Meet Bill
Meet Bill
R | 15 November 2007 (USA)
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A mild-mannered bank executive mentors a teenage con artist and tries to make a career change as a doughnut merchant.

Evengyny Thanks for the memories!
FirstWitch A movie that not only functions as a solid scarefest but a razor-sharp satire.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
Juana what a terribly boring film. I'm sorry but this is absolutely not deserving of best picture and will be forgotten quickly. Entertaining and engaging cinema? No. Nothing performances with flat faces and mistaking silence for subtlety.
Danny Blankenship "Meet Bill" is one of those movies you watch for a little fun and a few laughs for entertainment really nothing special. Still it's theme of struggling thru life and trying to find yourself and be happy with a different direction is something most of us can agree with. The acting and chemistry was also pretty good here having some talent with Aaron Eckhart, Jessica Alba, Tim Olyphant, and the cute Elizabeth Banks. And too this picture proves life is not always what it seems and happiness can come unexpected.Bill(Aaron Eckhart)lives a lie in his life it's all messed up true he has a good paying bank job and he's married to a sexy trophy type gal in Jess(sexy turn from Elizabeth Banks)yet underneath it all it's trouble. Jess is having an affair with a local newsman(Tim Olyphant)and working for his father in law at the bank starts to fill like he's at a dead end. Yet when Bill becomes a mentor to a teen his life starts to change, as the teen tries to introduce Bill to a hot young lady named Lucy(Jessica Alba). Along the way all learn about life, love, and friendship, it shows to Bill he must become his own man. As the film's theme is find your own path in life. Overall good comedy film that proves it's point.
Hi Hola I am very touched because this movie has a lot of messages. And Aaron Eckhart is very excellent acting in this movie. In the scene of swimming, I feel a lot of things and It comes to mind the movie titled "The Graduate(1967)". It seems like this movie. First, this and that movie are finding the real identification and the hero is wandering about his life. and the angle of the camera is really good. It seems like the same swimming scene, but it's not same in each swimming. it's very deep message to me, that the life is not showing to others, it's yours so you find your way. I feel. Yes, that's great. and I really commend this movie.
namashi_1 Bernie Goldmann & Melisa Wallick's 'Meet Bill' is a underrated classic... such great films deserve a watch for it's beauty! Even as writers, Goldmann & Wallick are in top form.'Meet Bill' is a fascinating, thrilling & wonderful journey of a complicated man, who's confused. It's a journey, that you take home. It's a journey, you learn from. 'Meet Bll' deserves all the appreciation, because it's an excellent film.Coming to the acting, Ajdectives fail to describe Aaron Eckhart as Bill. His work in exemplary! Is that enough, well if I do start, I might go on and on and on. Jessica Alba is fantastic. Elizabeth Banks looks gorgeous as freaking ever! Her performance, as expected is exceptional. Logan Lerman, the kid, stands out. Timothy Olyphant irritates. Marisa Coughlan leaves a mark.'Meet Bill' is a must watch...don't miss this one for the world! Two Thumbs Up!
DKosty123 Aaron Eckhart is Bill, a guy with some problems who is lost within a life the chose him rather than him choosing it for himself. He's tired of not doing what he wishes to do. He wants change and finally gets around to it in this film.With Jessica Alba & Elizabeth Banks, this is a pleasant film with some light hearted moments. Trouble is is never rises much above a certain level which is a middle of the road effort by the film makers. No scenes are memorable enough to really latch on to the viewer in this one.We are all left with a feel good ending where meeting Bill and seeing that he is finally headed in the direction he wants to go is OK. There is nothing in the story that makes you wish to go any more into it. At least the film is pretty short as length would not help this.This movie is OK but nothing to write home about.