Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror
Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror
R | 21 June 1998 (USA)
Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror Trailers

Six college students take a wrong turn and find themselves lost in a strangely deserted rural town... only to discover that this deceptively quiet place hides a murderous cult of children.

Cortechba Overrated
Salubfoto It's an amazing and heartbreaking story.
Allison Davies The film never slows down or bores, plunging from one harrowing sequence to the next.
Maleeha Vincent It's funny, it's tense, it features two great performances from two actors and the director expertly creates a web of odd tension where you actually don't know what is happening for the majority of the run time.
wes-connors New kid in the cornfield Adam Wylie (as Ezeekial) receives a blast of fire and becomes "Children of the Corn" leader. One year later, his gang kills an elderly couple, so the new cast can move in and start to struggle with the supernatural force. After some comic killings, the film focuses on four college students. The main star is Stacy Galina (as Allison), who has an actual connection to the "Children of the Corn" series in that her brother left home, saying he was going to join "He who walks behind the rows." Leading man is Alexis Arquette (as Greg). Convincing herein as a male character, Ms. Arquette has since changed her gender to female...The second tier is model perfect looking Greg Vaughan (as Tyrus) and his likewise attractive love interest Eva Mendes (as Kir). The two couples go to scatter the ashes of their dead friend "Kurt" near the cornfield, which first appeared in Stephen King's story. How this relates to anything is a mystery unsolved. The four become stranded in town after an automobile mishap. In small roles, David Carradine and Fred Williamson add more dollars to their acting income. This is the fifth in a series of movies loosely based on his story. Out of ideas, the story simply recycles material from unrelated horror films. The familiar ending suggests more of the same.**** Children of the Corn V: Fields of Terror (6/21/98) Ethan Wiley ~ Stacy Galina, Alexis Arquette, Greg Vaughan, Eva Mendes
movieman_kev A group of idiotic college students,on their way to a mutual friend's funeral, stop in an isolated Nebraska town where they have to contend with psychotic kids with sickles who worship a ball of fire. Having jack all to do with the previous four films (much like part 4 had jack all to do with the previous three), this strictly by-the-numbers slasher film is chock full of idiot 'teenagers' doing moronic things (IE going into cornfields alone, staying at abandoned houses, etceteras) is only notable whatsoever in somehow getting David Carradine, and Kane Hodder involved in this travesty. Also it's Eve Mendes first (but sadly wasn't her last) film role. This film isn't worth your time, well it IS a COTC film so that's a big enough tip off to leave it be, but i'm a glutton for punishment.My Grade: D-
fedor8 Dull and dull-witted entry. Nothing happens for entire stretches. The main evil kid is played by an Alfred E. Neuman look-alike contest winner, hence more suited to the role of the nerdy kid everyone picks on in school than of a menacing cult leader. Alexis Arquette is in this one, too: one of the most obvious warning signs just how bad Hollywood's degeneration through in-breeding can get. Alexis has shoulders that measure about 6 cm from one to the other, and they are downward-slumped as if wanting to escape his entire being by burying themselves in the corn-field with the rest of the cult's victims. It would be a hard answer to the question as to who is more nerdy, dumb-looking, in-bred and just plain ugly - Alexis or his even more annoying brother David Arquette. The female cast isn't any better
HumanoidOfFlesh "Children of the Corn 5:Fields of Terror" is actually better than the following entry "Children of the Corn 666".The acting is pretty good and the cameos by Fred Williamson,David Carradine and Kane Hodder are nice to see.The pacing is decent and there's a bit of gore.So if you like slasher/splatter movies give this one a look-I still think that Fritz Kiersch's "Children of the Corn" is the best of the series!My rating:6 out of 10.