PG-13 | 27 March 2008 (USA)
21 Trailers

Ben Campbell is a young, highly intelligent student at M.I.T. who strives to succeed. Wanting a scholarship to transfer to Harvard School of Medicine to become a doctor, Ben learns that he cannot afford the $300,000 tuition as he comes from a poor, working-class background. But one evening, Ben is introduced by his unorthodox math professor to a small but secretive club of five students, Jill, Choi, Kianna, and Fisher, who are being trained by Professor Rosa to count cards at blackjack.

Infamousta brilliant actors, brilliant editing
Contentar Best movie of this year hands down!
Doomtomylo a film so unique, intoxicating and bizarre that it not only demands another viewing, but is also forgivable as a satirical comedy where the jokes eventually take the back seat.
Tayloriona Although I seem to have had higher expectations than I thought, the movie is super entertaining.
Python Hyena 21 (2008): Dir: Robert Luketic / Cast: Jim Sturges, Kate Bosworth, Kevin Spacey, Laurence Fishburne, Aaron Yoo: True story starring Jim Sturges who hopes to get into Harvard Medical School. He is recruited by a professor to join other students in Blackjack. He learns the basics of counting cards, which casinos take a dislike to when they clean up during several visits to Vegas. Fine setup becomes predictable with questionable attitude towards the consequences or just merely the payoff. Directed by Robert Luketic who previously made Win a Date With Tad Hamilton and Monster-in-Law. This marks quite a departure from his usual romantic comedies but certainly he proves that he can indeed scout other genres. However, his romantic comedies seem to elevate beyond what this ambitious premise ultimately reduces to. Sturges does a fine job as someone caught up in wrong and going full throttle without care or consequence. Kate Bosworth is an object of romance thus doing little more than being Sturges's girlfriend. Kevin Spacey plays the professor in what is a limited role but not without consequence. Laurence Fishburne plays the casino head security with ties to the Spacey character. He will do the standard pursuit but not without a great payoff. Very bland and certainly not as good as it should have been but it demonstrate how such addictions can lead to a downfall. Score: 4 ½ / 10
Johan Dondokambey The story is based on a book so it does feel very much grandiose. The movie nicely introduces the basics of the subject of blackjack card counting and showing good depiction of first hand practice. Yet the movie wisely refrains from showing the details of the introduced basics so as not to encourage the practice even more. The added twists nicely start at the exact half time of the movie. Those twists and turns escalated on an accelerated rate well enough until the movie hits us with the double hidden story flow that's revealed as the surprise ending at the finale. The acting overall is decently good. Jim Sturgess portrayed the semi nerd college student with almost perfect expressions. Kevin Spacey lives up to his reputation as one of the ultimate antagonists. Kate Bosworth nicely provided the love interest angle. Aaron Yoo and Liza Lapra also adds well enough to the team setting.
Jordache Wee 21 is a drama biopic on the lives of a genius individual whose is Jeffrey Ma. Written and interviewed by Ben Mezrich. An intriguing story about "what if" but now forget the "what if" because it already happened.The film is portrayed in a more of a "what if" plot because Ben Campbell may be smart but he is reluctant to take chances if he gets caught for counting cards.The antagonist in the film – Micky Rosa is the mastermind for every winnings. He is just the planner and yet getting the biggest portion. Ben was recruited because he is impressed with Ben's mathematics and Ben eventually needed money or scholarship to complete his studies. Otherwise he will ended up nowhere.21 is almost like a teen movie retelling in heist crime using genius brains to win. Overall, there's nothing more you can expect from this film. Predictable.
Forever_friday_01 I really like this movie. Basic plot is a genius student at MIT named Ben, who has dreams of higher education that he cannot afford. He gets persuaded into joining a group of other highly intelligent students at MIT lead by a professor who has taught them to count cards in blackjack. They take trips on the weekends to Vegas where they assume fake identities and have codes and signals with each other to avoid getting busted and to ensure that they make the most money possible. Ben decides he will do it just until he has saved up enough for school. of course he doesn't stop when he should and ends up running from casino security who have found them out. Of course, before all is said and done the group ends up pitted against each other. Its a pretty solid plot that kept me entertained.
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