The Dark Horse
The Dark Horse
| 25 April 2015 (USA)
The Dark Horse Trailers

One-time Maori speed-chess champ, Genesis Potini, lives with a bi-polar disorder and must overcome prejudice and violence in the battle to save his struggling chess club, his family and ultimately, himself.

BootDigest Such a frustrating disappointment
PodBill Just what I expected
CommentsXp Best movie ever!
AshUnow This is a small, humorous movie in some ways, but it has a huge heart. What a nice experience.
barberic-695-574135 It took me a long time to find this movie. I was really excited when it arrived. It was nothing like I expected and it really disappointed me. I finished up switching it off half way through. I love chess and I loved the published story line. What I received was an ill thought out badly filmed amateur movie. It did not help that most of the dialogue was so badly recorded or spoken, not sure which, that you could not understand what was being said most of the time. If you are considering this movie, do not bother, our copy is going in the bin.
Neo James (xxxtreme_raver) I have always firmly believed that Cliff Curtis is our finest actor and it would appear that he as proved me right with his role as Genesis in this excellent, gem of a film. His portrayal of someone who suffers from bipolar disorder is so raw and real that it is hard not to connect with the character and feel for him. Cliff has delivered the performance of his career, even piling on 30 plus kilograms for the role and absolutely immersing himself in the character of Gen, that he not only dressed like him for the role but continually played chess non stop. It is a shame that this film did not get a world wide release earlier or and nominations because it should have. A remarkable film about overcoming adversity and having the strength and courage to battle on.
darangulafilm Without giving too much away, the depiction by the lead actor of a person on modecate medication with its side-effects was comprehensively the best. It confounds me that films such as this one do not get more screens in mainstream exhibition.It is an absolute should go-see piece before it ends its big-screen run. Because of its subtlety, you may miss it. - Look for the hand-tremor of the lead and a smaller hand tremor of his brother later in the story. This masterful supplementing piece of visual storytelling, sets up its own two-option arc which pays off unexpectedly without reliance on wordstuff until the arc's own resolution.
christopherRclarke Spectacular. What can I say. I saw this film yesterday and I am still emotionally changed by it. Cliff Curtis' portrayal of the main character Genesis is incredible. Every facial movement, gaze and words contain such intent and delivery that it makes you imagine or see what is going on in his mind. The opening scene is stunning directing and DOP work and creates the mood for the entire film.James Rolleston as Mana is excellent. Very powerful delivery and believable. Same can be said for Wayne Hapi who plays Mana's father Ariki. Kirk Torrance as Noble and the rest of the cast is great.I also felt a close connection to this film because I grew up in a small town in Australia with people similar to the roles portrayed in this film so I can relate.Great work, I will see again very soon and can't wait to own it when it is released.