Shallow Grave
Shallow Grave
R | 10 February 1995 (USA)
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When David, Juliet, and Alex are searching for a fourth roommate for their flat, they settle on the aloof Hugo. However, they soon find Hugo dead, with a large sum of cash being among his belongings. The three friends decide to keep the money, dismembering and burying Hugo's body. However, their newfound fortune begins to corrode their friendships, with each roommate resorting to manipulation tactics to scam the others out of the money.

GurlyIamBeach Instant Favorite.
MamaGravity good back-story, and good acting
Ava-Grace Willis Story: It's very simple but honestly that is fine.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Tweekums Friends Juliet, David and Alex are looking for a flatmate to share their Edinburgh home; after interviewing several people they give the room to Hugo. Soon there is no sign of him; at first they think he just left but his car is still parked outside and his room is locked from the inside. They force their way in and discover Hugo's dead body along with a suitcase full of money. It doesn't take them long to decide to keep the money and dispose of the body.Things soon start to go wrong; they draw lots to decide who should remove the body's identifying features and David loses… after this deed the shy character starts to become unhinged. In order to stop the others spending the money he hides it in the water tank in the flat's loft then sits up there guarding it. The money is not unmissed; a couple of murderous thugs are looking for it and they are using extreme methods to question anybody who might know where it is; inevitably they finally discover where Hugo was living. At this point Juliet and Alex discover just how dangerous David has become. By now each of them has determined to take the money and leave… that will be far from easy.This is a great little film populated by surprisingly unlikeable characters. From the opening scene, where the trio belittle most of those applying to become their flat mate. Some people may be but off by these characters but I found they made the film more interesting. The story is fairly simple but still gripping; it is also quite disturbing at times; especially towards the end when there are some wince inducing moments. The small cast did a fine job; Kerry Fox and Ewan McGregor impress as Juliet and Alex but it is Christopher Eccleston who really shines as David as he becomes more and more unhinged. While these three dominate the film they are ably supported by Ken Stott, as DI McCall and Keith Allen as Hugo. Overall I'd certainly recommend this but it certainly isn't for younger viewers or those who think a film should feature at least one likable main character.
bowmanblue First of all, I'll address what seems to be the primary criticism about 'Shallow Grave,' i.e. the three main characters are as shallow as the graves they dig for their victims. Even the usually charming Ewan McGregor is as nasty and spiteful as his two flatmates, played by Christopher Ecleston and Kerry Fox.So, if you're looking for a film where you can truly identify with a bunch of nice, loyal, brave heroes, then Danny Boyle's first film probably isn't for you.But, if you can put up with the deliberately dark tones of the film, you should enjoy it. The three stuck-up friends come into possession of a suitcase-load of money (courtesy of a forth flatmate - now deceased). They - naturally - think they're entitled to it and set about having a jolly good time.If the film really did contain such unlikeable characters as some people seem to hate it for, then I doubt it would ever have been considered the classic that it is. I think we tolerate these selfish individuals because we know that, once they've decided not to turn the money over to the proper authorities, then retribution is never far from their door.It's not as stylish as Trainspotting, as Hollywood as A Life Less Ordinary, as action-packed as 28 Days Later, or deep and aspiring as Slumdog Millionaire, but it is a great and raw flick from undoubtedly one of Britain's finest modern film-makers. Definitely worth a watch.
SnoopyStyle Juliet Miller (Kerry Fox), David Stephens (Christopher Eccleston), and Alex Law (Ewan McGregor) are three flatmates looking for someone to rent the fourth room. They are all sarcastic, sharp-tongued, and generally mean-spirited. They agree on the charismatic Hugo (Keith Allen) but don't know his criminal activities. When they discover his dead body, they also find a suitcase full of money.Before Danny Boyle's breakthrough movie 'Trainspotting', this is his first big screen debut. The leads are not likable. They are all unlikeable selfish untrustworthy jerks. It's dark. It has three amazing performances. And it has a great Hitchcockian style. It is sharp and brilliant. It has some funny moments especially as they skewer the roommate interviews. It builds up to great tension. It's just good dark fun.
Tony Bush Danny Boyle's directorial debut remains a satisfying, stylish and twisted little black comedy thriller. It features fledgling wannabes Kerry Fox, Christopher Eccleston and Ewan McGregor as yuppie flatmates taking in a new lodger to share the bills. It isn't long before Hugo the lodger is found dead in bed from an overdose and the three smug and selfish twenty-somethings find themselves in possession of a suitcase full of loot.Naturally, they want the money, but what to do about Hugo? Then there's the little matter of the two gangland killers who are looking for Hugo and the dough.The scene is set for a grisly and wicked ramble through the intricate highways and byways of body disposal, murder and duplicitous double-crossing.Part thriller, part jet black satire on the corrosive dysfunction characterising Thatcher's self-centred and greed-obsessed 90s babies, Boyle has a keen eye for social comment and a scalpel sharp sense of morbid humour.There is much to enjoy, notably Eccleston's mental devolution from straight-laced and OCD accountant to paranoid and murderous loft dweller, Fox's moral dissipation to ruthless femme-fatale using sexual promiscuity to get what she wants, and McGregor's persona downturn from confident, wired and irresponsible journo to nervy and fearful potential victim in line.It's great nasty fun, with pleasingly reverent nods to Hitchcock, and the payoff (if you don't know it) is a wry little cracker.A deliciously cruel gem of a movie.