Nicholas Nickleby
Nicholas Nickleby
PG | 27 December 2002 (USA)
Nicholas Nickleby Trailers

Nicholas Nickleby, a young boy in search of a better life, struggles to save his family and friends from the abusive exploitation of his coldheartedly grasping uncle.

BlazeLime Strong and Moving!
Dotsthavesp I wanted to but couldn't!
Memorergi good film but with many flaws
Glucedee It's hard to see any effort in the film. There's no comedy to speak of, no real drama and, worst of all.
bkoganbing Charles Dickens classic Nicholas Nickleby gets a fine remake in this 2002 version with Charles Hunnam in the title role. Definitely the prettiest Nickleby you'll find in any version. I would expect nothing less from a star in Queer As Folk. He and Anne Hathaway certainly make an attractive pair of lovers.In fact though Hunnam's very bisexual appeal gives an added dimension to this version. The relationship with young Smike played tenderly and touchingly by Jamie Bell is what drives this particular story. The best scene in the film is the death scene of the crippled and sickly Smike with Jamie Bell giving so far a career role performance.Hunnam's antagonist throughout the film is his Uncle Ralph played by Christopher Plummer. He's the rich older brother of Hunnam and Romola Garai's father who makes out like he's interested in their welfare. In fact he sends young Nicholas to a cruel school run by Jim Broadbent and his wife Juliet Stevenson. As for Garai he essentially uses her as a come on to rich and dissolute minor nobility so they'll invest with his brokerage house.After giving Broadbent a well deserved thrashing Nicholas escapes the school with the crippled and sickly Bell. There is definitely a very homoerotic tinge to their relationship in their scenes together. In his short life Bell has experienced nothing but cruelty. Basically he falls in love with the first person who has shown him kindness and the fact that Hunnam is one beautiful twink is a bonus. All their scenes are beautifully played and will move you to tears.As for the end, let's say a lot of Plummer's sins come back to haunt him in the end and the Nickleby name is no longer disgraced. This is a wonderful version of the Dickens classic with an outstanding performance by Jamie Bell.
Armand it is a pure Dickens. the spirit of novel, the details of its universe, the splendid acting - Jamie Bell is the great revelation - are pieces of a lovely sensitive film who can not only seduce but be an admirable discover. because it is a beautiful movie and its beauty is result not only for the inspiration of director and exemplary choice of cast but for the recreation, with care and precision, of a world atmosphere, the powerful images, the great performance, the Dickens spirit, together, makes the entire work more than a common adaptation. work of extraordinary actors, it is a real joy for viewer. and that is important. so, see it !
Buddy Shepherd This movie is NOT an adaptation of the book. The only things this movie have in common with the book is the title and the character names.The movie is a reinterpretation of the book. The story taken from the book put together a sentimental and trite plot that would not give a proper idea of Dickens' original story. The physical scenery does not give a true sense of Victorian England. It is beautifully done, but London at that time was incredibly dirty. Even a rich man's house was small and cramped not the sumptuous abode in the movie. It is annoying to have blond-haired actor that looks so out of place among these darker colored actors and actresses. He and family look like Scandinavian transplants instead of English natives. I do acknowledge that it is difficult to translate Dickens's work to screen because the books are so rich in characters and plots. This time creators of this movie did not make the slightest attempt to do so. They just made up their own story and created their own version of sentimental slop and sprinkled a little Dickens for flavoring. What comes out is something good to look at but tastes bland and horrible.
TheLittleSongbird Overall, this film is very good. The book is just great, and while not my favourite book by Charles Dickens it is an engrossing read with vivid characters. What stuck out for me was the film's beautiful period detail and production values. As to be expected, the cinematography is very nice, while the costumes and scenery are just gorgeous. The music is lovely too and captures every mood of every scene perfectly. The story is still engrossing, the characters are still interesting and the pace is fine. Also the direction is nicely done. The writing occasionally jars particularly with Anne Hathaway's character, but overall the film is well written particularly with Uncle Ralph and Mr Squeers. The acting on the whole is very good. Charlie Hunnam is likable enough in the lead, while both Jim Broadbent and Christopher Plummer are just marvellous and Tom Courtenay is both humorous and heart wrenching. For me, only Anne Hathaway disappointed. She is a lovely and appealing actress, but she does have some of the film's worst dialogue which she didn't quite try to give some oomph to, and I also thought she was a little too modern. In conclusion, it is a very good film. 8/10 Bethany Cox