Children of the Corn: Genesis
Children of the Corn: Genesis
R | 30 August 2011 (USA)
Children of the Corn: Genesis Trailers

Tim and Allie seek shelter in a remote desert compound after becoming lost and stranded. A strange Manson-like character, Preacher, reluctantly allows them inside with strict orders to be gone by morning and not wander "where you are not invited."

Pluskylang Great Film overall
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Freeman This film is so real. It treats its characters with so much care and sensitivity.
Fleur Actress is magnificent and exudes a hypnotic screen presence in this affecting drama.
hellholehorror Excellent cinematography and sound. It's hard to make the eighth (ignoring the remake) in a series original and so this just makes it weird. At least it had a big budget modern atmosphere. It looked nice and there were some tense scenes of suspense but the story was really nonsensical. It had a really weak ending and nothing going for it except good technical aspects.
Realrockerhalloween Genises was a poor attempt to explain the cause behind the cause of what made the kids go mad yet I thought the first two films handled it fine.A man returns from war to find all the adults killed and really was the best part of the feature. The rest became ridiculous when a couple end up in town at the man's house to find he has become a disciple of the corn. How or why is never explained since its usually only children.The entity now lives inside a child who's kept outside in a shed and wants to grow a super army of children to do his bidding.The idea isn't bad, but the conception was horrendous and didn't make any sense. It lacked suspense or penance with a bland caste.There were so many plot holes that it seemed the writers taped together different scripts and branded it a corn film.The movie lacked a fresh film and ended the legacy for the children of the corn series instead of breathing air into a series on life support.
jackmeat Movie review:Remember in 1984 a scary movie came out called "Children of the Corn"? Keep it that way, this movie will not remind you at all of it and you will be upset that you can not gain back the time lost after viewing this. The movie starts out with a man returning from the military to a dead family that was killed by the kids. The kid stalks him through a hallway and he plunges out a window to his death since he didn't want to shoot. Reason? No idea, they never touch upon that again, so basically for nothing. The movie is about a couple (Tim Rock & Kelen Coleman) that break down traveling in the middle of nowhere. They walk to the nearest house and stumble upon that of "Preacher" (Billy Drago) who refuses until he hears she is pregnant and allows them to use the phone. When Tim (character name, real creative) finds that they cannot get the car fixed until the next day, they decide to stay with Preacher and his nymphomaniac wife (Barbara Nedeljakova, who was in both Hostel movies for some reason). They are warned not to go outside which of course the wife doesn't listen to and she stumbles onto a child locked in a shed and also some ritualistic alter in a barn. Anyway, she heads back and they decide to leave but can't because some force won't let them. Strange things start happening keeping them from getting out such as slamming doors, flying furniture, etc. Preacher explains the evil is outside and doesn't want them to leave, they just want the unborn baby. Well, they try to get away, which doesn't work out so great, and that's the movie. Aside from one very funny line between the couple, this movie doesn't have much good going for it. One dream showing a corn field, which there is absolutely no explanation or reason for (sound familiar?), the usual demon child, whacko cult family....all clichés are present. It was filmed just fine, editing etc. but really, who cares? The movie is just bad, stay away. 2.5/10 IMDb 3.8 Two good laughs, one intentional is about all the points this gets, and maybe a car accident as well. That is about it.
Boloxxxi There has been a spate of movies of late it seems that want to take us back to the origins or beginning of a successful series. And so here is another. Before this, I only saw one in the series and I don't remember it. All I remember is that there was a bunch of grungy looking kids with no sense of humor and a corn field. Well in this movie they're still grungy-looking and trying their best to look evil.A man and woman are stranded out in the middle of nowhere because their car broke down. They see some telephone lines and reason that they could follow it to a phone. It takes them to a dusty old shack. They knock and world weary Billy Drago as the "Preacher" eventually comes to the door. At first they are refused help, and as she is storming off in anger and frustration while her boyfriend is trying his best to placate her, the woman mentions her pregnancy and the preacher --being a man of God-- takes pity and invites them in.Things are a bit strained once inside; the couple are trying to have polite conversation seated across from the Preacher but he's oddly uncommunicative. Just sits there thinking WHO KNOWS WHAT while the couple look at each other nervously, desperately trying to fill the silence. A younger woman enters at some point with an accent and we learn later that she's from the Ukraine and that it was kind of a mail-order-bride kind of situation. She takes the man to a phone in another room and charges him almost everything he had in his wallet to use it while imploring him not to tell the Preacher.After a meal where the Preacher continued his silent ways and it was time to go to their rooms the Preacher breaks his silence and tells the couple in essence to respect his privacy; that they shouldn't go wandering around beyond the outhouse in back. Thus warned, they repair to their room where they feel free to communicate the strangeness of their situation. Shortly the woman indicates that she needs to use the outhouse. At this point reader you're probably saying "Oh-oh!" Well your're right.Well she goes out and pauses in front of a dingy outhouse a moment, hesitant. Her business is pressing so she puts her reservations aside and goes in. After a nervous p!ss she exits. She hears something; a cry of some kind. She decides to play Nancy Drew and investigate. Later, she frantically reports the findings of her investigations to her boyfriend who seems a bit incompetent to me. He challenges her; wants to make sure there is no mistake. She's miffed and challenges him back. The guy relents as if the last thing he wants is for her to lose it. She sort of towers over him like Wonder Woman dressed in shorts and combat boots so I don't blame him.Things begin to happen; psychokinetic events. Possibly precipitated by Nancy Drew a.k.a Wonder Woman's investigations. The couple are in a panic and wanting answers. From the preacher they get something about an "evil seed" and that it wants the woman's baby. This movie is not particularly scary, or innovative, just so you know. Notwithstanding, it's not too bad. If it were a TV movie I'd give it a 7 or 8. A good movie if your're home in your socks and underwear, then. But as it is, I can only give it half that. Love, Boloxxxi.