Even Money
Even Money
R | 13 March 2007 (USA)
Even Money Trailers

Gambling addiction bring the stories of three otherwise unconnected people together as it destroys each of their lives.

ReaderKenka Let's be realistic.
Konterr Brilliant and touching
HomeyTao For having a relatively low budget, the film's style and overall art direction are immensely impressive.
Tymon Sutton The acting is good, and the firecracker script has some excellent ideas.
bver88 THIS cast could have taken the film into a 'HIGHER realm' of movie magic than the 'Great Abraham' ever managed. BUT it never gets going... Disappointing Mark Rydell film that fails to 'take off'....KGrammar&RLiotta, terrific actors both, seem in suspended animation. Can't put my finger on the problem, but the spark is not quite there.Happy to hire this DVD based on the talent displayed on the front cover. Some good scenes especially where DDaVito is concerned.All told?This did not deliver the goods Would not recommend. This gets a "6", and feel generous with that.
Greatornot Aside from Horse Racing, this movie pretty much covered the gambling industry from A-Z. The intertwining of the characters was well done. Acting was great, especially Tim Roth who played Victor.Mr. Roth is very underrated.He has great acting range, have seen him in many different types of roles. Yes there were some clichés. Bored housewife, jealous of husbands success and fills void by gambling. Point shaving family member prodded by brother who is in deep debt to bookies, and a washed up magician living in ,lets just say sub prime conditions. Even with the clichés , this film did well to explore each character in great lengths. The movie veered a little to Film Noir with some twists , I felt were unnecessary. All in all a very watchable film that depicted the gambling situation in really Anytown,USA. It was clever that this film did not distinguish what city this took place.A thoroughly , enjoyable film with some ambiguity... By that I mean , at times , in your mind , you did not know who to rout , in certain situations, such as winning certain bets. An entertaining film, good acting ensemble, moral lessons- What else can you ask ?
Michael O'Keefe Cleverly written with a splash of suspense. Don't even forget about a dark side. People always want more than they have; more money, more time, more love...more life. A group of individual's lives are connected through an addiction to gambling. Kim Basinger is a perplexed writer that has lost almost all of her family's savings. Her husband(Ray Liotta)misses her and her daughter(Carson Brown)no longer has a college fund. Forest Whitaker needs his NBA bound nephew Nick Cannon to shave points in basketball games to win money. Danny DeVito is a washed-up magician needing money to restart a career. Jay Mohr is a volatile bookie, who is ruthless in collecting his money. Kelsey Grammar is a detective investigating the killing of two bookies. Atmosphere is moody and the pace pulsing. Also in the cast: Tim Roth, Carla Gugino and Grant Sullivan.
coralcaves I saw this at the Sunday screening during sxsw as well. Similar in style to crash but not as overproduced and much better more realistic character development. Also I think the point was to not know what city it was in...the main focus was on the characters as the last commenter said....Kelsey Grammar did such a good job he for sure will be nominated for many supporting actor awards if this film does see the light of day...in fact I would bet this movie would too....Kim Basinger was the low point in the movie to me...but that may just be because I don't like her...but the rest of the cast was amazing. Tim Roth did a fantastic job especially with the strange awkward body positions he would stand in...just made him seem so creepy...anyway...great film...if you get a chance see it..