Boring
ActuallyGlimmer The best films of this genre always show a path and provide a takeaway for being a better person.
Cristal The movie really just wants to entertain people.
Caryl It is a whirlwind of delight --- attractive actors, stunning couture, spectacular sets and outrageous parties. It's a feast for the eyes. But what really makes this dramedy work is the acting.
goldfussmikey After watching this movie a dozen times, I asked myself, "Why am I so attached to this film even though I'm not the biggest golf fan?". The answer is simply great cinema with great characters. The characters in this 1913 story carry the plot. No golf swing is the same because the audience sees it from a different character's perspective which keeps the story moving. The director, Bill Paxton, knows what he is doing with the camera, story, and characters. The editing and pacing are so good that you don't even notice it towards the end. The clothing designs and dialogue are authentic. The movie is so much more than an "inspirational sports movie", though it is inspirational. Themes of social class and family ties convey a greater significance that leads to a rewarding payoff! People often tell me that they passed on this movie because of the melodramatic title or the fact that they could not get past the half hour mark. The first act builds on the character structure for the next acts. I can assure you that if you stick with the story, you will not be disappointed!
Stephen KP Byrne This movie may be focused on golf but there's so much more to this movie than meets the eye;In this Film; there's love, loyalty, friendship, struggle, determination and it's all tied together beautifully through the beautiful game that is golf. Definitely a family movie at it's best, Well done to everyone that created this artistic masterpiece, I'm sure many will enjoy watching it.
Easygoer10 SPOILER: Overall, I liked the film, primarily on the strength of Stephen Dillane's and Shia LeBeouf's performances. Simple truths are completely ignored. For example Francis' father (Elias Koteas) is a ditch digger. I cannot think of a lower paying wage one could have. That noted, he has a nice home, raises a family of 5, go to the opera (!), etc. I found this ridiculous.Also Peter Firth's (playing a British Lord) character arc as the most antagonistic person is much too heavy handed. It goes far beyond class differences and into the realm of comedy. I won't even mention his lines; one can simply look at his clothing and makeup and find it laughable. A silly, pasted on mustache coupled with a hat 2 sizes too large are outrageous. Worst of all is the absolute angelic quality of Francis. In the real world, this young man would rebel to some degree. Th worst thing he does is tell his father "fine" after being told he will have to live elsewhere. There is no way one can have this much ability, be aware of it and (of course) have strong passion about it. It is ridiculous; especially in a 20 year old man. I find it unbelievable on many levels. And to think they write "This is a true story". It is not. In reality, he beat Vardon by several strokes and it was far back to 4th place in the 1913 US Open after 4 rounds were played.As usual, in became a "docudrama"; Bill Paxton or Disney should have written (at the beginning) BASED on a true story.
phd_travel This is a feel good triumph against the odds uplifting true story about a amateur golfer from a poor background who won the US Open golf championship in 1913. The snobbery and class barriers he had to overcome seem a little exaggerated for effect. Shia La Beouf as Francis Ouimet is endearing and his 10 year old caddy is a scene stealer. The David vs Goliath tournament is quite exciting as he takes on the British Champion Henry Vardon played sympathetically by Stephen Dillaine. It's interesting to see that Vardon himself faced class discrimination in the sport.The actor Bill Paxton is a good director. The photography is interesting with a mix of shots and visual effects to make the movie exciting even for non golf players.
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