Slap Her... She's French
Slap Her... She's French
| 07 February 2002 (USA)
Slap Her... She's French Trailers

Welcome to Splendona High School, Texas, where football players, cheerleaders and beauty queens rule the hallways. And Starla Grady, the most popular girl in school, is on top of it all. That is, at least until Genevieve LePlouff, a French foreign exchange student arrives and turns her life upside down.

SunnyHello Nice effects though.
Acensbart Excellent but underrated film
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Ella-May O'Brien Each character in this movie — down to the smallest one — is an individual rather than a type, prone to spontaneous changes of mood and sometimes amusing outbursts of pettiness or ill humor.
popcorninhell She Gets What She Wants, also known as "Slap Her, She's French," this little movie is about a solipsistic Texas high-school cheerleader named Starla (Jane McGregor), whose family takes in a foreign exchange student from France named Genevieve (Piper Perabo). The plot then devolves into a less subtle version of Mean Girls (2004) with the Genevieve becoming popular at school, stealing the affections of the family and taking Starla's place on the cheer- leading squad. Will young Starla be able to take her social life back or will the conniving Genevieve successfully ruin her future.This movie was released overseas mere months before the invasion of Iraq and wasn't given a TV release in the United States until 2005. By that time freedom-fries were all the rage and Franco-hatred was on the rise. The creators probably felt there was finally a market for this unfairly shelved movie. Thing is this movie is less about Americans hating on France's stance on Iraq than it is a sardonic and satiric look at American culture told from an outsider's perspective. Starla, our protagonist is so insulated to the trappings of American life that she doesn't realize there's something very off about Genevieve. The final reveal at the end of the film only reinforces that idea that our culture as a whole conditions us to be self-centered, confrontational and petty. Even if that comes at the cost of our reputation. Now, in 2015 we've stopped eating freedom-fries but there's not a chance in hell we're eating humble pie.
KevinB12 Even I think this movie is okay. This movie should be back into theatres across Canada, the United States and throughout the world because I thought that was humorous. I assure you that Piper Perabo plays a good European French girl. The way Piper Perabo decided to wreck Jane McGregor's cheer-leading squad really made me laugh. Piper Perabo makes a bogus French cassette made Jane madly insane. This is however is a good movie to watch, even this movie should re-release back into theatres across the United States and Canada for this movie to make more than ten million dollars, which is however the films budget. Why not show this movie worldwide?
Greg I don't think that this movie has aspirations to greatness, but it was enjoyable enough, and has some very good performances.Top of the list for me was Jane McGregor. She really gave her all in playing Starla who was, after all, not a particularly sympathetic character. She has a real flair for comedy - at the tender age of 19 - and is very attractive as well. I will be looking out for Jane's work in future.I also enjoyed the minor role from the little brother, not too overdone, and the mother with the ever present "iced tea".Overall, a pleasant diversion, fairly lightweight, but with some good work from the cast.
Fifilafoo This is one of the worst movies I've seen in a long while and I went to see this with friends, basically it turned us into those kids you hate in movies.The movie had no plot at all and the pointless turns which drove it about was as good as sticking a knife into a toaster whilst it's cooking. The characters were poorly acted out and very stereotypical. The scenes dragged out a lot and I really can't describe any it was that bad in taste. I'm presuming they were trying a cliché of high school angst and romance but it failed in any of those subjects.A waste unfortunately.