R | 10 October 2010 (USA)
Altitude Trailers

After a mysterious malfunction sends their small plane climbing out of control, a rookie pilot and her four teenage friends find themselves trapped in a deadly showdown with a supernatural force.

SincereFinest disgusting, overrated, pointless
Micransix Crappy film
Huievest Instead, you get a movie that's enjoyable enough, but leaves you feeling like it could have been much, much more.
StyleSk8r At first rather annoying in its heavy emphasis on reenactments, this movie ultimately proves fascinating, simply because the complicated, highly dramatic tale it tells still almost defies belief.
Leofwine_draca ALTITUDE is a low rent Canadian B-movie set entirely in a single location: a small plane occupied by five of the most annoying teenage characters you'll see on film. The general purpose of the plot sees their flight interrupted by increasingly bizarre events that seem to be linked to a tragedy from the past. There's a TWILIGHT ZONE feel to the story as the characters are tested to the limit by their extreme situation.Sadly none of this is believable as the film is saddled with sub-par special effects and some very poor acting. The dialogue is also pretty bad, with every single character coming across as unlikeable, so it's one of those ones where I was wishing for their death en masse. It has to be said that the reveal is also rather unbelievable, even with the explicitly Lovecraftian addition to the story which I rather enjoyed. The whole "psychic trauma" angle was taken from previous productions so there's nothing really new here, it's just a twist on an old premise.
Gabriel Teixeira A group of teenagers go on a small airplane trip; however, midflight they are caught in a strange, supernatural storm as they have to fight for their lives against both a supernatural force and the airplane malfunctions.I came by this film as a recommendation from a friend; indeed, the concept starts off nicely enough and the twists are incredibly well done, complete with a good and somewhat open ending. There is quite a good mood created throughout the film, and the setting of a small airplane is almost claustrophobic (excusing the many technical inconsistencies in regards to airplane flying). This ends up as less of a stereotypical horror and more of a twisty, reality-questioning full length 'Twilight Zone' episode.On the other hand, the film itself is a waste of its excellent concept. The script is very poor, with some of the worst pieces of dialogue I've seen; the characters are overly idiotic and stereotyped, nothing but completely unlikable, angsty and bickering teens, in truth most of the deaths end up as a 'good riddance' moment (I ca't help liking the entity for that). The acting is also very weak, though it is hard to say if the fault is of the actors or just the script; at the very least the actresses make for a refreshing sight among all that dark atmosphere.Overall, this is an excellent concept made failure by its terrible script. It is twisted and really thought-provoking at times, complete with the reality bending trope I love, yet even that couldn't excuse the abysmal horror teens that somehow wormed their place in this picture. A shame, it could have been a great film if only they employed some thought on the characters too.
GL84 While flying to a concert in a small plane, a group of friends find themselves trapped in a nightmarish scenario that slowly kills them one-by-one and try to find a way to survive before the deadly creature finishes them off.This was a pretty hard one to get a handle on as there's a large amount of flaws here. Among the biggest flaws to this one is the main premise of the film where it manages to keep showcasing some rather troubling problems here through its overall storyline. It has one long series of scenes that are basically impossible to have happen in real life, from the storm appearing out of nowhere here that's so sudden it should've been noticed immediately even with the avoidance that should've come out of it quite easily, the numerous times of them mentioning potential mechanical problems that really gets ignored and overlooked for something else to happen that really doesn't do much to quell the beyond-ridiculous stupidity that continually comes through here as there's just plain gaps in logic that comes from the senseless action the group throws out in this one. Nearly everything that occurs here makes no sense or is compounded by their flawed logic in the situation that really takes a toll on this one where it's impossible to tell the purpose behind the incidents. That's before it gets to the last ten minutes, which are so absurd it ends the film on such a sour note it's impossible to really like this one more, as these events are so troubling and stupid there's so little to like about it or the concept of what it means to the rest of the film here. The last flaw here is the big set-up in here, as initially this one started out with the utterly- annoying jerks whining and complaining about anything and everything despite the fact that these are supposed to be friends so the way they interact here makes it impossible to care for them at all, a tactic that you see in some many of these kinds of films and that merely compounds the flaws, which is a shame since there's a lot of potential for some fun to happen here. This one gets some good here in the opening stages of them inside the plane as it actually comes together somewhat here where the escalation of events and malfunctions gets pretty chilling playing out as realistically as this one does, which is about the only place that actually appears. When it gets to the repeated attacks in the cabin here as it slowly takes them out one-by-one eventually revealing the huge monstrosity following them, coupled with the situation with the ominous storm-clouds makes for some interesting things to happen. Overall, though, there's still way too many flaws against this one.Rated R: Graphic Language and Violence.
michaeldartnell i incidentally watched this movie this morning as it was the first channel that came up on my foxtel.all and all, yes it is a pretty crappy premise that is turning the twilight zone airplane story into a modern day movie for teens.I also didn't really care much for the main character as he was weird awkward character (or other characters all of which were stereotypes.) But. for some weird reason I still felt the need to watch all of this movie (possibly because I'm mowing the lawn after it)But usually if I'm not liking a movie at least a little bit i change the channel.Plus the ending had that inclusive time paradox kinda feel.Initially i was going to give this a 6, but i think a modest 5 is what this movie is worth. (i would give it 5.5 if i could)
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