R | 10 October 2008 (USA)
Quarantine Trailers

A television reporter and her cameraman are trapped inside a building quarantined by the CDC after the outbreak of a mysterious virus which turns humans into bloodthirsty killers.

Iseerphia All that we are seeing on the screen is happening with real people, real action sequences in the background, forcing the eye to watch as if we were there.
Teddie Blake The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Zandra The movie turns out to be a little better than the average. Starting from a romantic formula often seen in the cinema, it ends in the most predictable (and somewhat bland) way.
Gary The movie's not perfect, but it sticks the landing of its message. It was engaging - thrilling at times - and I personally thought it was a great time.
Nitzan Havoc I'm not usually a fan of Found Footage films, not since The Blair Witch Projects which was mostly good due to its introduction of this then groundbreaking sub-genre. I've only recently started trying some films of this sort due to running out of other Netflix options... That being said, I found Quarantine to be very, very good, especially as it succeeds in being scary and frightening and not just startling (there are some jump scares, but they are far from being the main fear factor). I honestly didn't expect it to be so good, so pleasant surprise there!The story is okay, nice at best. Jennifer Carpenter (you know, Dexter's sister) plays the role of a television show host preparing a piece about a night in the lives of LA's fire department. Once they follow the firemen on a seemingly routine call and enter the building - all hell breaks loose. The most impressive aspect of the film is by far the acting, as all characters succeed at being authentic and realistic. In some other similar films character behavior feels forced and deliberate, in an attempt to stir the plot at the necessary direction. Thankfully, not here.However, two things alone bothered me about Quarantine. First, at times the characters make mistakes that are too stupid to be real, like warning each other not to do something and then doing it five seconds later. I realize they are supposed to be panicked and in fear for their lives, but this (unlike most of the film) felt unauthentic and plain dumb. Second, while Carpenter's acting is right on the spot, it appears she was instructed to be overly hysteric at times. Honestly, after 10 full minutes of her screaming, crying and behaving like a child, I as a viewer wished someone would simply smack her. Again, I realize the incentive for the character's behavior, but it simply got really, really annoying and made it hard to focus on what was actually happening.All in all, I must say I was very pleasantly surprised by how much I enjoyed this film. It feels real and human, making the audience constantly afraid and uncertain while posing some interesting questions of morals and ethics. As one who isn't usually a fan of such films I can honestly say I'd recommend it to others like me, meaning those of you who do usually enjoy Found Footage should really like it.
eadon-com Rec was Blair witch set in an apartment block with zombies. The horror in Rec was down to highly skilled movie crafting. The plot, script, direction and acting were great. It was a visceral horror movie. All this movie had to do was copy that well. But it copied it badly. In Rec there were some stunning moments. This movie copied those moments, but the timing was wrong, the set-up was wrong. It was actually interesting how bad this copy was, it has given me an even higher appreciation of the original. Also the actors in this movie were generic hollywood types. All very dull. The lead actress seemed like she was trying to act scared. In fact, all the acting in this remake was unconvincing. How could they fail? They knew what to do before filming! I did quite enjoy the banter at the start, which was the only engaging part of the entire movie.
MovieJuice I was hoping for a little more out of Quarantine. The first half of the movie was a complete bore and I had to try to convince myself to keep watching in hopes that it would improve. I was glad I continued watching because it did get more intriguing. The story of the outbreak of a ravenous disease was nothing new, but being locked into an apartment building gave a new claustrophobic twist to the plot. And when all contact to the outside is cut off and the power is shut down, the chaotic pursuit of survival ensues. I won't give away any of the suspense, so check out this pretty decent horror flick for yourself. I give it 6 stars. I hope this review was helpful. -MovieJuice
benjaminpitkin This film does very well at scaring people, and if you're after a 1st person zombie-apocalypse thriller, this has it all. The acting is convincing and the effects and immersion are very compelling.On the whole however. I found the characters to be somewhat dim-witted, slow, stupid, and emotionally compromised. Of course, some early mistakes were forgivable. But the clues were more than obvious. The main characters showed no capacity to anticipate the situation. Even after multiple fatal attacks, those with weapons didn't use them when any rational person might. They made no attempts as self-isolation, and actually tried to breach external containment (when they knew full well that they'd be risking the entire population of the city).The biggest criticism I'd have to save for the main character. Who ends up just being a hyper-ventilating, and quivering emotional wreck. The performances were so overly dramatized, and irritating to watch. The whole idea that such a group of dysfunctional people could survive for so long makes this whole film unrealistic. Most people who live through survival situations don't act this way. Panic very quickly gives way to a fight or flight response. Those that opt for panic are usually the first ones to die, and those that opt to fight are usually second.There are no really strong characters to rally behind, or admire. Except perhaps for the fireman, or the man behind the camera, who we don't really get to see.