R | 16 October 2005 (USA)
Havoc Trailers

A wealthy Los Angeles teen and her superficial friends wants to break out of suburbia and experience Southern California's "gangsta" lifestyle. But problems arise when the preppies get in over their heads and provoke the wrath of a violent Latino gang. Suddenly, their role-playing seems a little too real.

SanEat A film with more than the usual spoiler issues. Talking about it in any detail feels akin to handing you a gift-wrapped present and saying, "I hope you like it -- It's a thriller about a diabolical secret experiment."
Aubrey Hackett While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
Nayan Gough A great movie, one of the best of this year. There was a bit of confusion at one point in the plot, but nothing serious.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Eka Herlyanti If you're not ready, don't jump. And if you don't want to ruin your teen memories of Anne Hathaway as Mia Thermopolis in The Princess Diaries or Ella in Ella Enchanted, don't watch this movie. Really. It's a perfect turnaround of her acting. I can't believe she dared to take the role. It's more than Rachel Getting Married, I guess. Well, maybe there's a reason why she decided to take this role. Yeah, I get it. She wanted to explore her acting ability, which I think is good. She's quite convincing as a black people copycat. But still, do you really have to do those naked and sex scenes, my sweet Anne??? Thank God you're not the one who did the 3 some.
Ryan Redmond as a fan of Disney films,animated and live action or films along those lines,these type of films barely get a look in from me.the only reason these indie sort of films ever get a look in is because i buy all dvds/blurays of actors/actresses i like,in this case its obviously Anne Hathaway.of course this is a huge leap from playing a innocent little princess but i think this is the only reason so many people have given this a negative review.i would say if you want a bad Anne Hathaway movie then watch passengers.havoc is easily her best film to date,as good as princess diaries was,there is similar films out there and while ill always buy them all and enjoy them all its nice to see something different once in a while and this is as different as it gets.the nudity is not just added for the sake of it,instead it is a story in itself and the only downside was how it ended,its far too short for the amount of story there was to tell.every single one of the main characters had at least one or 2 more story points to finish on,it seemed like it was just getting into the film and it ended but it shows how good a film it was if the only bad side is that it leaves viewers wanting more.there easily could have been a sequel and the first time i watched this the very first thing i did was go online to see if a sequel was coming because i really wanted to know what happened to Alison and if she made friends with her friend who was raped,and the main bit missing is who was killed at the end,i don't understand the point of finishing a film with audio only so you cant see the main part of the film,the whole story led up to a gang fight and that very fight was just a blank screen and a random gun shot then credits roll.but overall its a great movie and worth watching if only to see Anne Hathaway in yet another brilliant film and up there with the high budget blockbusters
I B Havoc is a generic little film which was even screened at several film festivals. Though it didn't receive a theatrical release in America. It aims to show the differences between two classes of L.A. society, here represented by wealthy teens and latino drug dealers. In some ways this approach is mishandled and in the end the characters seem like unpleasant neurotic people. Anne Hathaway and Bijou Phillips play the two teens who think they're dissatisfied with their lives, so they adopt hip hop culture and go looking for adventure in a less secure part of the city. Predictably, they get mixed up in situations that they didn't expect. Hathaway replaced Mandy Moore for the role of Allison Lang after Moore dropped out of the project. Havoc aims to show the conflicts which exist in modern American society, but it goes into unnecessary territory. I felt there was no need for all the sex in the film. The characters also come off as rather stereotypical. Hathaway seems like the only one who was really giving a performance. To my surprise Joseph Gordon-Levitt has a part, though a minor one. The direction by Barbara Kopple is suitable but uninspired, and clearly influenced by American Beauty (1999) and Traffic (2000). In conclusion, Havoc is a passable film. There's little about it that's worth discussing, and it's not really surprising that the two things which drew attention to the picture are Hathaway's acting and her partial nude scenes.
me-ga-sa It was more like a parody than a serious movie, the acting was really bad. Everything was hardly believable. What the hell Anne Hathaway was doing in this??? She didn't fit in, it was the most inappropriate role for her. How could she even agree to this? Joseph Gordon-Levitt was the most funny one. I couldn't understand what was he doing. Mike Vogel looked stupid. Nothing seemed serious. How can so many actors play so bad in one movie? Only the latinos were seeming believable. That was just plain ridiculous. I just wish the camera boy was Aaron Ashmore, he would make a movie worth some more points. And what was that all about? Apart from the horrible acting the movie has nothing interesting in it's plot. Why did they make it at all?? I am shocked how a movie with so many famous actors can be so crappy. How did they make them all act so bad?? Seriously??