PG-13 | 25 May 2007 (USA)
Waitress Trailers

Jenna is a pregnant, unhappily married waitress in the deep south. She meets a newcomer to her town and falls into an unlikely relationship as a last attempt at happiness.

Manthast Absolutely amazing
Leoni Haney Yes, absolutely, there is fun to be had, as well as many, many things to go boom, all amid an atmospheric urban jungle.
Mehdi Hoffman There's a more than satisfactory amount of boom-boom in the movie's trim running time.
Abegail Noëlle While it is a pity that the story wasn't told with more visual finesse, this is trivial compared to our real-world problems. It takes a good movie to put that into perspective.
JohnHowardReid Yes, we have two movies of the same name released in the same year. This one is not really a comedy, although it is advertised as such and does indeed have its comic moments. It's a sad picture really, its poignancy rendered even more chillingly dramatic by the murder of writer/director/player Adrienne Shelly by an intruder in her New York office/apartment halfway through 2006. Presumably, the movie was edited without her guidelines and it simply runs too long. I'm sure that had she lived, Adrienne would have trimmed the first half of the movie which tends to be both repetitious and inconsequential and even – let's fact it! – boring! With the entrance of the new doctor, however, the last half of the movie becomes very poignant and I'm not really giving anything away by saying that it comes to a rather downbeat conclusion that is not unexpected but still rather sad. Admittedly, a New York reviewer had the opposite response – "Leaves you feeling good!" he wrote. Admittedly, performances are good all around, and as the lead character, Keri Russell is nothing short of outstanding! The superb 20th Century Fox DVD has some wonderful extras.
adi_2002 The story is simple. A waitress has an abusive husband and she get's pregnant and goes to the local doctor for consultation and she falls in love with him and between them begins a love romance.I'm truly amazed by the high rating. I don't say it's a bad movie just that is simple and nothing too fancy about it. Just the drama of an ordinary American woman and her daily routines at work and at home. Also we are not told why her husband has this vile behavior for his wife, in fact what she ever do to him that deserves this treatment? There a many movies with mystery in witch a review is hard to write because after you watched you still don't get it, even if you watch more then once but here is not the case so I still think is a too appreciate film for it's trite content. If you are bored in one afternoon and you are in the mood to watch a story life, this is a good pick, but that's all.
lasttimeisaw Director/writer/actress Adrienne's jinxed misfortune (she was killed in a burglary at home) before releasing her second film in 2006 took on a critically unanticipated hype for this indie drama-comedy, starring a haplessly chirpy Keri Russell as the waitress and pie-baker, engrossed over 19 million dollars on the domestic box-office (versus its $2,000,000 budget). I was prejudiced to expect a comedic girl-gone-independent rousing story thanks to the bright-colored poster, multi-montages of garish pies, the risible characters (Hines and Shelly, two co-worker at the pie diner). But soon it was exposed that the film takes on a rather weighty route to probe a matter-of-fact escapism of Keri's character, Jenna's birth (with a new baby on her way) and rebirth (her own life) plan, opening her own pie diner and leaving his fiendish- tempered husband. Apart from all the emotional empathy towards Adrienne, the film calls upon a solid soap-opera plot wisdom to embroider Jenna a down-to-earth plight till an energy- accumulated outburst strikes back to take reprisal for all the miseries she has and also be feasible to a blithe ending. The film certainly possesses its own appeal to a more female-inclined demography, partial because of its not-so-subtle feminism by manufacturing a loathsomely sadistic husband, an adorable but weak-willed married gynecologist as the tryst fantasy, also a wealthy but eccentric old geezer who Jenna befriends with (no spoilers alert, also to render some explicable getaway for the revitalization of her new-born life and baby). Keri Russell acts in her comfort zone and by far it is her best work to widen her realm as a leading character, it's a shame that her recent films are not so-well-received, she is in my top 10 list of BEST ACTRESS in 2007, also R.I.P. Adrienne, may you have peace in heaven!
Syl It's hard to imagine that Adrienne Shelly who wrote, directed, and co-starred as lovable Dawn Williams in the film has been gone for 5 years after a brutal murder in New York City. This film was her lasting legacy. When you watch the film, you are seeing genius at work. Granted, there are some flaws in the film but nothing could take away from what it brought. The cast stars Keri Russell as Jenna (a pie making genius) who works as a waitress at Joe's Diner in a small town. She's pregnant and in an unhappy marriage to abusive Earl. Cheryl Hines plays Becky, another waitress who has an invalid husband at home. Adrienne Shelly plays Dawn, the awkward but lovable waitress who finds love unexpectedly. Anyway, Jenna's pregnancy and her job as a waitress makes her realize a lot about herself. She has an interesting relationship with Dr. P. (played by Nathan Fillon) in the cast. It's a great small film. One of those gems that you wished there were more of. I loved seeing Andy Griffith play Joe. He's great.