Exit to Eden
Exit to Eden
R | 14 October 1994 (USA)
Exit to Eden Trailers

Photographer Elliot Slater has inadvertently snapped the only existing photos of elusive jewel thief Omar. When Elliot leaves for a private vacation on an S&M island, he is followed by Omar; Omar's partner, Nina; and police officers Fred and Sheila. Unaware of the number of people chasing him, Elliot enjoys his stay at the resort, and finds himself falling in love with head dominatrix Lisa.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Scanialara You won't be disappointed!
AniInterview Sorry, this movie sucks
Voxitype Good films always raise compelling questions, whether the format is fiction or documentary fact.
bellevalentine I am NOT a big fan of professional critics. I don't believe they represent the majority of the population. having read exit to Eden by Anne Rice the only way they could do the book absolute justice is to make the film and it would be X rated I only available in adult bookstores. Dana Delaney and Paul Mercurio have a chemistry akin to Richard Gere and Julia Roberts, Tom Hanks and Meg Ryan. as a plot twist instead of Elliot leaving the island mistress Lisa goes after him. the movie decide that they both just take off. I believe the important characters in the book were left out and instead dan Aykroyd and Rosie O'Donnell brought in to bring the quirky comedy to balance out the seriousness of S&M lifestyle. I actually believe this movie would he be even better without the nudity, but it is the nature of the beast to entertain with such a storyline. I strongly suggest reading the book first then you will inherently understand the comedy and the quirkiness appreciate this movie for what it is..... entertaining and funny.
Mr_PCM Irritating voiceovers, amateur acting, corny dialogue that a porn star would be embarrassed to deliver, racial stereotypes, gratuitous nudity, hazy dream-like flashbacks, a performance by Rosie O'Donnell and Dan Aykroyd with a moustache - all the ingredients for a Razzie award-winning film - and win it did! Coupled with an overly long plot that regularly goes MIA, and drags when it does show up for duty, 1994's Exit to Eden makes notable turkey Gigli seem as romantic as Brief Encounte! It's all so comically bad it feels like it should be in German - a la the old late night movies found in the higher channel numbers in the early days of satellite TV. In the right hands, or with a more daring director or provocative censor, this film set in a holiday resort run by a dominatrix could have been quite interesting, but unfortunately tiptoes around anything more controversial than an occasional tap with a hairbrush.The laughable, risible plot involves a pair of jewel thieves and a pair of cops going undercover at a BDSM resort to retrieve a film canister containing photos of a jewel robbery, while various couples visualise and act out their assorted TV-friendly fantasies. That's pretty much all that is needed.It's hard to know what aspect of the film drags it down the most, but perennially bad actress Rosie O'Donnell probably takes the...er....Oscar! Her awful dialogue delivery, grating voice-over, and even her harsh New York accent for an LA cop is grating. Meanwhile the plot is almost incidental to the film, serving seemingly only as a way to string a few soft bondage scenes and awkward interactions together, and the reason for why the cops and thieves are there is largely forgotten for large portions of the film. But the scenes aren't particularly arousing enough for the film to be much of an erotic thriller, and the story isn't even remotely gripping enough to fulfil the thriller aspect either. Meanwhile Dan Aykroyd's hammy delivery, while seemingly perfect for Ghostbusters, seems to merely add to the film's overall corniness. When the plot finally does make a return to the film, it drags the already-meandering pace of the film down to an absolute crawl, and by the time the film approaches its 'climax' (and never was a term so inaccurate on so many levels) after nearly 2 hours, a life of celibacy may suddenly have some appeal.Ask for a refund of both your time and money.Dire.
mckenzie2467-908-385498 Exit To Eden was a wonderful, fun movie to watch. Dana Delaney was a stunning, wonderfully beautiful actress to watch, capturing your heart easily in her role. She was a real sweetheart, although it may be hard to envision a career Dominatrix acting as she did. Eliot was great, everyone did a wonderful job entertaining us with A). A good story, and B). Mildly erotic entertainment. This movie was a fairly predictable cop-drama with some erotic entertainment and a love story kicked in for good measure. Remember, we are watching TV, that thing you do because you want to go away for a couple of hours and feel good. Dan Ackroyd was good (although his partner definitely got the better deal :) ) Rosie O' Donnell kept me going, 'Euuuuggghhhh' through most of the movie, although she was funny...Bottom line, if you want HOT erotica, go somewhere else. If you want mild erotica and want to have fun for a couple of hours, if you want to get away for a while, take the Exit To Eden. It's a fun trip.
Buzz (DaytonaBob) I gave it an excellent because after all I enjoyed it. The plot line at it's bases, cops look for bad guy that no one knows what he looks like in a strange place, but on the other hand, this was not your usual strange place. I think it did a safe job of showing the alternative life styles some people like or want to experiment with. Some B&D and a little S&M. Great fun.Dana alone would make the movie a ten. Her portrayal as a dom was pretty good, granted that some doms are downright vicious, she came across better and let's be honest, anyone here not want to have her in your pool?Rosie was fun, as was Dan.I am not sure they could have filmed the book as it was written. Would have had to be done by a porno house I think.Her cop persona should have been brought back. She and Dan I thought made a pretty good comedy pair.When Iman is in the red leather outfit, she looked hot. Good on ya David!I do agree the New Orleans bit could have been left out but it worked nonetheless. The island was the only real disappointment because I think they should have shot it in the Caribbean maybe at the real island where this sort of thing goes on. Would have liked to see a little more naked swimming. Heh heh heh.Overall the plot line was fun and THANK GOD it wasn't PRETTY WOMAN. That movie was tripe and paint by the numbers every step of the way. EXIT TO EDEN was fun and enjoyable. And different.But it definitely was an R rated movie.