Wild Wild West
Wild Wild West
PG-13 | 30 June 1999 (USA)
Wild Wild West Trailers

Legless Southern inventor Dr. Arliss Loveless plans to rekindle the Civil War by assassinating President U.S. Grant. Only two men can stop him: gunfighter James West and master-of-disguise and inventor Artemus Gordon. The two must team up to thwart Loveless' plans.

VeteranLight I don't have all the words right now but this film is a work of art.
Derrick Gibbons An old-fashioned movie made with new-fashioned finesse.
Marva It is an exhilarating, distressing, funny and profound film, with one of the more memorable film scores in years,
Sarita Rafferty There are moments that feel comical, some horrific, and some downright inspiring but the tonal shifts hardly matter as the end results come to a film that's perfect for this time.
kaleblatham Wild Wild West was both bad and good for different reasons
dragonluna-106-76621 I don't care what anyone says... I loved this movie. The end.
TownRootGuy I never saw the TV show so I can enjoy this just fine. If you're looking for a serious western, this flick is not for you. It has a great cast, excellent eye candy, decent FX, some action AND they don't try to disguise the humor, it's pretty much in your face but it's funny. This probably isn't a must see unless you just can't get enough of Salma, which I cannot. I can watch this every 3 - 5 years.
KissEnglishPasto ........................................................from Pasto,Colombia...Via: L.A. CA., CALI, COLOMBIA...and ORLANDO, FL When you go to see a Will Smith movie, you expect it to be entertaining and fast-paced. A movie with Kevin Kline might have your expectations leaning more in the direction of cerebral, tight-knit & solid entertainment. If Salma Hayek is in it, well ....at least you expect a flick with visual appeal ...1, 2, 3 STRIKES...Wild Wild West STRIKES OUT! TALK ABOUT DROPPING THE BALL! Will Smith, whose laid-back, street-wise- cracking veneer, usually hides a well-focused on screen intensity that is both impossible to miss or dislike...seemed to be sauntering through the film, feeling embarrassingly like a walking anachronism, considering the "Old West" backdrop! Kevin Kline, on the other hand, who usually brings a certain air of bravura to his oft-times eccentric characterizations, seemed to display a marked inability to take himself seriously when in drag, (Which, unfortunately, is during a good chunk of the film) lapsing into a pathetic sort self-parody, which, considering the script, may have been the only way he could stomach the role! Salma Hayek, for whom no one is exactly holding their breath for her to win an Oscar as Best Actress, seemed OBSESSED with getting her lines out with as little accent as possible...Despite the fact that she was clearly cast as Mexican in this film...(As opposed to her bit part in The FACULTY!) You could almost imagine "La Mejicanita" standing there, during shooting, with her Accent/Dialogue Coach, just out of camera range! Salma...concentrate MORE on your ACTING, next time, O.K.? As far as Barry Sonnenfled's Directing is concerned...well, here we could imagine him running around frantically, till the last minute, editing and re-editing, trying to decide exactly what it is he was trying to do with "WILD"....and of course, not even coming CLOSE to getting it right! The ONLY reason I rated the movie 3 Stars (as opposed to 0 Stars!) is because of the scope & the novelty of the Special Effects. The idea of seeing all those well orchestrated, and at times visually stunning effects against an Old West backdrop was the only refreshing and original element in the film ...If you are not a die-hard Special Effects buff, I can think of absolutely no reason on earth why you would find anything at all worth seeing in this pathetic excuse for a Blockbuster film! 3*STARS*....ENJOY/DISFRUTELA?????