Glengarry Glen Ross
Glengarry Glen Ross
R | 28 September 1992 (USA)
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When an office full of Chicago real estate salesmen is given the news that all but the top two will be fired at the end of the week, the atmosphere begins to heat up. Shelley Levene, who has a sick daughter, does everything in his power to get better leads from his boss, John Williamson, but to no avail. When his coworker Dave Moss comes up with a plan to steal the leads, things get complicated for the tough-talking salesmen.

ThiefHott Too much of everything
Afouotos Although it has its amusing moments, in eneral the plot does not convince.
Lucia Ayala It's simply great fun, a winsome film and an occasionally over-the-top luxury fantasy that never flags.
Brenda The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
zoki_19 Al Pacino,Jack Lemmon, Kevin Spacey, Ed Harris, Alec Baldwin, Alan Arkin, Jonathan Pryce, this is a doctorate in acting, both, movie and theater. Perfect characters because there was an outstanding acting. Pacino (my favorite actor) is the best, he really sinks into his character. If you can appreciate powerful acting, then this movie will blow your mind. 9/10
TonyMontana96 This film has some of the most original dialogue I have ever heard in the pre-Pulp Fiction era, and David Mamet who wrote the screenplay has ensured each actor has plenty to work with, and they do and deliver brilliant performances. Among the cast is the great Al Pacino, the very good Kevin Spacey, Ed Harris, Jack Lemmon, Alan Arkin and Alec Baldwin. The story is extremely well structured, it's rather funny at times, the pace is excellent, the characters are all different to one another, they have personality, strengths and best of all, intrigue, you have no idea what they're going to say or what they're going to do, and that is one of the greatest things your film can have, and this particular picture is one of originality, depth and excellence.Mamet's dialogue has energy as well as surprise and his screenplay is rather close to perfect. Al Pacino gives another brilliant performance, Spacey is very good, Lemmon is most impressive, Ed Harris is also really good, as well as everyone else. However Baldwin was most surprising, I have never seen him this good, usually he's just okay, but here he makes the most of his scene with a memorable passage, delivered extremely well, his mannerisms were very good, including one line where he is asked by Harris "Who are you, what's your name", his response "F**k you, that's my name, which was rather funny. The picture also has one or two rather sad moments, where you see the character's thinking about what has just happened, and you care for their character's because there intriguing, complex and most of them; very likable, also exceptional is the direction from James Foley and the look of the picture. Overall Glengarry Glen Ross has plenty of great original dialogue, superb writing, a brilliant story and absolutely outstanding performances from its talented cast.
Eric Stevenson As someone who's seen tons of movie clips and references, I had no idea that this was the movie that I kept hearing about. I remember watching the scene with Alec Baldwin before but apparently forgot what movie it came from. I was so pleasantly surprised to see it here again! I remember an Al Pacino soundboard with him saying he was Richard Roma and once again, I had no clue this was the movie where it came from. It was so cool to see these little video and audio clips I had seen and heard before come to life here! Anyway, the movie's only fault is probably how Alec Baldwin should have appeared more.I thought he was going to be the new boss in this company, but he was just there as a motivational speaker. Al Pacino of course makes this movie. I was really impressed at how they took such an adult concept and put it in a movie that was only 100 minutes long. Normally, you'd think a film that iconic with such big name actors would be long and epic. I'm not complaining at all. This movie was still great and I loved how it seemed to be really saying something about business. I'm not into real estate or big stuff like that, but I did think it's something most workers can identify with. It's worth its reputation, even if I couldn't identify it at first. ***1/2
SnoopyStyle Shelley Levene (Jack Lemmon) is a desperate salesman with a daughter in the hospital. Blake (Alec Baldwin) is brought in by Mitch and Murray to push the sales force. The highest sales number gets a Cadillac. The last one gets fired. Dave Moss (Ed Harris) is incensed and pushes George Aaronow (Alan Arkin). Manager John Williamson (Kevin Spacey) is given Glengarry leads to hold. Ricky Roma (Al Pacino) is the best closer in the office and selling James Lingk (Jonathan Pryce) in a bar.The Mamet script sings. This is like music. If it's written poorly, Baldwin's pitch would sound campy. The fact that it's so compelling proves that it is brilliant. As for the actors, one can almost smell the stink of Lemmon's desperation. Ed Harris is terrific in his bravado but also his cowering to Blake. The acting power is beyond questioning.
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