The Girl in the Park
The Girl in the Park
R | 09 September 2007 (USA)
The Girl in the Park Trailers

A mother, enduringly traumatized by the disappearance of her three-year old daughter 15 years ago, has cut herself off from her ex-husband and son. However, when a troubled young woman with a checkered past enters her life, old psychic wounds painfully resurface, as does the illogical and increasingly irrational hope that the young woman may be the daughter she lost so long ago.

Perry Kate Very very predictable, including the post credit scene !!!
PodBill Just what I expected
Forumrxes Yo, there's no way for me to review this film without saying, take your *insert ethnicity + "ass" here* to see this film,like now. You have to see it in order to know what you're really messing with.
Suman Roberson It's a movie as timely as it is provocative and amazingly, for much of its running time, it is weirdly funny.
phd_travel The story is partly annoying and unsatisfying. The characters aren't really endearing and don't evoke sympathy.David Auburn has a gift for creating irritating painful scenarios and if that's the kind of drama you enjoy then this one may be perfect.Sigourney Weaver is good at acting like a damaged person. Her face really showed the pain of a person who was suffered a life changing tragedy. Kate Bosworth plays a girl of the streets well but her character was so annoying I kept feeling "kick her out". Keri Russell's as the daughter in law was even too saintly.Give this one a miss unless you want the opposite of feel good.
callanvass The Girl in the Park, was a movie that intrigued me, as I came across it in the video store. It was pretty engrossing throughout, and the sadness that Sigourney Weaver displayed through the movie, saddened me. For me a lot of times, low-budget indie drama's like this, are better than big budgeted movies, that come from Hollywood. There better produced, and made. What I liked most about Girl In The Park, was that it never kept you fully satisfied. Enough to make you hope, but just enough, to keep that lingering doubt in the back of your mind, it really left me in an uncomfortable state, when all was said and done. You will feel for all the characters, in one way or another, and will be delighted by the chemistry of Sigourneyy and Kate Boswoth, it was kooky, and cute. The opening of the movie is quite impactive. We quickly see the agony of Sigourney's face, before the camera cuts away, to go to present time, it was a well done shot. It really left me thinking after it was over, which is why I'm not spoiling as much as I usually do, it's a movie you need to watch for yourself.Performances. Sigourney Weaver gives an A worthy show here. Her performance is absolutely incredible at times. The anger she directs towards people, the vulnerability she has, and the constant fear in her eyes, absolutely astonished me. She is a broken down, aging woman, who has lost all sense of reality for the most part. It was a moving performance, that I am glad to have witnessed. Kate Bosworth is wonderful as the complexed, yet strangely likable Louise, who we can relate too. The unpredictability of her character, often frightened me, but I also felt big time for her. Alessandro Nivola is very good as Chris. He was a little cold at times, but understandably so, and gave a captivating show. Keri Russell is underused, but very solid, with what she had to do.Bottom line. The Girl in the Park, is an underrated gem of a film. It hits all the right emotional notes, and left me quite floored when all was said and done. It has it's flaws, but for the most part, this is a very good film, that I recommend highly.8/10
polin-602-511470 After the first 20 minutes, this drivel moved from boring to the territory occupied by a pneumatic drill. I'd rather visit a dentist that offers no Novocain than sit through this.The only reason to watch this through to the end is to be prepared with a pencil and paper and write down all people associated with this film and avoid further contact with their work if this is what they are dedicating their talents to. While the potential was there from the beginning to weave an interesting story, the story is bogged down with the characters. All the main characters were boring and morose. These were all supposed to be people with a tragedy in common. The real tragedy they had in common was that they all contributed to this film.It amazes me that some reviewers found in this film "Oscar" performances. Did they mean Oscar Mayer? Definitely Baloney!
Siamois While Girl in the Park is never great, it manages to be a solid drama about the loss of a young child and its effect on a mother (Sigourney Weaver).Everything here is well crafted but a little bland and formulaic. We meet tons of characters who have the seeds to provide good drama but many of them (The ex husband, the son, the romantic interest at the office, the daughter in law and her pregnancy) are left with unfinished business by the end of the movie, feeling like little more than plot points. As for Louise, for all the flashiness she offers, she brings very little to the table in the end.In the end, you will feel you have spent a nice evening. The cast does a nice job. Sigourney Weaver gives some soul to her performance and Kate Bosworth is very well cast and provides some sparks and a nice contrast to Weaver.It's a good movie, but not a great one. Some more development, some twists and turns in the second half of the movie would have considerably improved the movie. Instead, we're left with a cheap Hollywood ending, the catalyst of which is too dumb to even write down here.Worth watching as a rental if you like dramas.