One Missed Call
One Missed Call
PG-13 | 04 January 2008 (USA)
One Missed Call Trailers

Several people start receiving voice-mails from their future selves -- messages which include the date, time, and some of the details of their deaths.

Fluentiama Perfect cast and a good story
Pacionsbo Absolutely Fantastic
Intcatinfo A Masterpiece!
Baseshment I like movies that are aware of what they are selling... without [any] greater aspirations than to make people laugh and that's it.
hongkong666 "One Missed Call" is a remake of the Japanese version from 2003, was directed by Eric Valette and stars Shannyn Sossamon in the leading role. The plot was as simple back then as it is here and now. People receive a call from their own future self to their own cell containing the last few seconds of their deaths. The only problem with this remake is, that the film makers had no idea what they were doing and in my opinion the material of original director Takashi Miike was pretty much raped and left for dead. Not only that this remake doesn't have the creepy feeling of the original "Chakushin Ari", even the characters have been "white washed". We have seen this already with the US remake of "The Ring", with the differenece that in that remake a lot of respect was shown towards the original movie "Ringu". Not so in "One Missed Call". The significant ringtone was changed to a dull and relaxed one, taking completely away that sharp and chilling aura surrounding these calls. On top director Eric Valette completely missed the point of "One Missed Call" being a franchise such as the already mentioned "The Ring" and also "The Grudge". Of all these franchises solely "The Grudge" was able to stick to the basic idea behind the Asian vengeful spirit, probably because original director Takashi Shimizu also took on the US remake. Yes, there were mostly non Asian characters in it and that was fine for the spirits in form of Kayako and Toshio kept their Japanese origin, making the 3 US remakes still relatable to the origin "Yu-On" franchise. "The Ring" already failed to do so by replacing Sadako with Samara, but at least it was a really good movie with a great atmosphere. "One Missed Call" was supposed to carry the tradition forth with Mimiko, but instead we got some random characters you don't even care about and the PG13 crime gives this remake its death blow. You loved the original especially for the extended bone breaking, limb twisting death scene in the film studio? Forget about that in this one. This here is made for children's eyes. Sure, the CGI ghost effects towards the end were somewhat charming, but it is just about as creepy as some effects presented in "The Pirates Of The Carribean" and such. The hugging scene of the mother with rotten flesh falling off her fouly body piece by piece? Not even included! The only correct similarity seems to be that in both films the little girl who later becomes the vengeful spirit died due to an Asthma attack ignored by the mother(s). But that's about it. This remake is shot nicely and also the leading actors Shannyn Sossamon and Edward Burns tried their best to carry the film, but when the film itself already lacks any form of vision and respect for its origin, it just ends up as being a pointless, soulless cash grab product with a few nice visuals. If your kids are 13 you can show this atrocity to them, but please... as soon as they are old enough, do them a favour and show them the real thing. To all the fans of the original: stay away from this one. It will only anger you and leave a very bad taste in your mouth... Or is that due to the red candy? You have been warned!
Python Hyena One Missed Call (2008): Dir: Eric Valette / Cast: Shannyn Sossamon, Edward Burns, Ray Wise, Ana Claudia Talancon, Azura Skye: Although the title can be a reference to death, perhaps it's the film's viewers that would be grateful to miss it when flipping through channels. Lame plot regards a bunch of missed cell phone calls where victims can hear their own deaths. Victims die then a small red candy rolls out of their mouths. This makes absolutely no sense but director Eric Valette goes for style while the screenwriter went for complete nonsense. Shannyn Sossamon tries hard to hold a straight faces within this nonsense of a plot. She holds her own after witnessing the deaths of a few friends. From there she attempts to solve the case thus rushes about trying to find answers. Edward Burns plays a cop who seemingly believes her because his sister was killed in a similar way. Intelligent viewers will see this character as nothing more than a potential romantic interest for Sossamon. Ray Wise, Azura Skye and Ana Claudia Talancon also appear although I sure hope they are not proud of it. The original When A Stranger Calls used the whole prank call theme to chilling extremes. It also provided strong characters and a villain that is beyond bogeyman standards. This however, is a pointless and nauseating wreck that should be stomped upon as done with cell phones in this stupid film. Score: 3 ½ / 10
Gubby-Allen Run of the mill, low brow, cheap, part horror film eg pretty dreadful.Every cliché in the book is used up here, from the absolutely ridiculous choices made by the characters, going alone into dark and empty places, not asking for help, police officers not believing them, or being sent as back up anywhere, irritating music through loud bangs for suspense and the ending leaving it open for more.It kept me watching throughout and with a decent ending could have scraped into the 'OK' category but it did not and in end was the sort of amateurish, clichéd film you have seen 100 times before.3/10
ovidnine I have not seen the original this was based off and I've heard its actually good.Do not mistake this film for good.The premise- You get a voice message from the future and that's when you die. (Yeah, you read that correctly...)So, the premise is a bit weak, but hey, maybe it'll be decently written, or acted, or directed?Not really. Stock B (or C) level horror folk populate the movie and you don't ever really grow to care about any of them. Edward Burns character doesn't really seem to have a personality either even as he gets wrapped deeper into the nonsense going on around him.The director feels the need to show a cell phone in almost every shot, as if the cellphone itself is what's terrifying. The cellphone is not, the call itself is as you're going to die whether or not you got around to listening to the voice message.The movie is pretty boring but the last 20 minute or so switch from boring to bizarre. As in "WTF is going on? This makes no sense." It starts to make sense, and then no, it doesn't make sense anymore. If you're really bored and desperate looking for a horror movie, this exists, but I can't recommend wasting any time on it.