R | 12 August 1983 (USA)
Cujo Trailers

A friendly St. Bernard named "Cujo" contracts rabies and conducts a reign of terror on a small American town.

Steineded How sad is this?
TrueHello Fun premise, good actors, bad writing. This film seemed to have potential at the beginning but it quickly devolves into a trite action film. Ultimately it's very boring.
Cooktopi The acting in this movie is really good.
Bluebell Alcock Ok... Let's be honest. It cannot be the best movie but is quite enjoyable. The movie has the potential to develop a great plot for future movies
kpoorjabar Best brutal film bloody love it Gary eating up best part of film
GL84 Taking her car to a local mechanic's, a woman and her son become trapped inside their car at the facility by a St. Bernard infected with rabies from a rat-bite and must find a way of controlling the dog long enough to let them get away alive while others begin looking for them.This here was really weak and barely has anything worthwhile about it. Among the many flaws here with this one is the fact that there's so little time here on the actual premise here since there's so much time taken up here on utterly useless and completely unimportant plot-points. There's basically nothing that provides any interest whatsoever here about the family nor their history here, as the lame backstory to show her adulterous ways produce zero enjoyable scenes while serving only to get the real-life husband a role in here but little more, while the convenient excuse of work troubles makes it so that there's a reason preventing his efforts to rescue them later and the fact this is so drawn-out, lifeless and not in the slightest percent interesting really makes this an utter pain to get through here. The other story lines here, from the mechanics' family leaving or the son being a whimpering coward isn't all that exciting either, and all-told they end up furthering another problem here in making the central plot-device so unsuitable to be supported in a film this long that there's the need to pad this out so excessively here that this all pushes the attack into such a late part of the film it's almost too late to care. In addition, the film is just absolutely lame about letting the dogs' condition go unnoticed simply so the whole setup can be put into motion here, as there's little about their distractions that shouldn't cause them to notice as one even makes mention of the dog and how he's been acting weird, but nothing else is done about it as they're too busy on nonsense issues that should've been dropped to deal with him instead. All of these issues here are all present namely to tell the tale that this one has such a lame un-feature worthy premise it has to submit such lame scenes here to make this long enough to be worthy of release as all of these hold this one down over it's lone, singular positive in the dog attacks. The relentlessness with which it's determined to get inside, clawing and scratching at the windows and windshield, charging at the doors and generally not letting them think about getting out by preventing the group from even opening the doors which are intense and really frightening. Still, it's only when he attacks as they're broken up by him resting off to the side that is enough to make it watchable.Rated R: Violence, Graphic Language and constant scenes of a child in danger.
Ana Silva (Anaslair) As usual, when I read a book I like watching the movie adaptation.This one goes back to 1983 and it was very scary, even without the special effects we get these days.Several things were changed from the book, also as usual. Other characters are either omitted after a point or dramatically changed. The story is much more focused on just Donna and Tad and their horrible experience.I definitely gagged quite a few times, what they did to that dog was just gross. The suspense and terror is still all there though, even without the gore. The degradation of the characters as time passes is very well achieved.The entire cast was very good but Tad and Cujo are the definite stars here. In my opinion it is a shame the ending was changed so radically but I suppose this sells better.Cujo is a movie guaranteed to give you nightmares even these days. Don't watch it at night!
classicsoncall As a Stephen King adaptation, this movie's horror doesn't rely on evil demons, wicked clowns or fairy dust - it's something that could actually happen, and that's what's so powerful about it. I recall reading the novel many years ago and the film managed to stay relatively close to the narrative as far as I can tell since it's been so long.With the backdrop of young Tad Trenton's (Danny Pintauro) fear of going to sleep at night because of the monster in his closet or under the bed, his nightmare is realized when the family car stalls out in a back-woods mechanic's repair yard, abandoned by the owner and his family for extracurricular activities of their own.What follows is a harrowing ordeal that tests the limits of one woman's (Dee Wallace) endurance to keep her young son and herself safe from annihilation. The terror doesn't let up after 'Cujo' makes his first Jaws-like appearance until Donna Trenton takes her broken bat swing in the top of the ninth with no survivors left on base. Even then, there's one final surprise left before Cujo finally goes down for the count.I'd have to say that the make-up folks working on the assortment of St. Bernard's used in the filming did a stand-out job. As the animal became more and more vicious, the caked on blood and gore turned Cujo into one hideous beast. When he rammed the Trenton's car with his head, it's a wonder he didn't knock himself out, one of the more brutal occurrences in this tale of a rabid dog on a rampage.