R | 10 August 2018 (USA)
BlacKkKlansman Trailers

Colorado Springs, late 1970s. Ron Stallworth, an African American police officer, and Flip Zimmerman, his Jewish colleague, run an undercover operation to infiltrate the Ku Klux Klan.

Actuakers One of my all time favorites.
Platicsco Good story, Not enough for a whole film
BelSports This is a coming of age storyline that you've seen in one form or another for decades. It takes a truly unique voice to make yet another one worth watching.
Robert Joyner The plot isn't so bad, but the pace of storytelling is too slow which makes people bored. Certain moments are so obvious and unnecessary for the main plot. I would've fast-forwarded those moments if it was an online streaming. The ending looks like implying a sequel, not sure if this movie will get one
Clifton Johnson Here's the thing: it is possible for me to say that this movie works, that this Spike Lee joint is his best in years, that it is both funny and powerful...but still think it could have been a little better. That's where I am. The movie's great as a broadly comedic satire with a political edge, and its many homages to film (from blaxploitation to D.W. Griffith) feel on point and at home here. More importantly, Lee brilliantly leverages a 1970s tale to shine a light on what's happening around us right now. So what could be better? Well, that light is REALLY bright. This is not a subtle political satire. At all. Typical Spike, basically. Also, the plot's pacing leaves something to be desired. And the characters sometimes seem a bit less than real. In fact, it is kind of funny that a movie inspired by a true story is most challenged by a lack of realism. But there you are. Still, Lee adapts this tale brilliantly. It is funny and exciting and insightful, especially as an examination of self identity. Just because it is flawed doesn't mean it isn't great.
guyadiangold This is Lee's best film to date! The first film of his I really enjoyed was "Malcolm X"! Like wine, Lee is getting better and better!About the movie, I thought is was brilliant and I thoroughly enjoyed it. Goes to show that not much has changed in amerikkka. White folks think they own the territory, think they are superior and that everyone who they racialize is inferior and should submit to them and bend to their will. Ain't gunna happen folks!
emlynnclark You watch too many movies and have act plots memorized, know every cinematography bullet they teach in college, and got an idea for how audio should be mixed? Yeah, well, this movie breaks all of that and it is such a breath of fresh air. The cinematography is dramatic, but not distracting, it's artsy without alienating the not-artsy crowd (I usually hate artsy movies), the audio mixing is level except when it it counts the most. Without spoiling, there are times a telephone rings way louder than the rest of the movie, and there's a spot where the audio becomes gradually louder and more chatoic, but you don't notice until it suddenly drops absolutely dead quiet. This movie does such an amazing job setting mood that the theater was absolutely stunned at the end. It's damn easy to follow if you're the average movie goer, but breaks a lot of conventions that'd get a sigh from a critic. I take pride in that I know how much runtime is left in a movie based on what textbook bullet point on a three or two act structure the movie is on, but because this movie didn't restrain itself to a textbook, it flows so nicely, I had no idea when the movie was gonna end, and yet I was still stunned when it did.
jackmack7 John David and Adam Driver are excellent at portraying the same Klan infiltrator as they struggle internally with personal conflicts over Black Power/Pride and being Jewish, respectively. Some funny moments, some sad moments and some or should I say plenty, hard-to-take racist dialogue reminiscent of then and NOW. Good music. Excellent movie that is worth seeing.