Nothing Left to Fear
Nothing Left to Fear
R | 04 October 2013 (USA)
Nothing Left to Fear Trailers

Wendy, her husband Dan and their kids have just moved to the small town of Stull, Kansas, where Dan is the new pastor. But in this sleepy community of friendly neighbors, a horrific series of occurrences awaits them: Their teenage daughter is being tormented by grisly visions. Her younger sister has been marked for a depraved ritual. And deep within the heartland darkness, one of The Seven Gates of Hell demands the blood of the innocent to unleash the creatures of the damned.

Alicia I love this movie so much
Humaira Grant It’s not bad or unwatchable but despite the amplitude of the spectacle, the end result is underwhelming.
Matho The biggest problem with this movie is it’s a little better than you think it might be, which somehow makes it worse. As in, it takes itself a bit too seriously, which makes most of the movie feel kind of dull.
Guillelmina The film's masterful storytelling did its job. The message was clear. No need to overdo.
vmalast This movie had more holes you could drive a truck through! I'm not one to give a movie a bad review, this one was bad and not in a good way. The acting was fine but the script was horrible! Horror movies are, by nature, supposed to be far fetched, not realistic but, come on. Youngest daughter very ill but no one thinks about Dr or hospital before it's to late. Oldest daughter leaves little brother to fend for himself. Heck, there is more concern in slasher flicks. Skip this flick.
begob A new pastor and his family are welcomed by the church-goers in a remote town, but a dark secret is uncovered as one of the daughters is targeted for special attention ...Fairly interesting story that's well performed but poorly paced, and the end lacks a real punch. We're introduced to the family and the life of the town with good dialogue and performances, and the innocence of the setting is well delivered through bright cinematography. But the lack of pace becomes boring - mostly through the editing rather than poor story - and the absence of shadowy atmosphere is a mistake. The frights are delivered by ho-hum CGI common to Asian horror over the past two decades. The climax is OK, but the story fails to establish a coherent myth.The lead actress is a honey, with pretty face and a generous rack, but the director doesn't let her off the leash. A few scenes are unnecessary or overfilled with dialogue, particularly when the elder pastor delivers his speeches.The lighting is mostly bright, and with the sluggish editing, the story doesn't develop much of a sense of dread. Outstanding is the sound, with subtle music and some well judged scenes where the volume is dialled down to create a sense of alienation.Overall: frustrating mix of good and bad, with a fatal flaw in the failure to explore the origin of the horror.
FountainPen I cannot recall having seen even one decent movie featuring Anne Heche; she seems to be jinxed and to be a jinx. In this flick she mumbles and swallows her lines, slurring many words in that irritating nasal style favoured by so many very young girls today: odd because Ms Heche is not a young girl. This absurd, time-waster film starts predictably, continues predictably, ends predictably, with no compelling scenes or real character development. At least the first several minutes had some light balance, but most of the remainder was shot in almost darkness -- probably to help hide the abysmal fx and pathetic acting. What can I say on a positive note about this cinematic experience? Well, it's over and I will never see it again! ADDENDUM: "aprilcathcart1965" rates it 9/10, but this is the ONLY movie that "aprilcathcart1965" has reviewed ... a crew or cast member or friend or relative? Ridiculous !!
aliciagregg This an okay movie. Good if you need to kill a couple of hours. However, the plot line is bizarre. You are left wondering why they do the things they do. The story does not set you up with any background on the town, and why the townspeople are so weird. Also, they say this is based on events and urban legends surrounding Stull, KS. They missed the mark, and then over exaggerated it. This storyline has nothing to do with anything that has ever happened in Stull, KS. Also, Stull, KS had two strange murders years ago, and is barely a town. It is unincorporated. There is an old church and cemetery where they say satanic rituals are performed, and a few houses, and a few other buildings. Regarding the real Stull and the old church - for reasons unknown to anyone including the land owner, someone tore down the old tiny brick church a few years ago. It is a pile of rubble. However, there is still a staircase underneath the ground, that leads down to no-where. They say that is a gateway to hell and you will feel a powerful pull if you start down the stairs, and lose all track of time (like weeks). And people who have camped near the cemetery have reported seriously bizarre stuff and sounds. There is nothing like the real Stull legends in the movie.Regarding the movie, the children/young adult actors in this movie dominate the film, and if it weren't for them, it would be pretty robotic and dull. Heche was not into this movie at all, it seemed like she felt obligated to be there. Bottomline -- it's definitely more bizarre than scary, so watch it if you are bored and you have seen every other scary flick with a higher rating.