Return to Me
Return to Me
PG | 07 April 2000 (USA)
Return to Me Trailers

It took a lot of cajoling to get Bob, a recently widowed architect, to go on a blind date at a quirky Irish-Italian eatery. Once there, he's smitten instantly not with his date but with the sharp-witted waitress. Everything seems to be going great until an unbelievable truth is revealed, one that could easily break both of their hearts for good.

Phonearl Good start, but then it gets ruined
Claysaba Excellent, Without a doubt!!
Lollivan It's the kind of movie you'll want to see a second time with someone who hasn't seen it yet, to remember what it was like to watch it for the first time.
Siflutter It's easily one of the freshest, sharpest and most enjoyable films of this year.
bobcatukbb Movie hits it on all levels! Well produced and directed, great acting. Great story line (totally hits close to home in my life as I lost my wife of 32 years and God brought a new love into my life miraculously). Hits all the emotions, but actually very uplifting and hilarious.
2karl- Who knew when he ordered the special he get the dish of his life. David Duchonvy and Minnie Driver ignite a spark in this warm hearted winner about a widower and waitress who meet and fall in love . Featuring an incredible cast . This hilarious comedy delivers a lot a laughs , tears and smiling that make your spirits soar. It took a lots of coaxing to get bob a recently widowed architect, to go on a blind date at a quirky Irish ,Italian restaurant, once there he's smitten instantly not with his dates but with a sharp witted waitress. Grace with a little help from her match making grandmother . Bob asked her out and as their relationship goes from strength to strength an unbelievable truth is revealed one that could easy break them apart and it not the cheating kind or reveal this 1hr 50 mins of a film is quite a charm and its worth 7
zacharykieler This is a 50's-60's style romantic movie have the tissue box handy, however this is one of the most romantic movies ever made. Minnie and Davidmake a great duo and you fall in love with the characters. This will tug at your heart strings at the same time make you laugh out loud. I saw this in the theater. To this day its a movie no matter how many times you watch it you won't get sick of it.
freemanpatrick7 Family members have been trying to get me to watch this movie for a while. I was reluctant because, by the way they described it, I was sure it would be just another chick flick filled with OH COME ON! moments.I finally relented and watched it. And I was partly right. There were moments when I was screaming OH COME ON! at the screen. It was almost enough to make me quit watching it. Almost.There was no believable reason for Grace's reluctance to mail the letter. It was anonymous. It was a thank you note, written in the sincerest possible words. It is conceivable that it might have been hard to write, difficult to find the right wording. But once it was written any normal minded person would have dropped it in the mail box. Now some will argue that there were some womanly, inexplicable, incomprehensible emotions tying her up inside. And that's just my point. Chick Flick. OH COME ON!The whole business of her reluctance to tell Bob about her heart surgery made no sense to me. Again, maybe it makes some sense in some womanly manner that no man can ever comprehend. Again - chick flick. But the worst part of all was Bob running away. WAD! This was the worst part of the movie. The whole time we're lead to believe that he's Mr. Wonderful, Mr. Perfect, Mr. Knight in Shining Armor. And at the first moment of any realism he runs away with the old cliché' "I gotta go"? Give me one big f***ing break!All of that was just contrived conflict pieces, totally implausible plot devices that exist for no purpose but to increase conflict in the story and to drag out the running time. I hate those. I knew they'd be there and I was right. It doesn't matter if it's a man directing or a woman, whether the writer was male or female, it's just pure lazy film making in my opinion. I get that conflict in a story is necessary. But to create conflict purely for its own sake is like being married to someone who starts fights just because she gets bored.And I f***ing hated the way that Joe and Megan yelled at each other, yelled at the kids, cussed in front of the kids, and treated each other. There was some attempt to show that they really loved each other. But sh*t, who could handle being yelled at like that all the time. Megan is standing in the kitchen doing nothing but yells at Joe to change a diaper. He's sitting there holding the boy. But because he's drinking a beer he's made to look like a dead beat dad who never helps out around the house. That part drove me nuts.The woman who played Sofie was really bad. I mean, like community theater bad.Carroll O'Conner's Irish accent was about the worst I've ever heard.Some of the editing was iffy. The scene when Bob breaks down crying on the floor, I felt, was cut away too quickly to the scene of grace in the garden. I felt it needed just a moment longer. At times the music was perfect and at others it was distracting. The opening song was perfect and it would have been nice to close with that too. I'm sure budget constraints played some part in that.However, all in all it was great story. It did have me in tears on more than one occasion. Duchovny and Driver have unmistakable chemistry and their respective talents make you wonder why we don't see more of them. The photography was great. The chemistry between the four old guys was also great. The priest was an unnecessary addition that made no sense to me and added nothing to the story. It was never mentioned why he was no longer a priest. It was just dropped...until he pops up obnoxiously again at the end.The Don Lake character (dude with the hair transplant) was also too much. It was necessary to show what Grace is subjected to with people trying to set her up. But it went on way too long.The biggest injustice was Bonnie Hunt, who did a fine job of directing, and the film grossed more than its budget, is relegated to doing TV, like so many other women directors. If she were a man she'd be doing features. Over all, if you like romance, if you like drama, comedy and tears, and if you're OK with chick flicks, then I highly recommend this film.